Ace Hollywood

Chapter 107: Caribbean Trail

"I think Hanks and Julia must hate you very much."

Sitting in front of Daniel was an astonishing man - Jerry Bruckheimer.

After the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, the entertainment media in the United States went crazy for the Golden Globe Awards and the subsequent Oscars. "Gladiator" was the best feature film - in this regard, the Oscars and the Golden Globes had a good understanding, so "Gladiator" "The odds dropped rapidly, and although "Never Compromise" was still unexpectedly at the bottom, "Drug Network" has been surpassed by "Gladiator" because "Drug Network" performed so poorly at the Golden Globes, except for Best Drama The film was taken away by "Gladiator". In the category of popular supporting actor, Benizo was also beaten by Daniel, especially the best director. Although Ridley Scott did not win this trophy, he also has Steven Soderbergh, who was nominated twice, lost to Ang Lee, still embarrassing him.

Reports that Daniel Sandler won the Golden Globe and became the most popular Oscar are rampant, not only in the United States, but also in China.

He Yu of NEW wave finally got permission to do a short exclusive interview with Daniel - or just a video recording.

"Hi everyone, Chinese movie fans, I'm Daniel Sandler, thank you for following "Gladiator" and following me."

Daniel speaks English and holds the trophy he just won in his hand.

But this is enough. Daniel's weight in this special report has risen sharply, and his number of Chinese fans has also increased rapidly-to a certain extent, China is still a desert for Hollywood stars, so high-quality stars like Daniel can be opened. The gesture of expanding the land has gained great popularity.

"Jerry, don't be joking. If I win the best actor trophy, I won't hate anyone." Daniel said with a smile.

Daniel and Jerry have always been in touch, but now, Jerry's desire to connect has become a little stronger. Most of the meetings have no work to connect with, just sit down and have a drink, chat, and talk about each other's work, especially It's "Black Hawk Down"

"But speaking of it, Jonathan is really a headache, and Ridley is not that satisfied with him," Jerry muttered, "Maybe you should listen to Ridley at the beginning, and your performance will definitely be better."

Of course, there is no need to believe such words. Generally speaking, speaking ill of a third party helps to harmonize the relationship between the two parties.

For example, now, Daniel is quite happy.

"Then I really envy Jonathan, Ridley is a director who is very good at directing actors, I have benefited a lot, and there is also you, Jerry, you are the producer that stars dream of."

"Daniel, what about you?"

"Of course I'm one of them." Daniel's expression was very determined.

Jerry paused for a moment, and Daniel realized that he should have something to talk about.

Even though he had expected it, Daniel began to feel his heart beating a little faster.

"Recently, Walt Disney has a project in contact with my company - Disney's live-action movie. Are you interested?" Jerry laughed after finishing speaking, "But now there is no script, only a general idea."

Daniel suppressed his emotions. To be honest, this is not too difficult for Daniel - "Pirates of the Caribbean" is certainly an opportunity he cannot miss, but it is not so unattainable.

"Of course, I'm always ready to read the script if you see fit."

From Jerry's point of view,

This is Daniel's respect and admiration for him, as well as his appreciation of his personal reputation.

In any case, this meeting unexpectedly greatly increased the friendship between the two parties.

As far as Daniel knows, it is not certain that Jerry will give him the role in the end. After all, in the original work, Michael Keaton, Jim Carrey, and Christopher Walken were all invited to play Captain Jack. It seems that the cards they asked for As for the role of Will Turner, Jude Law, Ewan McGregor and Tobey Maguire are all in their consideration, so considering the casting angle of the producer, Daniel thinks that Jerry might be more comfortable with him playing Will - which is not his intention.


"In an exclusive interview with the Los Angeles Times, Jones said that if she doesn't receive the itinerary today, she will kill herself." Melissa and Andy's faces were full of energy, because their boss just won a big prize, and of course, because Their wages have increased. So far, Andy and Melissa are getting a weekly salary, and Cusa is getting a share. Triver is still paid with a hammer during the awards season. As for Fred, his salary has already reached the peak. Eagle's shares and salary.

Everyone is excited now because Daniel's ascent is almost visible.

"Kevin hopes that Cusa can participate in tomorrow's internal CAA meeting."

"The meeting with the president of Burberry is confirmed to be the night after tomorrow, and you will have dinner together. After that, you need to participate in the ribbon-cutting event of Burberry's new store in Tokyo."


Daniel felt a headache when he heard Andy's little mouth kept popping out, "Don't you need to do Oscar's work?"

"Triver and Cusa can basically handle it, and there are still two months before the Oscars. You can't give up other jobs."

"If it wasn't for "The Bourne Movie" that needs to be postponed, where do you think I have so much time to do this work."

Andy shrugged, "Time is like a sponge."

"It's sponge water, Miss Andy."

Yes, just after the Golden Globes ended, Daniel received a notice from Universal that "The Bourne Shadow" will change its release time, because Doug Liman has a new understanding of some shots, and he hopes to reshoot some scenes, So Universal simply postponed the film until next June—giving him a full year.

This freed up a lot of time for Daniel. It is Daniel's obligation to reshoot, but it needs to be discussed, and the time will be strictly controlled. Therefore, before the promotion period of "Legally Blonde", that is, before mid-June, Daniel only needs to set aside half a month to a month for Doug Liman, and the rest of the time can be freely used.

"Melissa, after the Oscars, I have to take some time off, and you too, Andy, when is it scheduled?"

"If it's within fifteen days, it will be easier to arrange. If it's longer, I'm afraid we'll have to add it up."

"Yes, within fifteen days, I just went to Greece for a few days." Daniel had a good impression of Greece when he was filming "The Bourne".

"In order to catch up with the premiere of "Fast and Furious", um, you should attend, right? Both Universal and Paul Walker sent you invitations." Andy raised his head and asked him, and after getting a positive reply, " Then your vacation should end before June. How about the second half of May?"

"Is Greece fun at this time?"

"I haven't been there, you can ask David, hasn't he been to many places?"

"Yes, the lucky boy."

David stopped his trip at the end of last year and came back to sign the investment intention agreement for Blogger. The specific negotiations have already begun. Shanying Company, David, and Google—Mark finally convinced Larry and Sergey, Instead of doing it yourself. Daniel has no doubts about this—he knows facebook, twitter, and instagram, including China's BAT—now they are all in the early stages of development and suitable for investment. But investing is not just about throwing money in. Daniel is not interested in this, and so far he has no trustworthy people in relevant areas—his investment managers and accountants only have regular cooperation, so the introduction of big companies like Google, Helps keep his investment risk low enough.

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