A War Between Spies

Chapter 533: Fraud

The president’s close friend of the Zenith Star Great Cold State, and the boss of a shipping company, conspired to do one thing, and involved the gray man in the middle.

Yang Yi felt that his brain was not enough, so he sighed: "If he is the president Mei Zheren in Bu Cun, is there any connection between Mei Zheren and the gray people? What are they going to do?"

Thinking for a long time, Yang Yi shook his head and sighed: "I don't understand..."

Xiao Yu Shen Sheng said: "It sounds like Anderson Research will want to stop Park Ji-yi from going to do things, the amount of information inside is very large."

Just then, Tang Guo suddenly said: "There are more strange things."

Yang Yi couldn't help but say: "What is it?"

Tang Guo looked up with a strange look and said: "Park Jiyi is the teacher of the bevel!"

Yang Yi opened his mouth and said: "Education?"

"Yes, the rescue group, Park Ji-yi was the leader of the rescue school. In 1992, the rescue group was declared as an oblique church. What is even more interesting is that the father of Bu Cunzai is also an educator of the Evangelism. His father created the eternal life. This is all public information and can be easily found."

Yang Yizhen’s words: “What can the two oblique heads do? I have a very ominous feeling, as if something big is going to happen.”

Tang Guo is also an incredible tone of voice: "If you know the name of the eternal life, then you can know that the current president of the zenith Star Great Cold State, Mei Zheren and Bu Cunzai's father are very close, and Bu Cunzai and Mei Zhe Ren’s relationship is also very close and has gone far beyond the scope of friendship.”

Yang Yi couldn't keep calm, he said to Brian: "What do you think of this?"

Brian shrugged and said: "If Mei Zheren is an Evangelist, then I am not surprised at all."

Yang Yi suddenly said: "Check the weather forecast and see if it is a good day."

Tang Guo immediately said: "These two days are rainy weather, and the weather is getting fine after the day."

Yang Yi Shen said: "They said that they will start to act in good weather. What action will there be?"

Brian looked indifferent: "That is what he wants to do. We are keeping an eye on Park Ji-yi and trying to monitor Bu Cun."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He thought for a long time, whispered: "The information obtained is still too small. We have to hurry up, Xiao Yu, send us a check to the cleaners to see if they can Can't be rewarded."

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "Okay, do you think there is a possibility that Mei Zheren can be elected president, is it helped by the gray man?"

"The Anderson Research Society is behind a company called CA Information Resources. If the CA Information Resources Company is a gray-haired person, then the gray-clothed people help Mei Zheren to come to power, so the Anderson Research Society can reach out so long, hey, though Very incredible, but very reasonable..."

Speaking a few words to himself, Yang Yi looked at Brian and said: "Looking at Park Ji-yi, we don't have the strength to monitor Bu Cun, but we must look at Park Ji-yi, he is today. I will meet with the people at the Anderson Research Society. I want to know what they will say after they meet. Only Anton is not insured. You and Paul will also go."

Brian nodded, then he immediately said to Paul: "Let's go."

Yang Yi thought for a moment, then he said to Kate: "We can't just steal cars. The quickest way is to rent a car, Kate, and Xiao Yu. You go out with me, we rent a car."

Be prepared for the next job, lest you have to steal the car when you drive the car as you did last time. In addition, the preparation work is not just a problem with the car. Yang Yi also plans to prepare a few more in Seoul. .

So in the next few days, in addition to renting a car, Yang Yi opened a room in two hotels near Park Ji’s home, and opened two rooms in the nearest place in the villa area of ​​Bu Cunzai.

After processing some trivial things and preparing for the next long-term monitoring, the day will pass.

And Park Ji-yi’s monitoring has progressed. Anton succeeded in getting a conversation between Park Ji-yi and an Anderson researcher, but there is no value in this conversation. It’s just some nonsense that seems normal, but Park Ji-yi acts as a It is unreasonable for the owner of the shipping company to meet with a researcher at the Anderson Institute and talk about some irrelevant topics.

Yang Yi thinks that perhaps Park Ji-yi is a whisper, but they can't decipher, and after the recording of the dialogue is sent to the cleaners, the cleaners can't decipher what the other two mean.

The turn of things happened in the morning of the next day.

The weather was not good. On a cloudy day, there was a light rain. Yang Yi started very early. After looking at the weather outside, he was ready to take over from Brian and Paul to monitor Park Ji.

However, when Yang Yi was about to leave, Xiao Yu rushed to the side of Yang Yi who was sitting in front of the computer.

"Watch TV! Come watch TV!"

Kate is making makeup for Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu interrupted makeup, and ran to call Yang Yi and Tang Guo to watch TV. That must be something important happened.

Both Yang Yi and Tang Guo ran to the TV, and then he saw the news screen. A large ship was tilted on the surface of the sea, surrounded by rescue boats, and the news footage was taken from a helicopter.

Kate hurriedly said: "The sudden news, the oath of the passenger ship turned over at sea, there are more than 400 passengers on board, and this ship belongs to Zhenhai Shipping Company!"

Yang Yi was shocked. He stared at the news screen and trembled: "This is what they are going to do, sinking a ship. Is this an accident or a deliberate one? If this is intentional, then why? ?"

Xiao Yu hurriedly said: "Unexpected? Coincidence? I don't think this is an accident~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it to lie?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "Cheat insurance? There is this possibility, otherwise they have no reason to upset a ship. The passengers on board are all right? If the passengers are all right, they will be rescued immediately when they turn over the boat. It may be a scam, or they will not move so fast."

Kate hurriedly said: "The news said that most of the passengers were rescued, and the evacuation work was smooth."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "That may be really a lie, otherwise there is no reason, oh, let's watch the news."

From the news screen, we can see that the passenger ship's degree of roll is getting more and more serious. Until the final overturning, the process is not very long, but it lasted for more than an hour, but it was only more than an hour of live news, from the passenger ship. The time until the complete overturn lasted for more than two hours.

Because I monitored Park Ji-yi's information, Yang Yi felt that she might be the first person in the world to know the inside story. He thought that this accident was a conspiracy, and the biggest possibility of this conspiracy was to swindle. Otherwise, Park Zhiyi has no reason to sink one of his own ships.

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