"Why do we have to compensate them? If we don't pay them, they won't leave, so just let them stay."

“I don’t believe they are really bandits and they really dare to rob!”

 Except for the money obtained by Yang's father from reselling grain, all the other money of the Yang family was placed with Yang's mother.

 She still has some savings.

 But Mother Yang is unwilling to take it out.

What is the difference between taking her money and taking her life?

 “If you don’t take it, I will never take it.” Mother Yang’s attitude was very firm.

Yang Zhiwen's face suddenly sank.

"Do you think that if they don't leave and keep struggling with them, they will leave and we will have any good results?" Yang Zhiwen's tone was serious.

His fingertips pressed his brow. Originally, he didn't want to tell everything directly, but now, seeing his mother still looking aloof, as if everything was the same as others, he was upset and annoyed, and felt ridiculous.

“Mom, until now, can’t you recognize the reality?”

“Do you know what will happen if they continue like this?”

“At that time, they may come to my factory to cause trouble, and my job may not be saved.” It took a lot of effort and money to get his job.

Yang Zhiwen attaches great importance to this job in a food factory.

 In the past, Yang Zhiwen's confidence came from his father and his job.

Now that something happened to his father, everyone may be dead. From now on, the family will depend on him.

 So his job is very important!

 He will never allow any mistakes in his work.

Yang Zhiwen originally wanted not to say these things for the time being, but now, he has to say them. He must make his mother realize the reality.

After hearing this, Mother Yang was stunned.

 For a moment, it was as if the entire soul of a person had been drained out.

 It took her a long time to react.

“Zhiwen, you were just joking with your mother, right? How could your father be shot?”

“You are joking, right? Your father will come back, right…”

Mother Yang's voice suddenly became sharp, mixed with uneasiness and panic.

Mother Yang, who has been dependent on Yang Yuxiang for decades, cannot imagine what her life will be like in the future.

Thinking of this possibility, Yang’s mother seemed to have lost her faith in an instant, and the rest of her life instantly became gloomy.

  She also suddenly became frightened.

 She who could be aggressive before was now full of uneasiness and fear.

 “Do you think I’m kidding?”

“The crime my father committed was too great. It was embezzlement of collective property, and it lasted for so many years.”

“Zhiwen, can’t you even save your father?”

“I’m just a small worker, what can I do?”

 “Mom, accept your fate and see the reality clearly.”

"If dad is gone, who will you rely on? My idiot brother?"

 “No, the only one you can rely on is me.”

“But if my job is gone, then it’s useless for you to rely on me.”

“So, take out the money, compensate them, and let this matter pass as soon as possible, otherwise if it continues, my job will be ruined by them.”

“Mom, work is an iron rice bowl. Only with work can we have a future.”

"Think carefully. If you don't want to take out the money, and if my job is ruined, then I won't care about you anymore."

Yang Zhiwen's words made Yang's mother panic instantly.

  I don’t even care to be immersed in the sadness and shock of my wife not coming back.

 Mother of Yang is a traditional woman.

 In her concept, her husband is heaven.     And now, the husband may be gone.

The one who relies on is the son.

 The eldest son is a fool, so naturally he cannot be relied on. The only one who can be relied on is the younger son Yang Zhiwen.

 She has always been one who has no idea.

 Although money is important to her, her younger son’s words also make sense.

 The younger son’s job must be kept.

 “I know, I’m going to take it out now.”

“Then, how much will it cost?”

Yang Zhiwen replied impatiently, "Of course, take them all out and let me see if they are enough."

 “Oh, oh.” Mother Yang wiped some tears with her hands and responded solemnly.

 Subsequently, Yang Zhiwen negotiated with those people, and in the end every household lost money to some extent that year.

These compensations have almost wiped out all Yang’s mother’s savings over the years.

As for those who were resold by Father Yang, they were also found out and handed over when they were arrested.

"All the savings at home are gone..." Mother Yang sat down in a daze, as if her entire body had been emptied out.

Wei Rou watched all this quietly, with a hidden glint in her eyes as she lowered her head.

 Do you think this is the end?

 Next, it’s up to you to keep it.

I will make you lose everything you own and value.

 Who should be next?

Wei Rou's eyes slowly fell on a door that was locked from the outside.

The person behind that door is Yang Zhigang.

Since Yang Yuxiang's accident, Yang's mother and others were worried about Yang's father's affairs and could not control Yang Zhigang at all. They were also afraid that he would run around, so they locked him in the room and only served three meals a day. in the room.

  Although he is a fool and everything seems to have nothing to do with him, Wei Rou will not forget how that person treated her that night.

How was the child in her belly forced to conceive?

 Speaking of which, that person is the father of the child in her belly.

However, she, Wei Rou, would not admit it.

 Wei Rou doesn't have much feelings for the child in her belly, but she will keep him and raise him well.

 As long as he is around, she can stay in the Yang family upright, and the Yang family will only belong to her from now on.


 A few days later, what Yang Zhiwen was worried about happened.

 A report letter was anonymously sent to the food factory where he worked, telling all about Yang Yuxiang. At this time, Yang Yuxiang’s sentence was also handed down, death penalty!

Yang Yuxiang is hateful, but as his son, can Yang Zhiwen be innocent?

 This matter spread throughout the food factory, and everyone raised questions about Yang Zhiwen.

This incident also caused quite a stir.

At this time, someone else reported that Yang Zhiwen had secretly taken food from the food factory home.

 Actually, this is not a rare thing in food factories.

 As long as it’s not too extreme, everyone will turn a blind eye.

 But now, everyone dislikes Yang Zhiwen, so a small matter can turn into a major matter that convicts him.

So, that day, Yang Zhiwen was called to the office by the factory director, who fired him on the grounds that he had violated the collective interests of the food factory.

“Director Zhang, how can you fire me for this matter?”

“I admit that I have done this before, but it is not just me, others have also done it.”

“Director, please forgive me this time. I promise you won’t do it again in the future.”

"Factory Director, I can't lose this job. Please see that I've worked hard for the factory all these years without any credit, so don't fire me."

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