Ace Hollywood

Chapter 105 Golden Globe Awards (2)

Russell Crowe's complexion is not very good, he looks a little haggard, and there is not much left at this time when "Gladiator" was released in August. Daniel even suspects that Russell Crowe will not be able to match Mel Gibson in the end. The second member of the 20 million club from Oceania, the most important reason is that at this critical moment, he was dragged down by some unexpected situations. He was nominated for an Oscar winner for three consecutive years and won one of them. This is very important for any actor. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rise, but Crowe has not achieved the achievements that match this opportunity.

"Proof of Life", a missed work, had a bad influence on Russell Crowe beyond expectations.

At nine o'clock in Los Angeles time, the Golden Globe Awards red carpet session ended and the awards ceremony began.

After what was thought to be an interesting opening, the first award handed out was for Best Screenplay.

The host invited Alan Bo, the winner of last year's Golden Globe Award for best original screenplay, to present this award. Last year's Golden Globe Award for best feature film "American Beauty" was written by him.

Both "Gladiator" and "Drug Network" have five nominations, but the best screenplay project is not one of the overlapping projects. The screenwriter of "Gladiator" was not shortlisted for the Golden Globe Award. The strength of Gladiator is the plot.

Alan read out the nominations and opened the card.

There was a clear expression on his face, at this moment the veterans naturally understood what the final result would be.

Steven Gargan undoubtedly beat out Cameron of Almost Famous and Doug Wright of The Quill for his film's first award for "Drug Network."

Everyone gave Steven unreserved applause, but it always seemed a little rushed, as if they were in a hurry to get to the next award.

Best Supporting Actor!

There are a lot of things to watch for in this award. Whoever can finally win the trophy, Daniel or Beniso, will be the first to win the battle between "Drug Network" and "Gladiator" tonight. Will the number of awards be tied or tied? "Drug Network" has a two-to-zero lead, which is of course the focus of everyone's attention, and Daniel himself is full of interest. Whether this rapidly rising Hollywood new power can be firmly established in one fell swoop, the Golden Globe Award is very important.

Of course, it would be even more exciting if the other three candidates finally took advantage of the fire.

Best Supporting Actor for Daniel was the second-way award, with Tom Cruise and Drew Barrymore joining forces on stage to present the award.

"Cruise, how did it feel to receive this award last year?"

"Very good," said Cruise, who is always cool and charming, "but I thought I would get Best Actor this year, but there is no nomination, and the jury may have to go to the ophthalmology department."

Making fun of the organizing committee is generally the patent of big stars, especially Tom Cruise, who tends to take a commercial line. There is no taboo to make jokes—because if he wants to win awards, he can only spend a lot of dollars on public relations. At that time, it won't be a big deal if you said bad things about the organizing committee.

Barrymore, on the other hand, was more restrained, did not answer his words, but smiled and moved the topic to another point.

"So, among these candidates this year, who do you like the most?"

"Who do I like? Is Tom Cruise okay? Haha, just kidding, but I know who you like the most, Drew." Cruise said with a full face, "I also know that many women here today may Just like you."

"Oh?" Barrymore blinked playfully,

"I don't believe it, because the awards are coming, so I haven't told anyone who I want to win."

"Is it still necessary to guess?" Cruise looked at the place where "Gladiator" was, and the camera followed him. This kind of teasing was written in advance, and the camera footage would follow the script, "You don't want those The old man won, sorry Jeb, William and Finney and Penny, you're not as popular as the other competitor."

Drew Barrymore took part in Daniel's jokes without any pressure, she made a look of surprise.

"Wow, Cruise, you really know what's on my mind."

The two made jokes and quickly stirred up the atmosphere of the awards ceremony. Everyone laughed exaggeratedly - who wouldn't want to show in the camera that they are relaxed, happy, without pressure, and don't care about the awards? Those who were crying on stage must "regard fame and wealth like dung" at the moment.

"Okay, look, Daniel's face is almost frozen with laughter. Let's announce it quickly, or if he doesn't win the award in the end, he will be afraid to hire South American gangsters to deal with us."

Now, the audience was really cheering, except for Russell Crowe, who was being threatened with kidnapping by a gang in South America because of "Proof of Life".

Daniel's eyelids twitched. The joke was really heroic. He took a peek at Russell Crowe. He can guarantee that Crowe has definitely hated Cruise. The next time it will come out to Crowe. The news about Cruise being called an "asshole" is probably true, and Crowe has a bad temper.

"The nominees for Best Supporting Actor at the 58th Golden Globe Awards are—"

Jeff Bridges, The Rivals, Willem Dafoe, The Phantom of the Vampire, Beniso del To, The Narcotics Network, Albert Finney, The Uncompromising, Daniel Sandler, The Corner Fighter.

Each of them intercepted a wonderful performance and showed it on the big screen.

Daniel looked at his image in "Gladiator", and inevitably felt nostalgic for that whole-hearted performance.

"The winner is—"

Tom Cruise handed the award card to Drew Barrymore in a gentlemanly manner.

Barrymore gave a small "exclamation", and then showed a bright smile, but she deliberately paused under the attention of everyone.

At this moment, I don't know how many people cursed her in their hearts.

In the audience, Ridley Scott, Connie Nielsen, including Russell Crowe, all looked at Daniel Sandler impatiently at the moment. Daniel's expression was tense at this moment, and he was no longer as relaxed as before.

There are many other people who are the same as the "Gladiator" crew, and the "Drug Network" film is the complete opposite.

Beniso's face suddenly became very heavy.

Barrymore's expression and deliberate short pause left a lot of meaningful themes for the camera.

Beniso's black face, Daniel's breath-holding, Jeb's indifference, Willem Dafoe's and Albert Finney's somewhat lost smiles.

"Winner - Gladiator, Daniel Sandler, congratulations."

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