Ace Hollywood

Chapter 368 The imposing Daniel

Strictly speaking, it was the first time Daniel entered the meeting room of MPAA in Los Angeles.

This is what Christopher, the chairman of the association, told him. Lon Mayer, Melissa Lane, and even David and others have represented MGM to participate in the meeting-in essence, it is a combination of MGM and DD Pictures . Daniel has also listened to many reports on the cooperation agreement within the MPAA, from many sources, sometimes the person in charge of the permanent organization of the MPAA, and sometimes his subordinates. MPAA is definitely not an idle organization, except for its ratings Departments have been kept busy. It also needs to develop a lot of important proposals for the design of the movie industry. Usually these proposals will be submitted to the members of Congress in California, and then they will be submitted to the Department of State for implementation or discussion to help the Hollywood movie industry in North America. Gain more advantages in other industries.

Hollywood's enemies are definitely not limited to European or Asian film counterparts. In fact, these forces do not make Hollywood feel a sense of crisis at all at present. Their biggest enemies are other industries. The state has limited funds and policies. Compared with other industries that also require the government, Hollywood is special, but it is not huge. This means that there is a lack of hard power, so expressing your huge influence advantage is of course the step you should take—including sometimes seeing many Hollywood stars stand up against the government, or support a certain argument. It's hard to say that there is no performance by mpaa. There is indeed no shortage of mavericks in the United States, but there are definitely not many, especially when facing an association that dominates the industry like MPAA, few people can be tough.

As the core force behind mpaa, Daniel is of course well aware of these contents. In fact, the huge influence he has in the political world is also an effective channel that MPAA often borrows-this does not make Daniel owe the so-called favors and the like. Governors or congressmen who cooperate with Hollywood are relatively easier to obtain Concern - in an elected society. People don't know what you are, if you are famous, then you can easily get trust and votes. This is why, while Hollywood stars have been warned from the beginning of their careers to avoid explicit involvement in politics, there are still countless stars who are willing to take sides on social issues. Except for people like George Clooney who are interested in gaining political status. Celebrities are also sometimes asked to support politicians interested in gaining influence, as Democrats have been lobbying for Daniel.

When Daniel walked into the conference room, Robert Iger was not there, nor was Brad Gray. But he saw Dick Cook and a senior vice president at Paramount, obviously. Those two avoided it on purpose or it was indeed inappropriate at the time.

Christopher obviously tried to lower the tension today, and arranged a lot of agendas that everyone can easily agree on. For example, Congress is required to make a decision on the issue of online piracy—this is a cliché, the nature of the online world is still uncertain, and some unauthorized movies and music works are freely distributed on the Internet—of course, this has brought a lot to content providers. Big loss. mpaa has been working on this requirement for a long time.

Except for what Mike Linton said casually,

"Daniel should work on this." Overall, the atmosphere is relatively subdued when it comes to DD Films issues.

Before Christopher spoke, Daniel glanced at Mike Linton—Sony and Warner were obviously the two most damaged studios, and they owned more than half of Hollywood's movie and TV series copyrights. In particular, Warner's exclusive license to the MGM film library. At present, there is no conflict between the two parties on the interests after the transaction. That is to say, the infringements on the Internet now belong to Warner Bros.

"MGM or DD don't have lobbying business, Mike, we can't take this order."

Daniel's response made Christopher's previous work basically useless. Mike Linton did not continue to speak. His plan was nothing more than to suppress Daniel's momentum from the beginning, so that the subsequent negotiations could proceed more smoothly. Unfortunately. Daniel was not a three-year-old child, so he understood his tricks very well, and responded to him neatly.

"Okay." Christopher opened his clasped palms, facing these top Hollywood figures. "Both Sony and Paramount have submitted a report to the association. They believe that if dd film tries to reach a deep and core cooperation with China's film industry, it will have a huge long-term impact on Hollywood. Everyone should get the support of dd film. explain."

"Yes, Paramount is concerned about this, very concerned." Rob Moore. Paramount's global vice president in charge of overseas business, as a result of Christopher's words, "I think one thing, Mr. Sandler will not deny that mainland China will be a booming market. Although it is now the same as Britain and Japan There is still a gap in the big ticket position, but everyone knows how great the potential of a country with 1.3 billion people is, and every move involving China should be sufficiently cautious."

"So what does Paramount decide to do with this big future market?"

It wasn't Daniel who asked the question, it was Dick—from Disney Studios.

Moore was a bit surprised, but he obviously did his homework. "Yes, I understand that due to the Chinese government's restrictions on foreign films and its size, the profit we can make from the Chinese market is limited. But our approach to other markets It will also help us win the Chinese market in the end."

Daniel smiled contemptuously, "Rob, nice to meet you here."

Of course, no one can see his happiness.

"If we understand wrong, your so-called method of conquering other markets is to put pressure on China through the Secretary of State and diplomatic channels to open up the movie import market, and then let Hollywood movies be like a jaguar on a sheep farm In that way, harvest the box office of the Chinese people?"

After a pause, Daniel looked at Moore.

Moore had to nod, this is the successful model of Hollywood in Europe, Japan, Taiwan and other markets.

"You're so stupid!" Seeing the disbelief on Moore's face slowly, Daniel repeated with certainty, "Moore, you're so stupid."

"China is not Europe, nor is it Japan, that country has 1.3 billion people, defeated the US Army in North Korea and Vietnam, and our decades of blockade against them has not affected anything in this country. They have very different values ​​​​from us. , or in the words of those politicians in Washington. They are not a democracy. Of course, everyone knows that democracy is a joke. Moore. Do you understand? Even under the pressure of free trade, they provide more quotas for imports. First, Firstly, the United States must make concessions in other industries—to deal with China. Only deals, and coercion is invalid. Which industry allows its own interests to be surrendered? Manufacturing? Agriculture? Oil giants? Secondly, the Chinese still have countless means to deal with us, if you go to China to release, the Chinese have the right to determine when you release - and then they put a few, dozens of Hollywood movies in the same month, well, this time you can get How much box office did they get? "Titanic", "Jurassic Park", "The Lord of the Rings" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" were released on the same day. If you think about it, they can still get 300 million or 400 million in North America. Billion? What a naive dream."

"Yes, maybe you will say. One day, our lord secretary of state will make a leap forward, and they will completely open up their market, let you distribute it yourself, set your own release schedule - so, when is that 10 years? 20 years? Or 30 years? So Hollywood is going to wait for 30 years? Waiting for an uncertain answer, or a very aggressive and already very powerful Chinese film?"

Daniel stood up, his eyes were sharp and his face was cold. His tall and strong figure makes him very imposing.

He waved his arms.

"Moore, tell me, what is Paramount going to do?"

Rob Moore was obviously caught off guard. He had communicated with Daniel at the party. But that was a well-mannered, very gentlemanly Daniel Sandler, very different from the sharp, even aggressive Daniel of today. As for the topic of opening up the Chinese market, even Capitol Hill is helpless, let alone him, the vice president of Paramount.

"Maybe, I mean maybe there is some truth to what you said. However, funding our opponent is a crime. I insist on this." Moore cleverly avoided confronting Daniel, and he looked at Mike Linton, "Mike, You'll support that, won't you?"

Mike put down the Cuban cigar he was pinching between his index and middle fingers, it was not lit because of the presence of the Stasi, the conference room was basically non-smoking. Plenty of Hollywood ladies were tobacco lovers, but the Stasi hated it.

"Yes, Daniel, what you said makes sense." Mike said affirmatively, but shook his head, "However, you can't decide that the time for compromise is today."

Moore's eyes lit up, he relaxed his body, and listened to Mike continue.

"Maybe, maybe one day Hollywood will have to compromise with China like the auto industry. But not now, now we still have the capital to wait, what do you think? China's annual box office is only less than 300 million, we don't have to give up at this time Sell ​​your major interests. Later, later, is appropriate."

"Daniel, I understand your intention to make DD Films develop faster." Mike's voice sounded a little sincere, "You have been doing this all the time, the legendary DD Films and f2f are all you Great achievement. So if you are planning to go to China to gain some goodwill, give the Chinese people some exciting moments. I have no objection, and I think everyone will not, even, if you need, we can help, must let A few stars or senior executives go to their Shanghai International Film Festival. But the core cooperation, no, not the time. Daniel, we mean this to you. No one should betray Hollywood."

The conference room fell silent.

Mike Linton's persuasive power is far greater than that of Rob Moore.

Daniel was still standing. His handsome face, which everyone was familiar with, did not show any frustration. Daniel looked around at everyone.

"Mike said, we still have time." Daniel sat down again and told everyone calmly, "No, we don't have time, five years."

Daniel held out an open hand.

"It only takes 5 years, 2007-2008-2009-2010-2011, and then in 2012, the sixth year, China will surpass Japan and become the box office market second only to the United States."

"Are you crazy? Are you saying that China, which has a box office of less than 300 million, will surpass Japan, which has a box office of 2.5 billion, in five years?"

Even Jeff from Warner Bros., Bill from Fox, and Stacey from Universal, who had been keeping quiet all this time, all focused on them.

"This is dd's prediction data, and it is also an instruction for us to take all actions." Daniel's complexion became softer and softer, but his words became harder and harder, "dd never violates his own judgment—just like our investment in "Greek Wedding" "Pirates of the Caribbean", "The Hangover" and "Saw" series. Regardless of today's outcome, dd's operations will not be disturbed."

Before they entered the meeting room, they all thought about what they would do if Daniel insisted on going his own way.

But now, when Daniel uttered these words, they really felt unprecedented oppression.

Daniel, is a living legend in Hollywood!

All of his accomplishments add layers of prestige, power, and credibility to him.

At this moment, when he said lightly that he would not be moved, everyone's unified action was to remain silent.

"With the full support of DD Films, how many years will it take for Chinese films to catch up with Hollywood?" Stacey, the only lady, broke the deadlock and silence, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except Daniel. He understands that people are thinking about his predictions and previous remarks, and the longer the time, the better for him.

"If there is that moment, it should be in the unseen future."

Dick Cook made a funny face.

"Yeah, that would be a distant story. What if, what if, it's unbelievable, so I say what if, in five years, China becomes the second biggest box office market after the US. Now let dd enter Among them, isn't it a good thing? At least when DD Films profits from it, the Chinese government will not be able to exclude other American films."

"Stacy, this is too risky."

"When Sony acquired Columbia Samsung, did you think it was a risk?" Stacey looked at Mike Linton, "I believe that people in Hollywood thought it was too risky at that time, no matter for you or us. In fact, it is not so Serious, isn't it? Sony has become one of us. I think DD Films' entry into China will eventually provide the impetus for Hollywood movies to go global, making the Chinese market a place where Hollywood movies can make profits."

Rob Moore looked at those who nodded slightly, and understood that Paramount would not be able to take revenge here.

Marvel Studios started filming its own "Invincible Hulk", infinitely shelving the package distribution agreement with Paramount, and Paramount is now busy looking for new opportunities. (To be continued.)

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