Ace Hollywood

One hundred and fortieth chapters in dire straits

The party ended early, and Dominic invited Daniel to be a guest at home the day after tomorrow. The Borsch siblings sent the guests out. In order to save Andy some trouble, Phil drove Daniel back to the residence by himself.

It's just that the look in his eyes along the way is a bit weird, which makes Daniel a little unnatural.

A few days before leaving Berlin, Dominique's mother cooked a rather special German meal for Daniel, and of course the host and guest enjoyed it. The invitation of Diane Kruger and his wife was pushed back by him. After entering the shooting, there will always be time. Beyond that, Collins and Daniel became surprisingly acquainted.

She knew that many places were hidden and places where the paparazzi were not easy to find, so she took Daniel around Berlin for several days, but it was Phil who didn't show up these two days.

Collins originally hoped to drive Daniel and Andy to Tegel Airport, but Andy said that Daniel's car needs to be stored at the airport and they can use it when they return, so Collins gave up his good intentions and drove to the airport instead. return.

"Is that Miss Polsh?"

"Yes, Collins is very friendly." Of course, Daniel also realized that something was wrong. Collins' enthusiasm crossed the boundaries of friends, not to mention that they had only known each other for a few days.

Dominique had a weird expression, "Do you know what's going on at Collins' house?"

"No, I don't know, is there anything special?"

"Aren't you and Phil good friends?" Dominic asked in surprise, "I heard from him that day that you are very good friends."

"Really?" Daniel didn't know that he had become a very good friend in Phil's heart. "I only met Phil when I came to Berlin this time. Let's work out together."


Seeing Daniel's hellish expression, Dominic smiled and said, "Didn't Phil tell you, is that his fitness center?"

"You mean that Keweisi is the industry of Feier?" Daniel was really a little surprised at this moment. The location and grade of Keweisi Center show that this is not an indifferent industry. He was now a little curious about the Fell and Collins families.

"Porsh, haven't you thought of it?"

"Porsh?" Daniel frowned and thought about it, but suddenly thought of another meaning of the word, "Porsh, my God, is that it?"

Dominic nodded. Although Daniel didn't say it clearly, he knew that Daniel had already guessed the answer.

That's right, the Chinese expression that Daniel is more familiar with should be Porsche!

A German luxury car brand based in Stuttgart.

Men always have some special emotions for luxury cars. Daniel knew about Porsche in his previous life. The grievances between Porsche and the Volkswagen, and the intricate relationship between the Porsche family and the Piëch family are almost the most exciting stories in the history of the world's automobile industry. one.

"Both Fein and Collins belong to the Porsche family?"

"To be precise, they are a pair of sons and daughters of Wolfgang." As a Berliner, Dominic certainly understands this very well. Besides, Fair and Collins are not quiet in the upper class. And he said that Wolfgang is the leader of this generation of the Porsche family and the representative of the Porsche family on the company's supervisory board.

Accidentally met the top n-generation rich man in Germany.

"So the next time you buy a Porsche, can you ask him for a discount? I bought a Mercedes-Benz from Daimler before.



Back in Los Angeles, Daniel put the "adventurous encounter" in Berlin behind him. Fair or Collins' net worth may not be comparable to him now, so there is really no need to care too much.

Contacting through Andy, in fact, there is no special lingering business.

After he rested, it was the eve of the premiere.

The world premiere of "The Fellowship of the Ring" was held in Los Angeles. It was supposed to be held in London, Tolkien's hometown. Therefore, in the end, New Line Company still put this grand event in the traditional Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.

This time, Daniel declined New Line's arrangement to let him walk the red carpet with Liv Tyler. Liv Tyler had just made a new boyfriend. During the promotion period, some tabloids made up the news that they were having an affair at will. , so Daniel doesn't want to put Liv's new relationship to the test.

He ended up walking the red carpet alone.

There were cheers and flashing lights, and there was nothing to do at this time. New Line and its parent company, Time Warner, invited many big names to help out.

This kind of work that is destined to be a hit, everyone is willing to join in the grand event.

Daniel was able to meet many old friends, two big directors Ridley Scott and Robert Zemeckis, as well as the hot superstar Russell Crowe, this year he and Ron Howard's new work "A Beautiful Mind" "will be released two days after playing "The Fellowship of the Ring", which is almost a head-on fight. The rave reviews at the preview made him possible to become a superstar nominated for an Oscar winner for three consecutive years. Ridley may also be shortlisted for the best director again with "Black Hawk Down", but even if the two are shortlisted, they should not be considered popular. Crowe has just won the best actor. Of course, the academy will not let him become the second Tom. Hanks. "Black Hawk Down" can only be said to be the standard for nominations, but it is not yet at the level of being able to win awards.

In addition, newcomer Reese Witherspoon also came to join in.

Beverly is star-studded, which also seems to imply that this movie will achieve the expected results.

The premiere was very lively, and the next day's newspapers were full of relevant reports. This Daniel doesn't have much to do with it. No matter how popular his character is, it won't change the fact that he's just a supporting role in this movie that doesn't rank in the top five, so he has fewer obligations, so Andy has already made a plan to fly back to Berlin. airplane. Going back this time, "The Pianist" will officially start filming.


In the following two months, "The Fellowship of the Ring" swept the Christmas schedule with a terrifying score of 47.21 million on the first day. Although "A Beautiful Mind" that followed was extremely tenacious and rose all the way with word of mouth, it was still unable to compete with " "The Fellowship of the Ring" confronted, in the first weekend of four days, "The Fellowship of the Ring" exceeded 100 million in North America, and was released simultaneously in 22 countries and regions around the world.

"A masterpiece with a billion box office appearance."

The wind of "Lord of the Rings" began to sweep the world, almost not inferior to the "Matrix" series. Daniel's haunting in Berlin was also more difficult, because more people would suddenly recognize him and shout "Elf Prince". But in general, compared with Los Angeles and the United States, which are in full swing, compared with Peter Jackson who is at a certain peak in his life, Daniel, who is hiding in Berlin to film "The Pianist", still misses this wave of craze , even though the global cries about the "Elf Prince" were almost heard by the astronauts on the International Space Station, Daniel did not leave Berlin.

He even refused to invite his crew and friends from Berlin to see the film in a theater because he didn't want to break away from Spearman's character.

"That period of time was very important and indispensable to me." In a later episode of "The Daily Show", Daniel talked about this wonderful experience. Cheers, applause, and flowers seemed like boiling hot oil, just waiting for him to stand out and accept everyone's pursuit and love, but in the studio, there were sets from World War II all over the place, heavy and sad stories in the script, and all the people who came into contact with him all day long. The roles in the movie make his heart immersed and pure.

"At that time, I heard other people's descriptions, it seemed that the whole world loved me, and there were people squatting outside the studio every day. But in the studio, I felt abandoned by the world and had nowhere to go. My friends left me , my life was precarious, I dealt with refugees, Nazis, villains, and I fell back and forth in good and evil every day. This experience is extremely amazing for anyone.”

"Indeed, even just hearing your description, I find that situation charming." Jon agreed.


Acting in "The Pianist" was a very different experience for Daniel. Polanski is a "pretty authoritarian" director, he has a whole movie in his mind, everyone needs to be what he wants, and when he chooses actors, he makes sure you can achieve that, and then you just have to Get closer as required, don't innovate, don't do anything reckless.

Therefore, Daniel rarely needs to think about how to shape the character and how to perform the character. His greatest efforts are spent on the overall emotional integration, which is a state that requires sobriety to indulge. Clarity ensures that Daniel can perform, and obsession ensures that what he performs is excellent. So the situation he was in helped this kind of performance just beyond words.

The strong contrast between the inside and outside of the play strongly pushed him to get closer to the deeper heart of the characters. Step by step, he was cheered and praised and pushed back to the depths of Spearman's soul and heart.

Until, really become a Spielman with Daniel's perspective, and then completely control this character and the entire movie.


On the third day, 10,000 words, continue to persist. Thank you for the reward. Regarding the listing, I plan to ask the editor when I reach 400,000 words, but I guess I won’t be able to get it. Anyway, I am mentally prepared.

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