Ace Hollywood

Chapter 130 The New York Times

Released on 3,068 screens, it earned US$40.33 million in the first three days of the weekend, ranking first in this week's chart.

The influence of "Legally Blonde" has swept the entire entertainment circle.

On the first day of the "For Whom to Watch" survey, Daniel ranked first with an ultra-high rate of nearly 65%, which also made studios and entertainment media overwhelmed.

The Los Angeles Times chants Daniel as the "new box office juggernaut."

"Entertainment Weekly" reported "A New Record for Fan Movies" with a headline, trying to break "Pretty Woman" into the rut of impulsive consumption.

The relatively neutral media paid more attention to the reasons for this number, why Daniel was able to attract so many people to the cinema, and whether the conclusion obtained in the interview was true. 65% is an unbelievable number anyway, even if the question is "For whom to watch", to a certain extent, only actors and directors are included in it. It is conceivable that Daniel has the greatest influence among the main creators. But what you need to know is that this is not a multiple choice question, it is a subjective question, Reese only got 10% support, Robert Luketic is not worth mentioning, Matthew Davis scored 8 Percentage points. In addition, there are answers such as "subject matter", "trailer", "boring", "random choice", etc. These accounted for 20 points. A comparison, we can see how influential Daniel is.

"What has long been Daniel Sandler's box-office appeal?"

The entertainment section of The New York Times published a genuine article discussing this issue.

The newspaper's senior entertainment reporter De Wen gave four answers.

The first point is "always high exposure". The article stated that "Since Daniel entered Hollywood, he has never disappeared from the newspapers for more than a month. In just two or three years, he has achieved what others cannot match in a lifetime Achievement--". The New York Times counted the large-scale discussion and news coverage he caused in various stages such as "School Blues", "Gladiator", "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy", "Legal Blonde", "The Greek Wedding" and last awards season. The conclusion is that "people see him as a high-profile, talented Hollywood super icon, which has given him credibility, and the last "Gladiator" made him famous all over the United States."

The second point is "the king of the Internet"

The "Times" obviously turned Daniel upside down this time, and they said that "Daniel, or his team, had an advanced vision for this when most people did not realize the meaning of the Internet. If it were placed in Silicon Valley, it must have created several billionaires. But as a Hollywood actor, Daniel has done a good job. Fans of Daniel came together to support "Gladiator". This was not a simple call. They had a clear organization and itinerary. In the end, more than 500 people participated in the event. In this city, the number is expected to be more than two thousand people, not to mention those who go to see alone, invite friends and family to see. In addition, they have a new idea, which is to give away the opportunity to watch movies, if you can afford If you can afford more movie tickets, then if you want, you can buy them, and then give the chance to watch Daniel movie fans who are not so good, and even other people who don’t have a firm willingness to watch, as well as some disabled people in orphanages , if it weren't for the PG-13 movie rating that is not suitable for children to watch, they would definitely include the orphanage. However, this ticket giveaway called 'A Date with a Beautiful Woman' has been praised by many NGOs , including giant organizations such as the Rights and Fairness Alliance,

They see it as an expression of caring, sharing and kindness.

The action of these lovely fans has greatly helped the diffusion of information sources, and it has been very positive. In addition, if you are an Internet expert, then you will know how much Daniel has on the popular 'MicroBlog' - a new social networking site based on the blogger public forum launched by blogger company a few months ago With astonishing influence, he has inherited his status as the king of bloggers, with more than one million followers. million? Not a particularly large number, is it? California Governor Joseph, who had his own account two months ago, has 80,000 followers. It sounds like Daniel is ready to run for governor. His opponent may be Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Terminator intends to be governor and end the future of California. "

The third point is "Daniel's face and body"

The "Times" listed the attention that Daniel's face and body have received for him. The most eye-catching ones are the initial fitness process and the recent elf prince craze, which made Daniel an all-American icon for the first time, thus embarking on a smooth road. Movie itinerary. This time, it has accumulated a strong desire for the dark horse posture of "Pretty Blonde". The "Times" asserts that Daniel will advance five places this year, becoming the world's sexiest man, and perhaps the world's most willing to spend a night with him, the world's most willing him to be your boyfriend, the object of marriage and so on. .

Finally, the "New York Times" sticks to its own positive tradition. They call it "unparalleled acting talent and intelligence". In addition, during Cusa Damon's absence, Daniel maintains a violent upward momentum with his own wisdom, showing that this Hollywood star has a brain - which is commendable. Many times, the smart American people are always fascinated by a group of people with no brains. "Times" analyzed Daniel's development process, from small productions to large productions, from supporting roles to leading roles, Daniel can always be the most eye-catching one. Sharing, investment, film production company, commercial film, literary film, choice of endorsement, choice of fashion magazines, all are exquisitely designed.

"If Hollywood stars are all commercial products, there is no doubt that Daniel is one of them with unique design, rich connotation, impeccable appearance, great practicality, and shines with wisdom."

The "New York Times" summed up the whole report in this way, under the brilliance of four photos of Daniel at different times, it is thought-provoking.


When Daniel in Bora Bora, Polynesia read the report, he was satisfied with the dollar he had paid. Then he called Cusa.

"Go with the plan."

Then regardless of the team working overtime in Los Angeles, enjoy the white sandy beach and tranquil lake of the St. Regis Hotel.

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