Ace Hollywood

Chapter 461: Leonardo

Now that Marvel's board of directors has reached an initial consensus on cooperation with DD Films, and the current valuation of Marvel is at a low level—whether it is for the ownership of "Iron Man", "Captain America", "Avengers", etc. For Marvel Pictures, a money-absorbing machine, it was before "The Incredible Hulk" failed at the box office and the US market was turbulent. Marvel is even higher than the current valuation, so Daniel and DD Pictures actually have a relatively large room for manipulation.

In fact, for Marvel, market uncertainty has also increased their urge to sell Marvel.

These favorable factors have played an important role in promoting DD Films and Marvel to quickly achieve more consensus.

"At present, it seems that Marvel's willingness to sell is quite sincere. There are several main contradictions. One is the long-term development of Marvel. Marvel's comic business should be retained, and even a long-term plan is required. Planning, they hope that DD Films is not trying to use Marvel's existing hero library and then throw it aside. At this point, the disagreement is not very big, I don't think DD Films will take Marvel's The comic book business was cut off, which is not in line with the idea of ​​sustainable development. Of course, the degree of emphasis required by Marvel may be more difficult in a production company, but it can be adjusted.”

Daniel nodded. For this point, it is true. Marvel, as a comic work with a long history, still has a considerable status in the minds of generations of young Americans. It is impossible for Daniel and DD Pictures to completely end it. But if you want to say that it is a core business like in the original Marvel, the possibility is relatively low. After all, DD Films is still a production company, and it is impossible to attach so much importance to the comics department.

Presumably, Marvel's top management also understands this, and the possibility of a compromise between the two parties is very high.

"The second is Marvel's production plan. Mainly Allard and others hope that DD Films can promise a production plan during the negotiation—rather than wait until a few years later."

For this contradiction. It's actually quite strange.

DD Films acquired Marvel because of the IP value of many of its Marvel heroes. If DD does not develop movies, it will be a big loss for DD Films—but Allard is worried that DD Films The industry is in no rush to develop Marvel's superhero movies. In fact, this is mainly a matter of position. As far as DD Films is concerned, the failure of superheroes such as "Invincible Hulk" and "The Punisher" may prove that the current technical means and market are not so suitable for superhero films. "Wolverine" may not be the time to be born. Then DD Films is very likely to acquire Marvel first at the low valuation of Marvel, and then wait for a more favorable opportunity to promote the film plan. Well, for Marvel Pictures, after joining DD Pictures, a problem of resource allocation, although DD Headquarters, MGM, and even DD Animation, are all independent, but it is undeniable that it comes to Plutos. Down to Daniel himself, their emphasis on different companies will still greatly affect the development of the company. If Marvel cannot show its potential and achievements in the film industry as soon as possible,

It is very likely to be marginalized by these film companies under Plutos-the direct problem is that they, the current high-level executives of Marvel, are likely to be marginalized.

Take a very straightforward example.

Miramax in the Weinstein era was famous in Hollywood.

As for the current Miramax, although its works are not much inferior, its influence includes the power level of its main management within the Disney Group. They are far worse than the Weinstein brothers were at that time.

Most of Marvel's high-level executives will still be used in the future, such as Allard, Kevin and others. Of course, they will worry about their future status and influence in the entire system.

for this. Although Daniel has no major doubts, the first phase of the Marvel Studios plan includes "Captain America", "Iron Man" and "Thor", and of course "Invincible Hulk", which has already been released. The remaining three , are all projects that Daniel wants to promote. There is nothing wrong with establishing a plan. However, some connotations reflected in this request still make Daniel more vigilant.

He can respect Marvel's opinion, but his acquisition of Marvel does not mean that he must define the development direction according to Marvel's wishes-after Marvel is acquired by him, it should belong to him from beginning to end. It's all up to him to make the final decision. Instead of having a signed detailed plan, no one, including himself, can challenge this plan, which is not allowed.

Daniel gestured for Raymond to continue.

Raymond glanced at his expression, and crossed the second point, indicating that this point is a problem.

"The third point is the price tag! According to the current valuation, Marvel is about 25% lower than it was late last year, so they want the price to refer to the valuation a year ago-that is, 3.4 billion! Of course, I think There is a lot of room for negotiation on this point, after all, Marvel is still in a downward process. The financial pressure of "Invincible Hulk" and the main business will make them let go."

As for the price tag, Daniel didn't care much about it. Of course, he didn't have too much money. As far as negotiating the price, he must try to keep it as low as possible, and then it should be as high as possible. The negotiating team of DD Films and Plutos is very experienced. They must be better than Marvel and the lawyers and accountants they hired. Even if it is really 3.4 billion, Daniel does not think it is an unacceptable price.

Therefore, although the price is always the most difficult condition in an acquisition, in this negotiation between DD Films and Marvel, it is the issue that Daniel worries the least about.

Raymond went on to address several smaller issues.

After Daniel heard it, he thought about it. The main problem now is that Marvel's executives hope to have more influence on the Marvel company after the acquisition-sometimes this influence even challenges the management.

This is most likely a stubborn problem.

The two discussed for a long time, and Daniel and Raymond stopped talking until Lola knocked on the door to indicate that it was time to get off work.


At the beginning of February, the 2nd Social Times Public Choice Awards ceremony was officially presented. "There Will Be Blood" and "No Country for Old Men" basically failed to win, and Juno lost out in the best actress category except for Ellen Page. Natalie Portman of "Black Swan" almost bloodbathed the entire awards ceremony.

It has to be said that Natalie relies on "Star Wars" and her good image that has been painstakingly managed. Let her still have quite amazing influence. After all, the Golden Eagle Award is still based on young people and the Internet. Although there are opinions from the expert group, they are not so conclusive.

Although most people are disappointed. But the stars attending this year's Golden Eagle Awards are much more star-studded than last month's Golden Globe Awards.

The cancellation of the Golden Globes and regrets made many people lack suitable schedules. Some people went abroad for vacation, while others made early arrangements for the shooting plan of the many people who were supposed to be present did not attend. In addition, iconic figures such as Angelina Jolie were too embarrassed to backtrack and simply did not attend the awards ceremony. The overall starlight was much dimmer than in previous years.

The Golden Eagle Award does not have this problem. First of all, all the processes of the Golden Eagle Award are internally operated. As an award with the blood of the Internet, its entire process is not as regular as a traditional award ceremony—words, performances, stalks, etc. It has to be perfect and appropriate. There is no Golden Eagle Award. The Golden Eagle Award is awarded through the simple process of the organizing committee. Some of the hottest singers, actors, and young leaders of the year will be invited to perform and speak. The rhythm of the whole ceremony is relatively fast. Therefore, the Golden Eagle Awards were not affected by the screenwriters' strike at the beginning-if the screenwriters did not pull up the cordon outside the scene, then the ceremony would go on as usual.

So from the very beginning, many people reserved their schedules for the Golden Eagle Awards, and because of the strike, the exposure of these stars suddenly dropped a lot, and the Golden Eagle Awards became very important.

It is also due to various factors that made the Golden Eagle Award faintly surpass the Golden Globe Award in the second session.

Daniel himself was of course also present to support the field.

It is rare to see Leonardo DiCaprio, and it seems that this is the first meeting after Daniel beat Leonardo and won the third actor with "Move Forward".

This is not entirely a coincidence.

As Leo and Tobey Maguire said, if DD Films has a movie they want him to star in. He will consider it very well, and even basically agree to act in it—whether it is in terms of DD Films' usual standards or confidence in Daniel, he will make this decision rationally.

DD handed two notebooks to Leo before.

"Inception" and "The Great Gatsby". The former belongs to DD Films, while the latter belongs to MGM. MGM produces Gatsby's extravagant style, while DD Films is more suitable for works with weird characteristics like "Inception".

When these two notebooks were placed in front of Leo, it happened that Toby was also at Leo's house, of course. In fact, he often enjoys the beach, wine and beauties with Leo.

After he saw it, he was also silent.

The scripts of the two films are quite exciting, which belong to the kind, and when you see them, your eyes light up, and you know that this is a work worth shooting.

To be honest, Toby himself was moved.

It's a pity that he has never received scripts from DD, MGM, etc. It's very interesting. According to it, even though the scenes of his violent scenes in the Kodak Theater were rebroadcasted, it is unlikely that DD Films will just block it. over him. Therefore, he couldn't receive a single script, which can only be attributed to Daniel's narrow-mindedness, in his own opinion.

In fact, Toby belongs to the category of being up and down. He said that his reputation is not high, but he is not low. After all, he starred in "Spider-Man" and said that his acting skills are not good, but it's not that he doesn't have it. He belongs to the kind that can be easily replaced. To say that the image is not too handsome, but not ugly, means that it has no special characteristics-under such conditions, DD Films can find more suitable actors in different scripts. There is more than one Leonardo for cooperation, especially recently - after DD Films swept the "Golden Globe Awards", it can be said that no matter whether they want to make a big hit with Bradley Cooper or Daniel Craig If it's red, or if Reese Witherspoon wants to win an award, it's a good choice to cooperate with DD Films.

In this way, Toby is even less likely.

Of course, Daniel didn't have the energy to block Toby.

Even so, Toby couldn't tell Leonardo not to make these two films-in Hollywood, it is an actor's dream to work with a good director, such as Spielberg, James Cameron, Martin S. Cosese, the Coen Brothers, etc., are all people who are flocking to big stars; it is also the wish of colleagues to cooperate with good actors. Fatal, as long as there are actors who pursue, there is no hope that their opponents will be muddy. But the most rare thing is a good script, a good director, and a good actor. Many times, a bad script cannot be saved, and a good script can often become a classic that everyone remembers without relying on well-known directors and actors.

Leonardo himself was even more so, he was moved by these two books.

So his decision to attend the Golden Eagle Awards was very quick, and he expressed his position to the media quite generously.

"I think it is an award that can represent this era and hundreds of millions of people. That is very important. Any actor will ultimately be judged by the audience."

Leo's pursuit of Daniel is a topic worth discussing.

You know, these two people are very interesting.

Before "Titanic", Leonardo's label was a talented actor. After the big ship, his label was "Jack" and "Global Idol". After that, he has been rushing to wash away his idol reputation and pursue any On the road, never to return, very hard. But Daniel officially appeared in the eyes of Hollywood in 1999, and soon became famous for his amazing talent, and immediately became the second global icon with Legolas. The trajectory can be said to be very similar to Leonardo.

In the early days, it was very common for Daniel to be called Leo's successor, or the second Leonardo.

However, as Daniel's achievements became more and more amazing, Oscars were won one by one, a large room was filled with trophies, he started a company, and became super rich, this kind of talk gradually disappeared. Daniel is no longer anyone's successor, but has become the standard for many others, but Leo gradually lost in the pursuit of "acting skills" - of course this is the media's opinion, for Leo himself, this is It is a process of breaking through oneself and seeking transformation, which is necessary and worthwhile.

Therefore, the process of the change of the situation of the two people can be said to be a very topical point among Hollywood actors.

Therefore, the two finally communicated very closely at the Golden Eagle Awards, which can be said to have triggered a wave of news and attention.

Li Ao knew that when the news of his participation in DD Films' works came out, the comparison between the two would be finalized—Daniel would surpass him completely and symbolically!

But he decided to accept it! (To be continued.)

PS: Thank you Earth Monthly Pass, Dark Night Rewards, yes, thank you for being my 8th Deacon!

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