Ace Hollywood

Chapter 339: An Unprecedented Crisis

Seeing Kusa rushing in, Daniel hadn't had time to swallow the last piece of fried egg in his mouth.

He hasn't seen Kusa in this state for a long time.

As the manager of Daniel and Scarlett, Cusa is now a powerful figure in Hollywood, not to mention, everyone knows that he has certain influence on MGM, DD Pictures, and even Plutos Investment Company. Influence. In this way, of course, there will be fewer and fewer things that can make him lose color.

"Have you had sex with Natalie?"

Daniel was stunned by Kusa's first sentence. He didn't mention this matter to Kusa. Of course, Miller wouldn't talk too much. In fact, since he and Natalie had no intention of deepening the relationship, the in-depth exchange Naturally, there is no need to think too much.

So, why would Cusa know?

Daniel's face suddenly became serious.

"what happened?"

Kusa didn't get the answer to his own question, but apparently he got it. Taking a deep breath, since things have happened, there is no need to panic too much.

"I just opened the mailbox today, and I received a short video, which is a clip of you and Natalie in the hotel. Looking at the angle, it should be secretly shot at a certain angle in the hotel."


Daniel was silent for a moment.

"He said that he had the complete video in his hand, and the price was 30 million, so he destroyed the original video. He also said that we must give him a definite reply within a week, otherwise he will sell the video to TMZ."

"Have you contacted him?"

"I used a different email address and I said I couldn't guarantee that he would delete the video completely after he got the money. If there is a backup, it's better for us to suffer than to suffer from his endless blackmail. You and Natalie is single, even if something happens, it will not affect your future. He quickly replied to me in a very arrogant tone, saying that we must trust him. And he also does not believe that we dare to let this kind of explosive The video spread, and even if we don’t agree, he only needs to sell a few more. It’s not necessarily less than 30 million.”


Soon, everyone will be there.

Before that, Daniel called Natalie Portman and asked them to prepare countermeasures. Once the talks fail, the two sides may need to act in unison to deal with the situation.

Natalie was much calmer than he'd believed.

This somewhat relieved Daniel, otherwise, if Natalie acted rashly, there might be no room for maneuver in the end.

"The most important question now is whether he really has the full video in his hand."

Daniel rubbed his frown.

"It should be true. If he hadn't been found out about the secret filming facility, it doesn't make sense to only take pictures of the front." Triver also had a serious face. This may be the most important test for him since he was Daniel's publicist. "Indeed, it's not a problem for you to have a relationship with Natalie, as long as it is reported that you two are in a secret relationship. The only worry is that if these contents are really revealed, it will do a lot of damage to your image. "

Of course Daniel understands this, not to mention the Chinese teacher Chen, the most famous Scarlett Johansson photo leak in Hollywood. The influence on Scarlett is quite large - when it comes to Scarlett, what most people think of is not "The Piano Man", but those large-scale photos. This is based on the fact that Scarlett herself is taking the sexy route. Powerful Hollywood stars with good images like Daniel and Natalie are even more lethal.

What's more, this time it is a complete video.

If it hadn't been illegal and sold directly to the producers of restricted-rated movies, the 30 million would have been sold long ago.

"I know it's very unlikely, but we need to try to figure this out. Otherwise we'll be too passive. Triver, you go to the news right away. Natalie and I have already communicated, starting with the casting of "Black Swan". together."

Trevor nodded. Of course he knew what to do. Release some innocuous news, give a few photos, a few clues, wait until it is exposed, and contact each other before and after, the credibility of this fake relationship will of course be higher.

"Although 30 million is too much, if this problem can be completely solved, it is not completely unacceptable."

The other party obviously knew that Daniel was a fat sheep, and the price he offered was unprecedented. After Melissa joined DD, she became less sensitive to money. The matter was too difficult. If it could be solved with money, it would be a good solution.

"Impossible." Daniel categorically rejected the idea, "It is impossible for the other party to honestly delete all the backups. Even if he really only wants to do this, he will keep things. Who knows what will happen in life What an accident, keep this video, and if you need money for anything in the future, you don’t have to wait for the Zhongda Lotto. Even if the negotiation collapses, it’s impossible to give him the money.”

"Triver is going to lead people to start making plans. If it is really made public, we need to try to downplay the importance of this matter."

Many times, a thing is seen by different people and has different effects. So this gives the public relations personnel room to operate. If the public opinion thinks it's not a big deal, then it really isn't a big deal. Triver now has Daniel's team's huge public relations resources in his hands, and traditional media and online media are all docked in his hands.

"The people who can take these photos are either the crew of "Black Swan" or the staff of the hotel." Kusa frowned and thought, "There is no surveillance on that floor, so it is difficult to catch people directly. But it can be checked Take a moment, who has entered your room, especially after the incident between you and Natalie. I think this person should not have the concentration, and dare to stay in the crew or hotel after getting the video, and see if they have left their jobs recently Man, if you happen to have entered your room, it's basically not much different. You can't let others know about this matter, not even David Finch, so leave it to Heron."

Kusa said and looked at Melissa.

Herron is the producer of DD Films, and this time he is also one of the producers of "Black Swan". Whether he is trustworthy or not, of course Melissa knows best.

"No problem." Melissa thought for a while and said affirmatively, "And we don't need to tell him everything, just say that he took a picture of Daniel alone. He won't be willing to offend Daniel."

Daniel nodded, "Let him go as soon as possible, Kusa, you are directly responsible."

Melissa and DD Films have been busy with the two films "Saw" and "Wall-E" recently, and they don't have time to spare.


Daniel sat alone in the study.

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and called Fred and Mark Vaughan. He did not notify Javier.

"You can contact Kusa to see if you can track down his location."

Daniel and Natalie have sex without warning, in other words. The secret camera equipment in Daniel's room was definitely not for the purpose of filming the two of them. When I went back, I found a big surprise. So, although there is no way to be sure, this device was installed before he went. It was placed after him, but considering that no one knew in advance that he would live in the room, it was the last possibility placed before the crew moved in.

For the other occupied rooms, the production crew had checked them against sneak shots, but these unoccupied rooms were missed.

With such a consideration, the possibility of hotel staff is the greatest.

It is not difficult for them to get the list of corresponding rooms. If other rooms have this kind of thing, they must have been demolished long ago. Only the unoccupied ones were lucky enough to stay.

"If it's really a hotel staff, then it's probably not a professional. The anti-tracking ability is definitely not strong. Shanying and F2F's technicians are very strong, and I recently heard that F2F and Google Maps are very close. This is an advantage, Mark's side is more advantageous."

After listening to his analysis, Fred said so.

Daniel agrees with him.

Besides that, Fred has another suggestion.

"If there is news from Helen, it should be very soon. After the person is locked, if you can use some forces in New York, it will not be difficult to find him. The important thing is not to alarm him, if he ignores it and sends things outside. There's no point in doing anything more."

Since Shanying Company has been involved in more and more fields and has become more and more authoritative, there is basically no strict subordinate-subordinate relationship between Daniel and Fred. Especially in this line of work that Fred is engaged in, he knows a lot of information. He also has powerful information processing and analysis capabilities, and many things can be clarified quickly after a chat with him. So after Daniel finished the meeting, he still decided to discuss the matter with him.

The decision was right.

Fred knew he had connections in New York, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had become increasingly clear as a quagmire. The current president also appears to be due to enter a second term. There is no need to go through an election test, and the control of influence is not as strict as before. The direct result is that Daniel's previous remarks have become more and more influential-this is of course what the Democratic Party is happy to see. Therefore, although Daniel has not shown a definite tendency, as a super-rich man who often pays for election funds and a social figure with major influence, he has a relatively close relationship with the Democratic Party Leadership Committee (). This is a non-profit organization that has no direct influence on the country, but its members include the Clintons, former vice presidents, senators, and governors, all of whom are famous.

New York is a traditional Democratic turf, even more stable than Pennsylvania. It was relatively easy for Daniel to ask for help, as long as the person hadn't left New York.

Even if he did leave, it would be easiest to find out where he went through the channels of these political figures.

After hanging up on Fred, Daniel was actually very conflicted.

Unlike Fred, Mark, or even Javier, who he is unwilling to seek, if the friend he is looking for helps, it is purely handing over the handle to others, although this may not count in the dark political circle What, but from the other party asking for him, to him asking for the other party, this transition may cause troubles that are difficult to estimate.

This is why Daniel hesitated.

The phone at hand suddenly rang.


"It's not as scary as you think."

"Are you comforting me?" Daniel did not expect that Natalie still had the strength to comfort him at this time, "Don't worry, I will arrange everything. If you have anything to do, you can also say that Shelly and Just contact Kusa or Trivor directly. By the way, is Shelly going crazy?"

Natasha is not only Shelly's client, but most importantly, she is her daughter, a goddess of temperament who graduated from Harvard and has extraordinary acting skills. Facing this crisis, she is indeed more dangerous than him .

"Basically, but to be honest, I don't think it's anything special. Ever since I figured out what I'm doing as a profession, I'm ready to expose myself in public. Although this time it's not in a movie, it's not Something life-threatening."

"You're really in a good mood." After Daniel finished speaking, he clearly heard an angry curse from the other side. It was obvious that Shelly was also on the phone.

"She hopes to contact several people. If a video appears on the Internet, at least delete it as soon as possible."

If it really ends up on a gossip website like TMZ, deleting it is useless. But this is a clearly illegal incident, and TMZ cannot be unscrupulous. It is necessary and practical to strive for space and time for negotiations.

"It's really unlucky. Others play harder and have never encountered such a thing. We are just an accident, so unlucky."

With Natalie's self-cultivation, she couldn't help but swear a few swear words.

"Where are you going to eat tomorrow?"

"Oil-priced Taiwanese restaurants don't work. Tony Gilroy took me there."

Trevor should have contacted them. Tomorrow Natalie will fly back to Los Angeles to have lunch with Daniel. The photos will be circulated, of course step by step. The clearest and clearest photos will wait until the video is actually released. After it comes out, it will be taken out to take care of the news.

"I thought you were going to treat me to something Middle Eastern."

"Since we go out to eat, we always have to eat something different."

As an incompletely naturalized American Jew, Natalie must have eaten more local Israeli food at home.

After chatting with Natalie for a few words, Daniel finally let go of his tense mood.

Thinking that he might be seen naked by countless people, the only remaining obsession in Daniel's heart that belongs to the oriental people was extremely uncomfortable.

"You are careful."

Kusa quickly called.

"It is true that an employee named Rhodes resigned from the hotel. He is a native of New York. Before the crew moved in, he was in charge of the engineering maintenance work on that floor. After you left, there was a circuit failure on that floor, and he went to repair it. "

Having said that, there is no doubt.


"I'll pass on the specific news to you, and I'll pass a copy to Fred. He will search the Internet with Mark to see if there are any clues left on F2F or MB."

Social networks are developing rapidly, but in fact, many people's awareness of social confidentiality basically does not exist. If Rhodes uses F2F or MB, he is willing to leave his personal information, such as residence, relatives and friends, and so on.

"Fred also told me his suggestion. I don't think you should use your relationship yet." Kusa continued over there, "I asked my family to look for it first, and other employees of the hotel provided some clues, heh Len scares them with the idea that you might have lost something, and everyone is very positive about it."

"Will someone tip him off?"

"Rhode's popularity is not good, so don't worry about it. Besides, I'm afraid not many people can contact him now, and even fewer dare to do so after being frightened by Heron. Besides, Rhode must also Guess we'll try to find him."

Daniel let out a breath while nodding, "Okay, then please leave it to your family, I will give you 1 million, and you will give it to your family."

"..." Kusa was silent for a moment, "You mean—"

"If necessary, find a brother, and this money will buy him peace of mind." (To be continued.)

PS: The two chapters are together today, so it’s not easy to divide them

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