Ace Hollywood

Chapter 318: Textbooks

The lights were dim, the ground was wet, and it was the first rain since the end of the rainy season in Kenya. The temperature in Nairobi was only in the early 20s, and the humidity was warm and steaming, covering the man in the windbreaker in a sticky Here, there is no sense of sharpness, sadness, and sadness, but pure irritability. Baidu Search Geili Literature Network

Daniel folded his shoulders, his back was slumped, and in the ruined garden that was hit by the rain, there was a feeling of a doomed beast for no reason.

Except for the photographer who took the shot, the staff either stood aside, or squeezed behind Fernando, staring at the monitor with him.

Performances are sometimes very complicated. Costumes, shapes, makeup, gestures, gait, facial expressions, sounds, light...every slight change may produce different tactile sensations, resulting in different performance forms. But sometimes it is very simple, what I think in my heart, what you get in your heart, I stand there and flow freely, you can touch it behind the camera.

This is the boundary.

If it is on a rainy night in winter, this shot may not be difficult, but it will also be superficial, the cold wind and rain, the person who lost his love, through the glass, it is easy to capture the full desolation, sadness, helpless. But now it is completely different. Nairobi's sleepy mild climate has covered the whole scene with a layer of curtain. The rainy night is only slightly cool, the hairs are not erect, and the breath does not curl up with white mist.

But as soon as Daniel retracted his shoulders, turned his head to one side, and inhaled until the seven points were not scattered, the Shu Qi was silent.

A man who was stuck in Kenya at this moment suddenly had the grandeur of fighting against the world.

Gentle and intelligent, silent and compelling.

Justin gathered the scattered tools in the garden, lifted the fallen chair, splashed the rainwater accumulated on the fruit plate, and then spread out his hands-the effort the makeup artist spent on this hand today will not be much easier than Daniel's face. The bones are distinct, bluish white and transparent. Stretch out flat, stiff like a skeleton protruding from a thousand-year-old cave.

Sharon lowered the camera and took a close-up. A clear stream of light slanted down from the index finger, skipping over the nails of the middle finger, ring finger and little finger. Then a dark and opaque milky white halo was left on the white porcelain fruit plate, changing in size and size, as if it was breathing.

Fernando's "click" let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

That's acting, that's acting.

The small supporting actors and extras invited by the crew all had a dazed look in their eyes.

The assistant immediately delivered a large bath towel and hot tea.

Daniel wiped it casually and took a sip of green tea. After taking a deep sniff, he took a deep breath and prepared to shoot the next scene.

"Look, how scared are my actors?"

Fernando "blame" him insincerely.

For Daniel, there is room for performance in this play. It turned out that the leading actor, Ralph Fiennes, was too willing to be a green leaf. He integrated himself into the plot, and when he should serve as a foil for Rachel When used as a foil, when used as a clue prop, it is used as a clue prop-not to say it is not good. This kind of actor is often shortlisted for the kind of inventory: "the indispensable golden supporting role in the movie" or "those strangers who make you most familiar with the movie". But generally speaking, if the hero can only do this step, he is irresponsible to himself. Maybe the work will still achieve good results. Obedience has the taste of obedience, and cracking has the demeanor of cracking. But for the actors themselves, striving to give higher-quality performances to make more sparks is actually part of the protagonist's responsibility, and it is also an obligation and a right.

Every one-man show of Daniel focuses on the lens, full of addictive meaning.

This has probably even become a living example for Kenyan locals who are interested in acting, as well as supporting actors from Hollywood and the United Kingdom to learn acting skills, and it is staged every three days. Every time it ravages their souls and confidence.


It was a rare vacation, and Rachel was really fine. Fernando still released her for three days, so in order to catch up with work. Daniel had to work continuously for more than half a month, and he had no vacation until today.

Daniel, Rachel, Fernando, Simon, and Jeffrey—except for Danny Houston, who had to catch up on sleep because of the night scene, all decided to go to the wildlife park in Kenya. The animals are really a bit reckless.

Sadly, there have been some LA paparazzi in Nairobi lately - all for the reason Rachel was in the hospital.

Although the film crew agreed that Rachel was not used to the Kenyan climate, so she went to the hospital for an examination, and she is much better now.

But not everyone will believe it, Daniel, Darren Aronofsky, Rachel Weisz, plus Natalie Portman, this dense gossip network is enough to make the paparazzi Buy a plane ticket and fly to Nairobi to follow. Against Africans, the Los Angeles paparazzi have full confidence.

And it did, and they quickly got Rachel to see the ob-gyn.

The news could no longer be concealed.

Marta told Daniel privately that Arrow and Rachel had had several quarrels across the ocean, and Arrow asked her to stop working—this was actually a very difficult request to refuse, otherwise the crew would easily be considered mean. Of course Rachel herself would not agree, her determination to finish this movie is no weaker than anyone else, especially when everyone's performances are getting better, and when every focused discussion ends with a slogan full of confidence, she can easily I have strengthened my determination to do a good job in this job.

The paparazzi didn't go back either, they followed Rachel every day, hoping to take a picture of her slightly protruding belly-it can be guaranteed that it must be worth a lot of money.

So now, when you mainly go out, you will inevitably be photographed—although they are here for Rachel’s stomach, but they can take pictures of Daniel’s daily life, and they can sell for a fortune—after all, he is far away from In Los Angeles, there are not many people who can fly here to take pictures.

"Daniel and Rachel traveled together on vacation and had a great time talking."

Daniel told Rachel the title of the paparazzi's next issue, and Rachel couldn't help laughing.

Their destination today is Nairo National Park - an open wildlife park built in the capital, the only one in the world without a semicolon.

The fellow Kenyan staff came forward to help everyone buy tickets. Although everyone is not short of money, Kenya, where the price mechanism is very imperfect, is very good at slaughtering foreigners. Sometimes locals only need 300 Kenyan shillings, and foreigners have to ask for it. 3000.

The group of them divided two tour buses and met many tourists from western countries on the road. Seeing Daniel was more exciting than seeing a lion.

The guide was so scared that he thought the lion had climbed up.

The Nairobi National Zoo is actually not that big. Compared with many open zoos in Africa, the capital is after all very expensive. But it still takes a whole day to complete the tour. Daniel and the others didn't finish their tour, but they also saw a lot of wild animals. They were lucky. During the rainy season, the animals migrated from here and didn't come back until the dry season. If it was earlier, there would probably be nothing to see.

Coming out of the main gate around four in the afternoon, Daniel, Miller, Rachel and Marta went to visit the Kenya Animal Orphanage.

As the name suggests, this orphanage is full of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. It is designed to take care of those young animals that were abandoned by their parents, their parents were poached or died accidentally. Let it out.

Those poor injured animals can easily impress the overflowing sympathy of tourists.

Rachel, the mother-to-be, hugged a baby orangutan and asked Marta to take a lot of photos of her. Although Daniel didn't know what was so cute about orangutans, he also took a few photos with Rachel's warm invitation . But relatively speaking, he still prefers the little leopard, baring its teeth that are not threatening, and its body is soft.

As Hollywood superstars, they still get some preferential treatment, hugging several kinds of small animals - of course the price is to take a photo with the management, and then they will put the photo on mb and f2f, on that, they have an official account, Kenya They have been doing quite well in attracting Europeans and Americans to travel. For social tools such as f2f and mb, they can use them quickly and easily. In addition, they have abundant resources. Just go out with the sightseeing bus and go around. There are a lot of original photos of wild animals, which are quite attractive to Europeans and Americans who yearn for the African savannah.

Fernando and the others went to the ivory burning monument. Former Kenyan President Moi burned a lot of ivory and products in this safari park without elephants to show the protection of elephants. It's also a place worth visiting, especially for humans who want to reflect on themselves.


Kenya, which has entered the dry season, means less food for wild animals, and it becomes more difficult to raise cubs. But good news for the crew of "The Immortal Gardener" who work here. The rainy season is indeed very sad. The clothes are wet all day long. Although they have a dryer, they get wet within a few minutes after wearing them.

The filming of the film was also considered smooth. Although he was a little cautious when Daniel and Rachel continued the intimate scene, Fernando still expressed satisfaction.

Until mid-July, most of the scenes have been carried out.

There is good news from America.

The market supervision department has approved the deal between DD Films and MGM, and the European Union is expected to agree to the acquisition at the end of this month-the process is much faster than in history, which is not surprising. The combination of Sony and MGM may jeopardize consumers' right to choose and form a monopoly on prices, but DD Pictures does not have the ability.

In this "fair and just" world, it pays to be weak. (to be continued)

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