Ace Hollywood

Four hundred and twentieth eight chapters legend (a)

ps: You can refresh the content of the last chapter, it has been changed back, thank you for your support, thank you for the vicissitudes of reward and the monthly ticket that does not match the characters.


Daniel's seat in the Kodak Theater is next to Paul Greengrass, who was shortlisted for best director. He was shortlisted for this award with "Flight 93", and he was able to share with Clint Eastwood, Martin Scorsese and Agado Gonzalez Inarrito and other well-known directors competed, but he seemed quite relaxed.

"The award can't be mine."

"Why? Will old Martin take it?"

Greenglass looked at Daniel, "I should be the one asking you. If someone can know the result in advance, you are the most likely reads();."

"This accusation is too serious," Daniel denied with a smile. "I don't know the result. PricewaterhouseCoopers is not a small company that can let you go through the back door. The chairman of the college may not know the result now. You have to be clear. Everyone is better than before. Pay more attention to the integrity of Oscar."

"Cut," Greenglass curled his lips disdainfully, "Your so-called fairness is to promote your award? Otherwise, it is unfair?"

Daniel and Greengrass filmed two "Bourne Movies", and they can be said to know each other very well. When Greengrass was asked by the media about the topic of the Oscar winner, he also supported Daniel very simply.

"I think Daniel is the one who deserves this honor the most. His performance is amazing, and the characters he created have also aroused widespread emotion and recognition. The Oscar should be consistent with everyone's feelings."

Therefore, now his mouth owes a little, and Daniel has no plan to haggle with him.

"I think old Martin is really going to get his wish this time."

Daniel thought about it, and then talked to him.

Although Greengrass was intellectually hopeless, nothing was imminent. After all, there is still some room for imagination, but Daniel's prediction blew up this small space.

"Okay. Tonight is a bit difficult for me."

"Come on. You are enough to be envied, commercial blockbuster, Oscar nomination, fame and fortune."

"It doesn't sound like what a 26-year-old Oscar winner said. It seems that you have been nominated for Best Actor five times in a row, and your cumulative box office has reached nearly 10 billion. It's all in fifty years. It’s the same as what I got later.” Greenglass’ sarcasm made Daniel stick out his tongue.

On the point of gaining both fame and fortune, Daniel really has no position to ask others not to be greedy - because standing in front of him, no one will feel that their achievements are enough and big enough.


Ellen DeGeneres came on stage in a lady's suit. This well-known lesbian host received applause from everyone.

She began by reassuring nominees not to worry.

"Somebody wants to win an Oscar, I just want to host an Oscar. I've got my wish. So a lesson to the kids: set your goals low. Don't worry about winning, worry about having a billion people watching. "

She then poked fun at supporting actress nominee Jennifer Hudson, a black woman, and former Vice President Al Gore. When referring to the latter,

By the way, Daniel satirized the federal government.

"Hey, Vice President Court. I wonder if you have seen our shadow president in Hollywood? Have you greeted him? He may need your help to bring something to the White House, about Iraq."

Allen's bold move won her a round of applause.

However, both the vice president and Daniel smiled magnanimously, and they were very personable in front of the camera.

Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman took the stage to present the best art direction award, then Will Ferrell Jack Black took the stage, then the best make-up award, the first two awards were given to "Pan God's Labyrinth, a magical realism work about World War II directed by a Mexican director. Once launched, reads(); was well received. This time, he was shortlisted for five Oscars, and now he has taken the lead in winning two statuettes. It can be said that this trip was worthwhile.

Breslin and Will Smith's Jr. Jaden, awarded Best Animated Short Film and Best Live-Action Short Film-these two less important awards, for the Oscars where feature films are king.

The short film "Letters from Iwo Jima", which was nominated for the best picture, began to play on the screen. Daniel has never seen this film. There is no need to question Eastwood's talent. The quality of the film is excellent, but it is breakthrough and refreshing. , somewhat insufficient. Therefore, it is actually very difficult for Clint to gain something-as an Oscar winner, he has no possibility of "taking care of the award".

Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Effects.

It wasn't until the announcement came here that Greenglass asked Daniel in a low voice, "Are you nervous?"

Daniel's eyes widened, "Why should I be nervous?"

Nominated for six categories, Sound Effects is the first of its nominations so far, and Greengrass clearly thought Daniel would be nervous. But it seems that Daniel is not very nervous.

"So you're only nervous about the actor?"

"Actor, I'm not nervous either."

Greenglass looked at him as if he had seen the devil, and refused to speak to him any further.

"Oscars belong to, paul-massey, -r-f. kurland, "Move On"!"

The first statuette is in hand!

The three winners on the stage began to thank a large group of people. Of course Daniel was an important figure in it. Greengrass couldn't bear it anymore and leaned over, "How many people will you hear thanking you tonight?"

"Do you want me to thank you on stage?"


Greengrass swore that if a billion people weren't watching the live broadcast, he would have stood up and walked away. He couldn't bear the narcissism of Daniel's actor in me.

"...Daniel Sandler once told me that supporting roles are sometimes more important in shaping a movie..." Rachel Weisz came on stage to present the best supporting actor, mentioned Daniel again, the camera swept over, The twitching of Greenglass' mouth was shown to a billion viewers, and it took him a lot of effort to explain why he made that expression when he heard Daniel's name.

Not surprisingly, Alan Arkin of "Little Miss Sunshine" won this Oscar.

Then there was another short showing the best nominated picture, this time The Departed, and DiCaprio and Gore took the stage together.

Oscar once asked Daniel if he would like to share the stage with Gore, but Daniel refused in the end. He did not want his political views to be maliciously hyped, so there was no need to do so.

The two talked about environmental protection, but the effect was diluted by the host's joke.

"The whole world is talking about recycling, and I think Oscar may need to recycle some jokes."

Greenglass suddenly noticed that Daniel straightened his back.

Cameron Diaz will present the Best Animated Feature Film. Last year, the winner of this award was DD Animation's "Wall-E". This year they are shortlisted for "Happy Feet". (To be continued.)

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