Against the Gods

Chapter 1830: Desperate Canglan (/////)

The situation has changed, and Cang Shitian's attitude has also changed obviously.

Previously, he was forced to bend his knees to the Demon Race in order to protect himself and prevent the Tenfang Canglan Realm from becoming the next target after the Nanming God Realm.

But now the situation has changed drastically, and he, who had been servile in the past, suddenly took the initiative...because he was in control of the Canglan Barrier.

If he opens the enchantment after the arrival of the Western God Territory, falls into the hole, and stabs the Northern Territory Demons in the back, it will be an extremely fatal blow to the Northern Territory Demons who have already fallen into death. At the same time, he will also make great contributions in this battle to annihilate the Demon Race, and it may even be enough to offset the sin of bowing to the Demon Race.

A very sensible and very simple choice... So simple that it doesn't require much thinking and weighing, so simple that even a three-year-old would not hesitate.

The moods and eyes of the sea gods and envoys in Canglan have already changed. They were all waiting for Cang Shitian's order... that inevitable, even the only order.

However, the Demon Lord was not there, and the Demon Queen, the head of the Demon Race, had no intention of guarding against him, and never imposed a compulsory control on him such as the "Brahma Soul Death-Seeking Seal" in such a dangerous situation. There was no warning in words or eyes at all.

The most outrageous thing is that they have not even forcibly seized the control of the Canglan God Realm.

This aroused Cang Shitian's considerable interest and curiosity.

After all, the Demon Queen he knew and saw was by no means such a "good person".

Chi Wuyao's eyes did not waver, and his voice was indifferent: "I heard later that after Nanming destroyed the world, you, Emperor Shitian, were the first person willing to be loyal to the devil, not only did not make any resistance, but also did not hesitate to early He took action against the Nanming Divine Emperor and accepted the vote."

"Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Ziwei are servants, so it is easier to be forgiven by others. And you, God Emperor Shitian, are so decisive and decisive that this empress is deeply interested. Therefore, this empress can be regarded as knowing a lot about you during this period of time."

"What kind of person does the queen think I am Cang Shitian?" Cang Shitian said with a smile.

"A person who doesn't want to follow the rules." Chi Yuyao gave the answer directly: "I heard that when you begged the devil to accept you as his dog, you gave the devil a wonderful reason, you said, 'This world is too It's boring'."

Cang Shitian: "..."

"It's hard for me to believe your other words. Only this reason, which looks the least like a reason, I believe it very much, and it is quite in line with your bad reputation in the God Realm all these years."

"Especially in the past month, whether you have seized the resources of Nanming, Xuanyuan, and Ziwei, hunted down the remnants of Nanming, or collected information on the Western God Territory, you have done your best, and used all your means, leaving no room for you."

"These, in the eyes of outsiders, seem to be trying to show loyalty. But in fact... you are enjoying it, because this is something you have always wanted to do, right?"

"..." Cang Shitian's eyes twitched wildly.

Dark fog obscured. He could only barely catch a faint glare in his eyes. There was a sudden chill in my heart.

The Demon Queen of the Northern Territory in front of her had met him less than ten times in total, but she seemed to have seen every corner of his soul.

Suddenly, Chi Wuyao walked past him slowly: "I've been the emperor for so many years, I'm afraid there is nothing in this world that can make you feel exciting. The torture of venting."

"So, when the Northern Territory invades the world, when darkness is in the sky, and the heavens will be overthrown,

Yours is really exciting. "

"Since you like excitement so much, why not take a big bet?"

"Am I gambling, or is the queen bet?" Cang Shitian said.

"Of course it's a gamble together." Chi Yan smiled lightly: "But I think, you have plunged into the darkness with excitement, and you, who want to witness the overturning of the heavens in your lifetime, will not really become a Emperor Yong like Xuanyuan and Ziwei, right? If so, that would be a pity."

"..." Cang Shitian didn't speak, only his eyes narrowed slightly.

Qianye Ying'er's eyes kept falling on Chi Yuyao's back: If this demon girl is an enemy... Even if she loses 3,000, she will be killed at all costs!

"By the way," Chi Yan suddenly stopped and said sideways, "Is there a way to open the barrier of the Canglan Divine Realm with only 30% of the power?"

Cang Shitian said: "Of course. Canglan's divine power is ever-changing, how can it be impossible to control even the most basic energy."

"Very good, then when I trouble Emperor Shitian to open the Canglan Barrier later, he can only release three points of his power." Chi Yan said.

"Why?" Cang Shitian frowned: "If you want to release your full strength later, it will take a long time to reopen. Facing this battle in the Western God Territory, it is like digging a grave."

"You can do as you please."

The magic sound was faint, but it was unquestionable and irresistible.

"Okay, since it's the order of the queen, you should follow it carefully." Cang Shitian didn't say any more, and raised his eyebrows to lead the order.


All the core power of the Six Kings Realm of the Western God Territory is about to overwhelm the sky. Under this terrible news, countless Canglan profound practitioners fled in panic, and countless figures and profound ark flew away like headless flies.

rumbling rumbling...

With the bursts of roars, a blue glow bloomed in the sky, and then, a huge enchantment slowly opened. Gradually enveloped the entire Canglan God Realm.

The blue light above the barrier was shimmering, and at first glance it looked like a blister that would burst with a single poke.

Time flows quickly and cannot be stopped, and an hour has passed by inadvertently.

In the Palace of Canglan King, Chi Wuyao finally turned around.

In the last two quarters of an hour, it was also the most urgent two quarters of hours, but she stayed here quietly, her eyes silently looking at the white light of the Eternal Sky Pearl, and she did not move away for a moment.

Yun Che didn't leave early, and she didn't expect such a miracle.

With his back to the Eternal Sky Pearl and his back to Yun Che, Chi Wuyao walked away slowly. With each step, the magic light in his eyes deepened a little, until it turned into a soul-eating abyss.

Yun Che, over the years, Mu Xuanyin and I have watched you grow together, taught you together, been touched by you time and time again, and witnessed your transformation, good and bad...

She is willing to give up the Snow Song Realm that has guarded her whole life for you,

I am also willing to... end the future of the Northern God Territory for you.

I just hope that you can escape this disaster, even if only you can escape.

No matter how sensible a woman is, she will be self-willed... as long as that is enough to make her self-willed.

It's just this time, I really don't have the slightest bit of confidence... Two days is too long, it would be great if you could feel all our heartfelt voices across two different worlds... Even if you just came out one day earlier all good,

Walking out of the palace, the sky of Canglan Realm was already dark.

All the gods have already gathered here, no one has left, no one is absent.

However, such a terrifying lineup did not bring any power vortex. There was only suffocating silence and silence in the air.

The gazes of the profound practitioners of the Northern Territory all turned to Chi Yuyao. And Canglan Xuanzhe's gaze was on Cang Shitian.

"Let's go."

These two simple words opened a huge curtain that shook the endless star field.

"Go!" Yan Tianxiao waved his arm lightly, and there was no excitement or tragicness in his voice, only plain.

When they came to the west of the Canglan God's Domain, facing the vast west, there was no longer any fear on their faces... They had taken the initiative to put half of their bodies into the Yellow Springs.

There is no fear in death, and the only thing left is the will to fight to the last drop of blood.

Without making them wait too long, a very abnormal space vibration suddenly came from the west... One moment was still in the sky, and the next moment, a floating city that covered the sky and the sun appeared in front of them.

boom! ! ! ! !

Qiankun Longcheng slammed into the Canglan Barrier fiercely.

The blue enchantment vibrated violently, and the Canglan land outside the Canglan God Territory was instantly overturned for thousands of miles, and flying stones filled the sky.

If it hadn't been for the profound practitioners of Canglan who had already been dispersed, how many lives would have been lost in this collision.

After the impact, the huge floating city stopped above the barrier. In the countless heartbeats that were several times more intense, one after another terrifying breath drove the figure, passed through the Canglan Barrier, and overwhelmed the entire Canglan God Realm.

In the God Realm, the God Lord is the pinnacle of existence. When you become a god, you can proudly despise everything under the king realm, you can be the king in the upper star realm, and you can easily decide the fate of a middle star realm.

Countless profound practitioners, even if they are dreaming, dare not expect the realm of the Lord of God. Even in his entire life, he has no luck to meet a real god.

And... the most powerful Western God Territory, what is the concept of the gathering of all the gods of the six king realms?

That is a kind of terrifying spiritual pressure that ordinary people can never imagine.

As strong as the Ten Directions Canglan Realm, they all seemed to be unable to withstand this spiritual pressure and trembled faintly.

"God Emperor, in the end..." A Sea God said in a low voice.

"Shut up." Cang Shitian let out a low growl, and when he raised his eyes, the struggle that had been going on just now suddenly disappeared, and a fiery madness like a volcano erupted suddenly in his pupils.


What a terrifying coercion, it would crush a person's soul.

What a heavy despair... The destruction of the Canglan Realm, the death of all those who resist, is the only end that can be seen!

And if this can all be reversed, it can all be won...

How crazy... how crazy people are willing to gamble with death!

His eyes were trembling, his scalp was numb, and his whole body was trembling with fear and excitement... He had to make a crazy choice that was different from everyone else.

But just making this choice made him excited to the point of climax.

This is a life worth living, and this is the choice a god emperor should have... No, it's enjoyment!

On the floating island, Long Bai's figure stepped out slowly, and a pair of dragon eyes stared down.

Of the sixteen emperors of the God Realm, there is only one emperor!

The emperor is in Canglan, and the sky is mighty. Under that pair of dragon eyes that squat down in the sky, all the spirits of heaven and earth have turned into ants.


【It's the fight that I'm not good at again... I'm going to die o(╥﹏╥)o]

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