Ace Hollywood

Chapter 383 Cut off Superman

"High School Musical" and "Bad Teacher" are completely different works, so there is a week difference between their releases, and there will be no cannibalism for MGM. What's more, "Bad Teacher" has accumulated more than 60 million views in the first week. "Teacher" has long made a lot of money for MGM - major agencies estimate that "Bad Teacher" may bring MGM over 100 million in revenue just because of the global box office - not to mention the theater After the window period, the window periods such as dvd and cable television networks will also bring nearly 100 million in revenue to MGM.

Controlling the box office revenue to 40% of the total revenue is qualified for MGM, and it can basically be controlled at 30 to 35 like Disney, which is already the highest standard in Hollywood. Of course, this refers to the average value. When it comes to a certain work, of course it depends on its characteristics.

For example, DD Films is still enjoying profits during the major window periods of most of its works, but its performance is completely different.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 1," fueled by the hype of "Pirates 2," is currently ushering in a new wave of DVD sales** and cable play. In addition, it is also very popular on some more trendy channels, such as fn.

A streaming media website developed by f2f not long ago, f2f-, nicknamed fn. The difference between this website and the Internet is that it does not exist as a content producer, but only provides a channel and platform. Its content, such as movies, TV series, TV shows, etc., are distributed through cooperation with major studios and cable TV companies. Network to obtain content authorization. Therefore, as soon as fnpu was born, it was considered to be a symbol of the war against Daniel's Internet media empire.

Now the business under Plutos is very broad. Through a series of shareholdings and acquisitions, f2f, mb, etc. are the core, plus LinkedIn,,,, fn and many other entities for different functions and user groups—they are large Part of it is not Plutos Holdings, and even Plutos rarely interferes with the work of the management—the way to achieve unity is attraction, f2f has a huge number of full-coverage social groups, and it has enough capabilities to provide more professional websites. A large amount of traffic helps it stabilize the market. Moreover, this can hardly be accused of being a monopoly. Because many websites are innovative and have never appeared before, f2f can't say that it uses its dominant position in the industry to squeeze out competitors.

Importantly, from the beginning. Daniel intervened as an investor—except for f2f's wholly-owned holding, he didn't try to rigidly control other websites, but co-existed through multiple cooperations. Even for mb, the only company listed on the New York Stock Exchange among its subsidiaries, Plutos is also seeking to reduce its holdings. Abandoning holdings, although the actual action has not yet taken place, but from the perspective of many of Raymond's work, this is not a gimmick, but something that is being promoted.

Going back to fn, on this streaming media site, "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Voyage of the Black Pearl" currently ranks first--it's a pity that DD Films only owns 5% of it, and fn itself produces profits, considering that it is still in the user training stage in fact. f2f is losing money on fn—but the situation is very slight, thanks to the vertical business system, f2f, in a sense, it is Plutos Investment Company, which can obtain from, dd film, dd animation,

And MGM Pictures and other self-owned content producers receive a part of the profit subsidy.

For example, the paid subscription project pushed by fn can provide a new profit channel for active personal content producers on the Internet, which can fully encourage them to produce more and more interesting programs-thus in the field of self-made content. let far outweigh.

And DD Films, including MGM Pictures, which sold its own film library, has also been expanding its film library-thousands of works are produced in Hollywood every year, and some of them are only satisfied with a small number of users. Not worthy of a theatrical release, or even a dvd release, deep-pocketed cable networks, and certainly less likely to buy them, at this point, they still have a way to go. That's the library that sells movies to big companies, maybe for a few thousand dollars, or tens of thousands of dollars. For the producer, if he is an individual, then this small amount of money can allow him to open the next door to wait for a golden mountain treasure of Alibaba, and if it is an institution - it is a good channel to reduce losses, generally speaking , The investment of these films will not be a big number.

Because, these content manufacturers under Plutos have consumed part of fn's operational pressure-this is the inherent advantage fn was born into a wealthy family.

Compared with "The Curse of the Black Pearl", works such as "The Social Network", "The Hangover", and "Chain Saw" are also quite popular, but they are not so prominent. The earlier "Greek Wedding", as well as literary works The performance of "The Immortal Gardener", which is very strong, is even worse.

But this channel has indeed created a new profit point for dd film industry-you may not know why dd film industry expands its film library at such a high speed until this moment, and why it refuses to authorize it.


"Is it coming?"

David, who was half leaning on the sofa, straightened his back when he saw Sally coming in—although it didn't have much to do with him. The filming of "Transformers" and the upcoming "Pirates 2", and The releases at the end of the year include "Indomitable Action", "Saw 3", "Happy Feet" and "Night at the Museum" which are worth his attention. But this does not prevent him from staying here to listen to the data of "High School Musical".

Who made Daniel stay where David is in the office of DD Films?

Sally handed Daniel a folder.

Everyone's faces are relatively relaxed. Cusa, Melissa, Ferguson, and MGM's Meyer and Dele are all performing their duties, which illustrates this point. Although they don't know the box office on the first day, but according to the data and information they got, the super high attendance rate, rave reviews, and the soaring amount of discussions on social networks all illustrate the success of "High School Musical".

The question now is how close it will be successful.


"Impossible!" David came over, "Don't expect to have 20 million, or even 15 million. It would be nice to surpass "Bad Teacher". After all, we are fighting against "Superman Returns", right? Dancing in school Young man. Can't compare to cool and handsome Superman, can you?"

The first day of "Bad Teacher" was 12.24 million, and the box office of "Superman Returns" was more than 11 million yesterday, that is, Thursday. Today it is estimated that it may reach 16 million to 17 million.

"Those goddamn movie theaters gave Superman 4,100 screens, but only gave 3,200 to High School Musical. We can have 10 million. With word of mouth, "High School Musical" can go a long way. Wait until "Superman"" "Racing Car", "Remote Control". And when "Bad Teacher" is gone, "High School Musical" may be able to step on them all."

Sally looked at David and smiled meaningfully.

Daniel closed the report, leaned back on the chair, and looked at him with a smile.

"What are you laughing at? How much is it? Are there really 15 million?"

David reached out and grabbed the report, turned a page, and saw the box office figures—his eyes widened immediately, all in disbelief.

"How can this be?"

21.03 million!

Break through the 20 million mark!

And this number is put together with "Superman Returns" on the sixth day of its release - 16.23 million. Superman, who was caught and killed by "Bad Teacher", still has not ushered in its championship moment.

Inferior to the official release of "Superman". "Bad Teacher" scored 10.02 million on Thursday, followed by "Life Remote Control" with 8.45 million. As for Sandra Bullock's new film "Untouchable Lover", Paramount's comedy "Crazy Priest", And "Fast and Furious 3" in the third week - Universal has re-contacted Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, both of which are under 8 million. In addition, "X-Men", which is entering the final period, Gianni Buddha Aniston's "Broken Men and Women" has no more three melons and two dates.

so. The reality is that "High School Musical" - a campus youth musical film with 900 less screens, greatly cut "Superman Returns".

It is hard to say what is to blame for this achievement?

The **** to a good musical?

A slight to teen audiences?

Is it the wonderful youthful atmosphere of "High School Musical"-fearless, with dreams-these unforgettable feelings for all ages?

Or the "High School Musical Cup" finals with record high ratings last night?

Or so Internet believers think. Those propaganda messages that are everywhere on the Internet?

Even, the shadow of Daniel Sandler, the invisible star of "High School Musical"?

"The newspapers after dawn today may be filled with all kinds of analysis and comments." David let out a breath and let go of his amazement, "It's really unbelievable."

As usual, Saturday's box office will be higher than Friday's. And Sunday and Friday will be about the same, or slightly higher. In this way, "High School Musical" will cut nearly 65 million in the first three days of the weekend-nearly 20 million more than "Bad Teacher".

The important thing is that there is no Cameron Diaz in this, just a group of fresh minors.

Which of the above factors caused all this, or is it a possibility other than them?

"Not necessarily tomorrow," Daniel closed his eyes and smiled, "Not all newspapers are waiting for the data."

"Most of them will wait!"

"Is it?"

"Because this is MGM, and it's a movie produced by your company—for a possibility, they will wait." David looked at Daniel with burning eyes, "However, can you give us an analysis first, why did it appear? A number like that? I promise, Warner Bros. must be crazy by now."

After 20 years of absence, the Superman series of live-action movies returns after three versions of the TV series. It is rumored that Warner spent 270 million for the screening of Superman, but as a senior executive in the circle, David knows that there is not that much, but about 230 million is credible-judging from the current performance, it Will probably lose to "High School Musical" with an investment of less than 20 million.

Whether Jeff Robinov went crazy, David didn't know, but someone at Warner Bros. must have gone crazy. (To be continued.)

ps: Originally, I wanted to beg for tickets with others, but I didn't know what use the tickets would be for such a small person like me...

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