Ace Hollywood

Chapter 448: Killing

On August 3, "The Bourne Shadow 3", the last part of the spy series starring Daniel and directed by Paul Greengrass, was officially launched on the same day. There is also "The Incredible Hulk" produced by Marvel Studios and co-published by Universal Pictures. Movies, such as "Spiderman" and the like conclude, thus launching a work.

Both films were quite popular, and even though "Transformers" officially broke through the 400 million mark on the eve of their release, it could not completely conceal their popularity.

However, after the release, the evaluation of the two works was completely different.

Except for a few media such as "Seattle Times" and "Wall Street Journal", which gave positive comments, almost all mainstream media gave very low scores. This may be because Universal Pictures did not do a good job in public relations. , and more importantly, this film, as Daniel predicted, was not popular.

The big mistake "The Incredible Hulk" made was that it set the opposite goal of Ang Lee's film and abandoned the real attraction. --"New York".

The digital scenes are too many and too short, and the film leaves the audience in an atmosphere of disappointment and boredom from the beginning. — The New Yorker.

The sad truth is that the movie "Invincible Hulk" lacks more natural forces and is more cowardly and pathetic. -- "New York Daily News."

They were so determined to make a solid action movie that they forgot to make it entertaining. —The Boston Globe.

A simpler story, more action, and some pretty graphics make for a satisfying, if perhaps less fantastic, monster hero sequel. —Los Angeles Daily News.

As Marvel Studios' first blockbuster of the summer, "The Incredible Hulk" serves as a stark reminder that the Hulk lacks intelligence and heart. --Associated Press.


In general, the criticisms centered on the fact that the director and screenwriter were too aggressive, and perhaps the negative standard given by An Lee's "Hulk" was too striking. This new "Invincible Hulk" has almost all the aspects that An Lee lacks. Hastened. Violent and crisp action scenes, simple and easy-to-understand story lines, eye-stimulating special effects, etc., but this also makes them ignore the essential attributes of a movie-it must first be an interesting and attractive story, Then there is something else. "Invincible Hulk" doesn't do this well enough, so "Invincible Hulk" is reduced to a shallow film.

In the words of film critic Kent Turan, "Who wants to watch a big ugly goofy guy go crazy?"

But the treatment of "The Bourne Shadow 3" is completely different. It is also a movie of Universal Pictures-this is also very unbelievable. The industry has never understood why Universal released its two blockbuster films on the same day. Universal offered no explanation. In the field of public opinion, the only slightly reliable answer is that the "lessons learned from the past" of dd Films provided the impetus for Universal.

But Daniel knows that choosing this time to release is actually more of a request from Marvel. They seem to think that this time period of the summer file is the most suitable for superhero movies to show off their power. As for "The Bourne", the two sides do not constitute a homogeneous competition, watch spy movies, and watch monster hero movies. There is nothing contradictory.

In fact, they were wrong. Alavi never imagined that his elaborate "Invincible Hulk" would receive so many negative reviews.

On imdb, less than 5 days after its release, it has already dropped to 6.6 points. The media score is as low as 60, almost failing. And more importantly, it has a comparison. The evaluation of "Bourne Shadow 3" makes the rating of "Invincible Hulk" even more dazzling.

9 points, also released for 5 days, the imdb of "Bourne Shadow 3" remained at a high level of 9 points, and the media score was as high as 88.

The same is the Associated Press, and the evaluation of "The Bourne Shadow 3" is: "Such a professional production and such a high-quality cast make "The Bourne Shadow 3" exceed people's expectations for this type of film."

The evaluation is not bad.

"The New Yorker" regards "The Spy Shadow 3" as the best one in the whole series: "Although the subject matter is stereotyped, among the three films, "The Spy Shadow 3" brings people the most enjoyment."

"Daily Mirror": "Bourne is back? And better than ever."

In addition, many media such as "Los Angeles Times", mtv, "Denver Post", "New York Observer" and "Hollywood Reporter" all gave positive comments.

It has won almost all positive endorsements from the media.

If there is no comparison, "Invincible Hulk" may not be considered a bad movie, people will still find it worth watching, because at least the reviewers think it is "a superhero action movie that strives to pass", which is already worthwhile one look. However, under the comparison of powerful opponents, the audience will inevitably think that "The Spy Shadow 3", which is not worth 9 points, but to watch "The Incredible Hulk" with a score of 6.6, must be out of their minds.

The most direct consequence is that after the first weekend, especially after the fifth day, "Transformers" and "Order of the Phoenix" almost handed over all the screens, and the scale of "Spy Shadow 3" quickly overwhelmed "The Incredible Hulk" Far away.

One is a winner and the other is a loser. This pattern cannot be changed.

"After the Oscars that belonged to Daniel, there is the summer file that belongs to Daniel. The "Transformers" he invested in established the status of DD Films in Hollywood in one fell swoop. It is on an equal footing with all established studios, and even represents a more hopeful future. "The Bourne Shadow 3" is the final work of his second classic series. "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" and "The Bourne Shadow", a total of six films, will undoubtedly establish Daniel's reputation of both art and business. Evaluation, to put it simply, neither delays making money nor delays paying tribute to art! This is not easy!"

Yes, eventually there will always be media that will bring glory to Daniel's crown, and that's not always a good thing.

At least, when Daniel's phone call came to Kevin Figo's cell phone, his tone sounded a bit uncomfortable.

"Congratulations, Daniel, you have succeeded again."

Kevin's anger is understandable, and even though Daniel didn't charge for it, the filming of "The Incredible Hulk" rather than "Iron Man" was somewhat influenced by him. And this time, it was "The Bourne Shadow 3" starring Daniel that sniped "The Incredible Hulk" below 80 million. It can be said that it is not easy for Kevin to maintain a calm tone and talk to Daniel.

"Thank you, but, Kevin, you know what I'm calling for, and I think Marvel has received our offer, and I hope you can support it, because I think you are the right person to lead Marvel."

Daniel stated the conditions straightforwardly, but there was a long silence on the other end of the phone. (To be continued.)

ps: Thank you for the reward of Eternal Fall

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