Ace Hollywood

Chapter 156: Emperor Cannes

However, this time his judgment seemed to be wrong.

"I think "The Pianist" has a priority in terms of the ability to express the theme." French director Claude Miller was the first to speak. The Palme d'Or at the 51st Cannes Film Festival, and finally won a jury award. Now he recommends—also French movies.

Another French director, Regis Vanier, quickly followed suit and believed that the Cannes award should be awarded to Polanski.

They didn't seem to notice the strange look that the other judges looked at them. Those eyes were full of doubts, and even a little bit of sarcasm.

The French really want to keep the Palme d'Or in France this time.

However, no one can accuse them of their selfishness. The reason is of course very direct and simple. If "The Pianist" is shoddy, then you can easily label the two selfish directors. But this is not the case. Of the five films that entered the second round, two were from the United States, one from Finland and Belgium, and the rest was "The Pianist", co-produced by France, Germany, and Poland. In comparison, "The Pianist" is definitely one of the best.

However, the last Palme d'Or was given to French and Italian films. If the Palme d'Or stays in France for two consecutive years, there may be some doubts, which made the rest of the judges think that Claude and Regis would In favor of giving the award to "The Man Without a Past," another film of recognized quality.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all, and the French have no fear of being overwhelmed by gossip.

David frowned. To be honest, he was not without a little selfishness in his heart. In the second round, two American works were released, whether it was "About Schmidt" starring Jack Nicholson, or the young Anderson full of talent. and the talented "Confused Love", both should be taken into account. However, as the chairman of the jury, he has no plan to interfere with everyone's judgment.

Everyone started commenting on this.

"The Pianist" was recognized by Christine from Indonesia at the same time, and got three votes, while "Confused Love" and "A Man Without a Past" both got two votes, and the remaining one vote belonged to Brazilian director Walter Salah. Les, he voted for "Sons" in Belgium.

Each of the eight votes belongs to each other, and David Lynch also has one vote, but the Cannes selection is definitely not a minority over a majority, but everyone needs to reach a consensus, at least seven or eight out of nine people must win this award .

But without waiting for him to speak to coordinate, Director Claude began to canvass for his choice.

He said that only the heroine Katie Odingen's performance in "A Man Without a Past" is remarkable, but the whole story is not outstanding, and even slightly procrastinated and deliberately obscure. "Sons" was criticized by him for having some cheap sensational plots. Although Olivier's performance is good, the obvious shortcomings should not be ignored. As for "Confused Love", what he said was even worse.

"Director Paul is very young. I was pleasantly surprised to see his genius in the movie. Yes, this is a person with talent. But the relationship between movies and talent is not equal. This movie is so immature, what I want to show The subject matter is utterly inadequate, and although the genius of the presentation allows this to be muddled through, it is hard to imagine how such a film winning the Palme d'Or would have a dire effect on the authority of the festival."

Claude ruthlessly criticized all other works.

David Lynch felt that the French director was really not very smart,

Even though there are two French judges in the team, most of them are from France. He is so arrogant, does he think he can get the approval of everyone else? What's more, as the chairman of the jury, I haven't shown any inclination at all.

Seeing that the judges have not yet refuted Claude, David felt that he needed to beat them.

"Yes, every movie is very good, but it also has shortcomings and deficiencies. Like "The Pianist", this movie has a very good entry point, a pianist who was in World War II and was displaced. Obviously, Polanski The control is the same as before." David paused, "However, we must realize that we can use a peaceful and calm perspective to examine that cruel history, but it should have enough strength. Peaceful, not flat, calm , nor should it be considered indifference."

Sales signaled that he needed to speak, and David understood that the counterattack against Claude and Regis would begin.

"Yes, "The Sons" is indeed lacking. I agree with Claude and David for the praise of "The Pianist". Polanski's mastery is amazing. I think "The Pianist" deserves the Palme d'Or, And Olivier should be the best actor, his performance is very convincing."

"Yes, I also recognize Olivier." Claude said.

"No, we're just discussing the Palme d'Or, actor and actress, and they'll discuss it later."

David and Sharon Stone looked at each other and understood what the situation was like.

These non-Hollywood directors are clearly targeting them, not each other.

He takes another look at Michelle Yeoh, but Yang avoids his gaze.

After weighing it in his heart, David made a decision.

"It seems that 'The Pianist' is more recognized, it has some problems, but Daniel Sandler's performance makes up for it, which makes it less lacking. Mr. Sandler is very young, but he obviously It has been integrated with this movie, and with him, this movie has the vitality and charm it has today..."


Media reporters from all over the world felt somewhat discordant in the collective action jury. David and his wife walked the red carpet together with Sharon Stone and Michelle Yeoh, while Indonesian Kristin and Chilean director Raoul Reiss walked side by side, two French directors teamed up with Brazil's Walter, and only Danish director Billy August, who won the Cannes Palme d'Or twice, remained.

The camps are clearly defined, obviously this is a sequela left over from the debates during the award judging. At the opening, everyone was not so clear-cut.

The reporters tried to analyze the results at the last moment, but it is a pity that these judges basically did not say anything during the more than ten days of the film festival, and everyone could not confirm their tendency based on their nationality and past works.

As for the candidates for the major awards.

The 22 films shortlisted for the Palme d'Or were all present, and the best actor, Olivier, Jack Nicholson, and Daniel Sandler were all present. Connie Nielsen was also there, and there was no definite guess as to who would win the grand prize in the end.

Daniel knew that Connie's "Devil Lover" was shortlisted in Cannes, but Connie didn't attend the opening ceremony, so they didn't meet.

This is the first time the two have met since the promotion period of "Gladiator", which shows that Cannes is indeed a good place for world filmmakers to gather.

Both parties did not discuss whether to win the award, but just talked about each other's work and life during this period. In Connie's words, you only need to pay attention to Daniel's news to know what he lives every day. After a wry smile, Daniel really has nothing to refute. Some are the results of the paparazzi, and some are the results of Trevor. How, it is a fact that his personal space is very narrow.

But there is nothing to complain about. Personal space is often inversely proportional to coffee status and popularity. When you are so out of touch that no one cares about you, the entire universe is your private space. Of course, this is not the consequence that any Hollywood star wants.

The awards ceremony in Cannes is quite simple, not as magnificent as the Oscars. Everyone sat down, and the award presenters announced one by one, and then it ended.

For film festivals, awards are not the most important thing. International distributors negotiating purchase contracts, various stars who come to show their faces, and making friends at one party after another are all more important than awards. To a certain extent, this is also the reason why the awards of the three major international film festivals are less valuable than the American national award Oscar, not just because Hollywood is the center of world cinema.

When the 55th anniversary special was to be awarded to "Bowling for Columbine", it was declared out, and Michael Moore's reluctant expression in accepting the award was of course taken for granted, and the subsequent "Divine Intervention"—— The winners of the Special Jury Prize were not far behind. Best Screenplay went to Britain's Sweet Sixteen. Then there was the best director, Polanski's body tensed a little, although he felt that it was basically impossible, as usual, if he won the best director, then the Palme d'Or and the best actor would have no chance with "The Pianist", Ya Cob's intentions in informing Daniel were too bad--purely to trick him into supporting the situation.

Sure enough, even though the double-yolk egg was opened, South Korea's Lim Kwon-taek and the US's Paul Thomas Anderson both won awards, but Polanski failed to get his own lecture.

But he obviously has nothing to lose. For Cannes, strictly speaking, there is only one award, the Palme d'Or, and all the previous awards combined cannot compare with this one.

When the jury award was awarded to "The Man Without a Past", Kaurismaki showed a wry smile to the heroine Katie Odingen next to him. Any other award after that was more attractive than this one. Unfortunately, they It can only stop here. However, this year's Cannes obviously intends to take an unusual path. As soon as Kaurismaki returned to his seat, he heard a familiar name.

He looked at Katie Odingen in disbelief, and the other party was obviously unprepared.

The Best Actress, usually we call the Queen of Cannes, was also won by "A Man Without a Past". Katie Odingen received the warmest applause so far at the awards ceremony.

Polanski and Daniel looked at each other, then laughed together. In any case, it seems that one of the latter two awards will always belong to them.

"You have to trust me and I hope it's the Palme d'Or."

Daniel said so when Katie gave his acceptance speech.

Polanski squeezed his eyes, "But I hope it's the actor."

Of course, he got a supercilious look from Daniel.

However, when the award presenter pronounced "Daniel Sandler" in English that was not particularly idiomatic, the faces of both parties were still stiff.

My god, he really is the actor.

After hugging Polanski, who was slightly disappointed, Daniel walked onto the stage amidst the sound of blessings. He also met Connie Nielsen on the way and kissed the back of her hand before Daniel walked out of the seating area.

After finishing the prepared speech without loss, he returned to Polanski's side.

"This result is already good."

Daniel nodded, "So the Palme d'Or belongs to "Sons"? Now I'm going to be angry. Roman? Roman?"

"We won the Palme d'Or!"


He really didn't pay attention to it just now, because it seemed that apart from "Sons", there seemed to be no other options among the big hits. So, "The Pianist" won the Palme d'Or?

"That's great, Roman."

"Let's go on stage together, Daniel."

Polanski did not give Daniel a chance to hesitate, but took his forearm and walked all the way to the stage.

Daniel even holds his best actor trophy in his hand, which is placed in a square black box.

Until he came out of the awards ceremony and was surrounded by media reporters like locusts, Daniel still had a slight sense of reality. Yes, "The Pianist" won the Palme d'Or and Best Actor, which is not particularly surprising. In the previous session, "The Piano Teacher" won the best actor and best actress, and the previous "Dancer in the Dark" won the Palme d'Or and the best actress at the same time. There are precedents for this. However, since the opening of the film festival, "The Pianist" has not received a lot of calls for awards. With David Lynch's directorial style, it is normal to not be impressed by this film. With this mentality, he won two awards, which is why Daniel was so surprised.

Whether it's him, or the onlookers A, B, C, and Ding, of course they can't imagine the confrontation in the jury.

After David Lynch realized that "The Pianist" was unstoppable, he strongly proposed Daniel Sandler with the authority of the chairman instead of the previous Olivier Gourmet. Sharon Stone, Michelle Yeoh, and Christine all voted for it. They had different ideas, but they did agree. David's temporary change caught Daniel off guard and won the best actor.

Now "The Pianist", which is not so popular, won the Palme d'Or and the best actor, and was praised to the sky. It has kept the Palme d'Or in Cannes, France for two consecutive years, and it will obviously face doubts. The important thing is that Daniel Sandler, who won the best actor, is still an American and a Hollywood star through and through.

Claude and Regis should not be in such a bright mood anymore.

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