Normally students have to live on campus, unless it is a special application.

She transferred here last semester, and the dormitory arrangement was full, and the house was close to the school, so no dormitory was arranged for her.

It’s just that a bad incident happened during the summer vacation last semester. The school was criticized by notifications. Now it has changed the principal. The new principal strictly requires student safety and requires every student to live on campus.

Although it is not mandatory for students to stay in school every day during the day, the list must be checked every night when checking for bedtime. They must be in school. This is for the safety of students.

It doesn’t matter for students who have been living on campus. Qiao Jin sees that the rules for living on campus are Monday to Friday, and there is no class on weekends and he can choose to go home. He is not so resistant to living on campus.

I just have to live with someone else after all.

After Qiao Fei knew that Qiao Jin was going to live on campus, he was still a little bit reluctant, so he took the initiative to call the teacher and asked if he could not apply to live on campus. However, Qiao Jin had no special circumstances and no other reasons. The above completely disagrees.

Yanhui school is no better than other places. Powerful parents are everywhere, and the board of directors has no small power.

The more powerful students in the family don't get special. After Qiao Jin knew the result, he didn't care.

Just live on campus.

The school’s accommodation conditions are good and she has been allocated a dormitory. She received the dormitory arrangement on the day of registration.

Yanhui has the nature of a semi-aristocratic school, so the dormitory conditions of the school are very good. The four-person dormitory is large in size. The two bathrooms and beds are all customized by the school. Air conditioning and washing machines are all available.

The price is fair for the price of renting a school off campus.

After all, this is the condition.

The female dormitory building is a unified small and fresh building style. There are various cartoon stickers on the roof. Each building will be repainted and disinfected during the summer vacation to ensure a clean and hygienic environment.

From the outside, this dormitory environment is simply the best luxury in China.

Except for the upper floor of the dormitory building, there are restaurants. Students can choose to order takeaways downstairs if they are hungry at night.

Very convenient.

Qiao Jin was assigned to C Building 306. She is in her third year of this year and has no vacant beds in Linguistics. She was assigned to live with classmates from other departments.

The suitcase was sent by the driver after Qiao Fei packed it up at home. When she entered the school dormitory with the suitcase, there were already people in the dormitory.

The other three are here.

Of the three people, two occupied one side, and the other side next to the door was occupied, leaving Qiao Jin in the direction of the balcony.

The beds are all up and down against the wall. The bottom is hollowed out to put tables and cabinets on which students sleep.

When Qiao Jin entered, he saw an acquaintance.

Zhongli Panying.

Zhongli Panying sat next to the empty bed. When she saw Qiao Jin, she was a little surprised: "Qiao Jin, do you live here?"

This is a special fate. I didn't expect the school accommodation to be with Qiao Jinfen.

-Wouldn’t it be more convenient to monitor people?

Qiao Jin glanced at Zhongli Panying, nodded lightly, and walked in, pushing the suitcase.

The other two female students, one with thick eyes like soy sauce bottles, don’t need to look at them, they’re super-students. They haven’t published any books at the beginning of school.

The other one was exquisite and was holding a small mirror to touch up his makeup. When he saw Qiao Jin, it was a little weird.

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