Choose one of four.

Murong Qiao's gaze swept across the curtain in front of him one by one, first heading towards the area in front left.

She stretched out her hand, touched the soft curtain, and slowly opened it.

Black and white broke into the field of vision, forming the keys in a regular arrangement, and the light that leaked from the curtain hit the black triangle, revealing its face.

It is an extremely gorgeous and beautiful piano, which is quietly placed in it, waiting for the arrival of the owner.

Murong Qiao opened her eyes slightly, and looked at the beautiful thing in front of her in surprise. Everything she saw was perfect and brand new.

"I didn't expect the first one to be my gift." Murong Chuan's gentle voice sounded from behind her.

Murong Chuan walked up to his sister and opened the curtain wide open, revealing the whole picture of the piano inside.

"I heard from the teacher that you play the piano very well." He said lightly.

He heard that his sister had performed the piano at the school party before, so he asked someone and carefully selected a piano as this birthday present.

Murong Qiao walked up to the piano, pressed a key tentatively, and heard a clear and pleasant sound overflowing her fingertips, which made her smile.

Murong Qiao lowered his voice subconsciously, "Thank you third brother, I like this gift very much."

She didn't expect that she would be noticed by the third brother just after playing that one time.

Such delicate thoughts made Murong Qiao feel slightly astringent, but he felt happy.

"Okay, let's unwrap a present." Murong Chuan patted her on the shoulder.

Although I really want my sister to play a song for me right now, other gifts are still waiting for me.

Murong Qiao nodded and walked to the next area.

This time, she recognized whose gift it was at a glance.

The seemingly sophisticated and simple-designed instrument is quietly placed there, with an external electronic screen full of technology and a matching platform, which seems to be used for physical examination, and it is worth a lot of money just by looking at it.

"Second brother?" she asked tentatively.

With such a gift, Murong Qiao felt that besides Murong Zheng, there should be no other person to give it to him.

Murong Zheng raised his eyes, "It's pretty smart."

"It's for the physical examination, so you don't have to trouble me when you get sick." He snorted lightly.

Murong Zheng's eyesight is high, and what he sees is naturally not ordinary.

It can only be bought by spending a lot of money, and this is only available to some people with status. It can detect most diseases in the human body and record the data of daily body changes. It can be said to be almost omnipotent.

Murong Qiao bent his eyes and smiled, "I will definitely take good care of my body."

Now what Murong Zheng said could be instantly translated in Murong Qiao's mind, and she habitually listened to her second brother's stinging tone.

"Happy birthday." Fortunately, Murong Zheng's blessing was still sincere.

His voice was less cold and more warm.

There are also two presents.

Murong Qiao stood in the middle of the two areas, adhering to the principle of men left and women right, looking at the right first.


The moment the curtain was lifted, the existence under the soft light made Murong Qiao unable to move away after just one glance.

The clothes embellished with roses were neatly and uniformly arranged in two rows, and presented in front of Murong Qiao.

Long skirt dresses, women's suits, even everyday tops, trousers and sweaters, almost all aspects of a person's dress form are considered.

Whether it is gorgeous or casual, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very good-looking.

"Rose Maiden series." Yanxiu said.

These clothes were designed by him, and he also found inspiration from Murong Qiao and Rose.

As early as that time, Yanxiu made up his mind to give this series to his sister.

He walked in slowly, his gaze flicked over every piece of clothing he had designed, and then he turned and stood there looking at Murong Qiao with a bright smile on his face.

Yanxiu said in a clear voice, "It's only designed for you, the only set."

He looked at Murong Qiao intently, and his words were resounding.

Murong Qiao looked at the fourth brother whom he had the least contact with, his eyes were slightly red, and his heart was full of emotion.

"Fourth brother..." she yelled.

Murong Qiao didn't know what to say.

This is almost every girl's dream wardrobe, and Yanxiu made this dream come true for her.

The last gift was from Murong Chen.

In the huge covered space, it was empty, with only one table.

Murong Qiao approached without knowing why, and saw a few thin sheets of paper placed on the table, with her name at the end.

"Yacht...ownership?" She caught a few words.

Murong Qiao looked at these pieces of paper blankly, and Murong Chen also walked to her side at this moment.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Compared with others, I only gave you a yacht, I'm afraid you might think it's a bit vulgar."

"I just hope that you can also relax, go around and have fun, and don't keep yourself bored." Murong Chen sighed softly.

Since my sister went to school and started a company, she has been busy around.

Murong Chen just felt distressed, he didn't want Murong Qiao to be so busy when he was still having fun, after much deliberation, he decided to give him a yacht, and also wanted Murong Qiao to breathe more.

Murong Qiao's eyes were slightly red, and she sniffed, feeling that she was about to cry.

"No." She shook her head.

Murong Qiao raised his head, his red eyes looked like a cute rabbit. "As long as it is given to me by my brother, I like it very much."

It's too late for her to be touched by these thoughts, so how could she dislike them?

"That's good." Murong Chen was also happy.

Murong Qiao only felt that every gift was very precious, and every thought contained in it was worthy of his careful treatment.


She looked around, and there was a hint of doubt in the originally moved expression.

It seems that there is still one gift missing?

Xian Yu, who was stared at by Murong Qiao, couldn't help but smile, "I just found out, idiot Qiao Qiao."

Five people have four gifts, and the missing one is Xian Yu.

"Don't call me stupid." Murong Qiao retorted softly.

She looked at Xian Yu with curiosity in her eyes.

Xian Yu pretended to be mysterious, "My gift is not here."

After he finished speaking, he took Murong Qiao's hand and suddenly walked towards the crowd.

The passing guests made way for the two of them, and Murong Qiao saw the stage revealed from the other corner behind the crowd.

Then, before she could react, Xian Yu jumped handsomely, stood on the stage and carefully took the microphone off the stand and held it in his hand.

"Today, to wish my sister a happy birthday, I wrote a song for her alone."

The young man on the stage had a hearty and bright smile, like a sun shining brightly, shining warmly on everyone.

Following Xian Yu's voice, the accompaniment gradually sounded, light and gentle, with a lingering tune reaching Murong Qiao's ears.

"I will always guard you..."

The lights of the banquet then dimmed, and Xian Yu's presence on the stage gradually increased, and the soft to warm-colored spotlight hit him, coating his whole body with a layer of golden light.

Murong Qiao was standing in the audience, the closest to Xian Yu, listening to this song exclusively for her.

The melodious, bright, and blessed happy birthday song was also included, and the tune was changed by Xian Yu to make it so beautiful that she couldn't help but hum along.

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