Ace Hollywood

Chapter 162 20 million club, reached

"You remember that short film I was in? The USC one."

"Is it a love story with your ex-girlfriend? It's called... "Silent Love" is it? I remember you beat Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, including women, even Julia Roberts Lost to you."

Daniel stretched his legs. "Yeah, that was my moment. But that's not what I'm talking about—"

"What, are you going to recommend that little director to me?"

Before Daniel could finish speaking, David asked in shock. He couldn't agree with that. The director named Qiao Sen might be quite talented, but he was too unreliable. He seemed to have just graduated. This is a big problem for DD Films. It's too risky.

"No, no," Daniel shook his head. He knew that Qiao Sen Zhu would be able to direct "Special Forces" in the future, but he didn't have such an amazing talent. Now Qiao Sen is not capable enough to direct a movie, "I said It's our cinematographer Sharon Adams, he's a brilliant talent, really, I think his shots are absolutely fascinating. But the reviews are not very good, he once cursed the director, so the director who wants to work with him is not good. too much."

Of course David has seen that short film called "Silent Love", the shots are indeed beautiful, but it can be attributed to the director or the photographer, it depends on who is in charge, if under the command of the director Done, that's certainly the director's credit - and that's mostly the case.

"From this point of view, Director Qiao Sen really has nothing to commend him."


Seeing Daniel's expression of difficulty in excretion, David smiled happily, "Okay, give me a contact information, and I will find him. Don't you want to read other scripts?"

"Look, are you going to make that horror movie?"

David handed a couple of scripts, "Well, basically, if there wasn't a better option."

Daniel nodded his chin in understanding, and turned it up attentively.

It took a bit of time this time. After reading all four scripts, he handed one over.

"This is not bad."

"Comedy, oh yes, this one is good too. Do you think this one is better?"

The tentative name of this script is "Love until the house collapses", which is quite a funny name. It tells the story of Peter, a middle-class lawyer who is easy-going, with limited income and ordinary life, but an extremely excellent woman on the Internet. The void of divorce comes, he thinks he's in love with this person, and decides to meet up with a netizen to develop a deeper relationship. It's a pity that everything is not as expected, Charlene is completely different from the Internet, she is extremely rude, and she is actually a fugitive-she hopes that Peter will help her get rid of the crime. At this point, the two friends began to laugh and laugh about their lives until they fell in love so much that the house collapsed.

"I didn't watch the horror movie just now, but this one is really good right now, it's a rom-com cliché, but he has a new trick - online dating, I think you can be with - er, it's Jason , Mr. Jason Friarati’s script, you can talk to him and change the name to something like "Be Careful, Internet Girlfriend". There's a strong fit, too. And while horror movies have a solid audience and do better on DVD, comedies still have a better box office presence. Think again."

David frowned, "It would be great if we could shoot all of them. It's actually more suitable for the company to run smoothly by opening two films.

But the funds are not enough. What do you think of the investment in the latter film? "

"There is no need to look for someone who is particularly well-known. It must be a familiar face. The acting skills must be good enough. Don't let it go too far. It will ruin the movie. You can find someone from CAA and other agencies, and Actors Union. If the salary is not too much, the total investment can be controlled. I estimate that 25 million should be controlled. People from the match website are invited to be consultants. They have experience and can talk about implants. Put their website in the movie."

Match is the first online dating website in the United States, with a history of almost eight years. It is developing very well now, but as a fee-based website, while the service is better, the number of users has no way to see a big jump—this is similar to that in the United States. The formation of people's online payment habits is not enough, but in the past two years, this habit has undergone substantial changes, and the development prospects of match are also very optimistic about the development of investors.

The other scripts didn't look particularly good, so Daniel didn't say any more.


After the second full week of "The Bourne", it almost broke through 100 million box office and became the hottest film in the schedule. The market squeeze of "Spider-Man" did not seem to affect Jason Bourne's popularity. Although this superhero movie is a big hit, there are not many people who like this genre, and many people follow the crowd. After all, this is one of the most successful superhero movies in many years, and it has attracted people's attention. And "Bourne Shadow" surpassed 100 million sales in two weeks, imdb has a score above 8.5 so far, and the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is even better, reaching 87%. These data have basically confirmed that this new agent role will undoubtedly become a classic .

Universal also announced on the day when it broke 100 million that it would launch the second part of the series in 2004, and Daniel had already confirmed to star in it. After the announcement, "Bourne Shadow 2" has quickly become one of the most anticipated movies in the future.

Indeed, as they say, Cusa has confirmed the plan with Universal Pictures-Daniel will be scheduled to star in the sequel of the series in 2003. It is worth mentioning that Doug Liman refused to continue filming the sequel because he was unwilling to waste his creativity and inspiration in the sequel, but at the invitation of Universal, he will serve as the producer of the film people, to ensure that the sequel does not deviate from those beloved characteristics.

It is said that Universal's new director is Paul Greenglass, the winner of the Golden Bear Award at the New Koberlin International Film Festival. This former journalist and controversial writer has made his mark in Europe with his realistic style. "Bloody Sunday" has won numerous awards across Europe. . Universal's decision is not without risk, but the second part of the series can often reap surprising box office results under the high reputation of the first part. It is obviously a good idea to choose a cutting-edge director who can keep the series alive. A long-term strategy under the premise of guarantee.

DD Films’ investment proposal was rejected, which is understandable. Even if Universal and Daniel are happy to cooperate with a movie that is destined to make money, it is impossible to give it up. Although Universal’s financial pressure is great, such a project is worthwhile anyway. Will not take out to share with others.

But maybe as compensation, Universal didn't have much opinion on Kusa's other conditions.

Including 20 million basic salary!

Yes, from this moment on, Daniel has stepped into the 20 million club with one foot. If he has a thicker skin, it can be said that Daniel Sandler has become a real member of the 20 million club of the top Hollywood group .


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