Son, do you know?

You and I, I was the man who stole the crown prince and almost married the crown prince back then——

Awesome, right?

Several years later, a middle-aged man was drinking heavily while bragging to his son about his glorious deeds in his youth.


Well, the premise is that I still have a chance to live and have children.

Recalling the outrageous words he said to the Crown Prince when he first met him, Sal's mind flashed through one hundred and eight ways to die - of course, all of them were executed. he himself.

For a moment, his mind went blank.

Facing the knights who were furious and drawing their swords because of the vulgar words he blurted out in front of the crown prince, facing the cold light shining brightly on his face in the dark night.

The young leader of the horse thieves looked dull, lost his soul, and his heart was filled with despair.

He suddenly felt aggrieved.

What do you think you, a majestic crown prince, are doing in such a remote place?

Are you pretending to be a woman?

And you deliberately touched yourself so that you could take him back?

It was obviously intentional, to make a fool of himself.

That’s right! The crown prince deliberately bullied people!

Sal, who was originally frightened and frightened, felt more and more aggrieved the more he thought about it. He simply closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the ground, and just sat there waiting to be killed, pretending to kill or behead you.

He looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"If you continue to sit down like this, your chance of taking down the Sivali bandits in one go will be gone."

Garlan's words made Thrall, who was still aggrieved, suddenly open his eyes and stare directly at Garlan.

"Now, take your people and attack the bandit's lair in Sivali. You should be able to defeat it easily."

Garlan said, with a smile in his eyes.

"The period originally given to you was three months, but now it's cheaper for you."

Sal's eyes lit up, but then he hesitated.

Fela's power was originally weaker than that of Sivali. Even if Sivali was defeated this time, if they wanted to completely eliminate the Sivali gang, they still had to devote all their efforts to attack Sivali's lair.

Thrall was worried that if he led his clansmen to attack the lair of the Sivali bandits, and the Sivali horse thieves who had broken away and fled suddenly came back, the clansmen remaining in the camp would be in danger.

Garlan could tell at a glance what Thrall was hesitating about.

"Go ahead."

He said.

"I'll stay here for two more days."

Thrall was refreshed, and he understood the meaning of Garlan's words.

Garlan said that he would stay here for two more days, which meant that if the people of Ferra were in danger, Garlan would not turn a blind eye.

Just as he was about to say something, he raised his eyes and met Garlan's golden eyes.

In the dark night, the young man looked at him with an invisible sense of oppression.

"Remember, after you capture the bandit stronghold in Sivali, you must not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

After hearing this, Sal, who had no time to speak, frowned secretly.

He immediately remembered that the reason why Garlan selected the Fela people was not because they were the descendants of the knight from hundreds of years ago.

The crown prince chose them simply because although they were horse thieves, they had always adhered to the tradition of 'only seeking wealth and not harming innocent lives'.

Everyone said that the crown prince had been a kind and gentle prince since he was a child.

Sal suddenly felt worried.

Because he had seen some nobles deliberately pardon or release criminals on their birthdays or celebration days to promote their benevolent idiotic behavior.

What if the crown prince, who is praised by the world for his kindness, also...

He asked hesitantly: "Can't we kill those Sivali horse thieves who were captured?"

Garlan raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think those horse thieves fall into the category of innocent people?"

Do not kill innocent people indiscriminately, provided that the other party is an innocent person.

The horse thieves like Sivali who killed people and set fires with blood in their hands were not included among them.

Sal breathed a sigh of relief and felt reassured.

Although he was warned and beaten by Garlan, he did not feel dissatisfied. Instead, he felt reassured and his mind stabilized.

A kind crown prince with correct limits is more reassuring and trustworthy.

He stopped talking and quickly got up, bowed deeply to Garlan, and then left quickly to gather troops to attack the bandit stronghold in Sivali.

Presumably, by now, the hundreds of Fira people who were deceived by Temiar into going to the oasis have also received the summons and rushed back.

He had to move quickly.

Otherwise, if you can't complete the task and can't hug the crown prince's thick legs, everything will be over.

If that were the case, he would have to hammer himself to death.


With this thought in mind, Sal, who vowed to perform well in front of the crown prince, completed the task of wiping out the Sivali bandits in just over a day.

Only he knows Garlan's identity, not even his father.

When he finally went to see Garlan off, Thrall couldn't hold back after all and asked the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

"If it were this Lord Black Knight, with a thousand cavalry, he could easily sweep through the entire Thrall Desert."

He asked, "Why don't you do this?"

Cleaning up the Sal Desert directly was obviously the easiest way for the Crown Prince, so why did the Crown Prince choose the most troublesome method instead.

Sal couldn't figure it out.

"Except for you Fira people, the horse thieves in the Sal Desert are all outsiders."

"There are many people who have fled here from other places. Among them, there are criminals who escaped, and there are also people who were persecuted and had to flee... Because there is only no order in the Saar Desert, people who have nowhere to go will come from all directions. Gather here.”

Garlan raised his head and looked at the endless desert.

"As long as this most fundamental problem cannot be solved for one day, even if all the horse thieves are killed now, as long as the army cannot be stationed here for a long time, new bandits will still appear before long."

Golden eyes that were as different as the sun in the sky looked into the distance, and the young man's eyes were full of determination.

Garlan said: "I want to establish a new order here."

Thrall did not answer, he just looked up at Garlan.

He stared at the young prince's blond hair that shone brightly in the sun.

The bright blond hair seemed to bring the brilliance of Shamash to this land where justice and order had not existed for hundreds of years.

The horse neighed, and Garlan, who was riding on the horse, turned his head and looked back at Thrall again.

He suddenly said: "Thall, you already know my identity. Then you should also know that after you complete the task I gave you, I can let you and the people of Feira live in the richest and most fertile land." A superior life.”

He looked at Thrall with deep meaning in his eyes.

"Now, as long as you change your request, I will give you the same promise."

Sal was startled. a carefree life in the rich and fertile land...

As long as he speaks now, just one word.

You can get it all.

Sal lowered his eyes, took a deep breath, and drove the huge temptation out of his mind with difficulty.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, we don't need fertile land."

The leader of Fela replied, bowing his head deeply to Garlan.

His words were word for word, firm and resolute.

"Please help us... restore the past prosperity of Thrall!"

Garlan stared at Thrall.

"Even if this process is very difficult?"


Sal replied.

"Even if this process is so long that it takes decades or even hundreds of years, will it take you, the people of Fela, several generations to do it?"


Thrall answered decisively.

"Aaron Landis and all the gods above, the people of Feira will never abandon their homeland."

Garlan nodded slightly, the corners of his lips raised in a slight arc.

He didn't make a mistake.

The leader of Fela and the people of Fela behind him will definitely accomplish what he plans to do.


He curled his eyes and smiled at Sal.

"Then as agreed at the beginning, when the land of Sal returns to peace, I will help you to restore the prosperity of the past to the land of Sal."

Sal said nothing.

He leaned over, knelt on the ground, and bowed his head deeply to Garlan.

The people of Fela have been praying to the gods in this barren land for hundreds of years.

Pray to the gods for mercy and salvation.

Now, this crown prince...

Perhaps this is the will of the gods for the people of Fela.


On the way back, a clear eagle call suddenly came from the clear sky.

Garlan looked up and saw a black shadow falling from the sky.

Anu spread his wings, stretched out his sharp claws, and landed on Heimos' raised right arm. His sharp claws firmly clasped the tough black leather gauntlet on his forearm.

Heimos took off the copper pipe tied to its leg, glanced at the note inside, and then raised his eyes to look at Garlan.

"What's wrong?"

Garlan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Tapti secretly sent news that King Camos has left the royal city."


Garlan was shocked.

"Tomorrow is the deadline for the appointment?"

Raising his hand to send Anu into the sky, Heimos spread his hand.

"Maybe King Camos' intuition told him that you won't go back on time honestly."


"Oh, by the way, it seems Shermuer is here too."



"Are you gloating?"



That look is clearly there!

No, no, no, now is not the time to worry about this.

It's over, it's over.

Brother Wang is really here to arrest someone.

...Tsk, forget it, Brother Wang. At worst, he can get away with it by acting shamelessly and being cute.

The key is that Xie Muer's test is not going to be easy.

Especially if Xie Muer also knows that he has been hanging out with horse thieves these days...


No sense of decency! ! !

Garlan felt as if he had heard the priest's roar.

"Um, Heymos, let's discuss something... Just say that it's because you want to directly deal with the Sivali bandits that we delayed it for two days, uh, okay?"

Garlan looked at Heimos cautiously and expectantly.

I don't know if it's because of his aura, but when Heimos was young, Shermer rarely scolded him, and even less so now.

So, letting Heimos take the blame a little, occasionally, in a small way, should be... no problem, right?

Looking at Garlan, whose eyes were flashing and it was obvious that he was planning something, Heimos raised the corner of his mouth.


He readily took the pot.

Garlan just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Heimos continue.

"Including what happened at Fela Camp, you owe me twice in total."


"I will look for opportunities to ask for the rewards for these two times when I go back."

"... Heimos, don't you think... a person should be a little more open-minded and not be too fussy, in order to live a happier life?"

"No, I feel quite happy being a narrow-minded and fussy person."


The knights who listened to the two princes bickering along the way looked away and struggled to hold back their laughter.

The wind and sand were rolling, and the group of people galloped towards the distance on horseback.

The sky is clear and the sun is blazing, illuminating the land that is about to usher in a new life extremely brightly.



Twenty years later.

The city of Fira.

Also known as Fira Oasis.

This oasis located exactly in the middle of the Saar Desert is the largest oasis in the desert and the most prosperous place in the Saar Desert.

It's a peculiar city.

It is said to be a city, but it has no walls.

It is a city built in an oasis.

Its citizens all live in the oasis, and its territory will continue to expand with the expansion of the oasis.

The people who live in the Fira Oasis are the Fira people.

This clan of former horse thieves suddenly became powerful. After wiping out all the forces in the Sal Desert, they surrendered directly to the royal court in exchange for the royal court's pardon.

From then on, the people of Fira did only two things.

One is to ensure order in the Saar Desert, and the other is to plant trees.

Day after day, year after year, the people of Fira continue to plant trees and expand the oasis little by little.

In the first few years, the Fira people still needed material support from the royal court, but as the oasis grew larger and larger, all caravans passing through the Saar Desert would choose to settle here. Over time, the Fira Oasis became It is the most important transit point for caravans in the Saar Desert.

Countless caravans will choose to come here to exchange goods.

With the prosperity of commerce, the once quiet oasis became increasingly prosperous.


On a high hill, a middle-aged man with a weathered face stood there.

He looked at the earth from a distance.

Standing here, he could see the bustling people in the oasis.

Who would have thought that twenty years ago, this was a place that caravans would fear like a tiger.

As far as the eye can see, there is a green color that symbolizes life and vitality.

Those young children who were born not long ago could not imagine that twenty years ago, the middle-aged man stood under his feet and saw a dry desert.

Sal slowly squatted down, crossed his legs, and put his arms on his knees.

He clasped his hands together and continued to look into the distance quietly, with the mottled tree shadows swaying on his body, and the refreshing wind carrying the scent of green leaves passing by his cheeks.

Just like the clarity of the boy's voice in his memory.

[I make a promise to you that I will bring prosperity to the land of Thrall. 】

The blond crown prince made a promise to him here and extended his hand to him who was a lowly horse thief at that time.

He never forgot.

Even though twenty years have passed, everything is still clearly imprinted in his memory.

King Garlan...

Thrall squatted quietly on the ground.

The young king who was deeply loved by the people of Aaron Landis has been dead for fifteen years.



A clear girl's voice sounded.

Sal turned his head and saw his beloved little daughter smiling happily, grabbing a handful of small white flowers and rushing towards him.


The little girl opened her hands towards Sal.

After wiping his face, the man stood up, caught his little daughter with a smile, lifted her up and spun her around in the air, and then let her ride on his neck.

He turned his head and glanced again at the endless green land in front of him.

he thinks,

This proudly green land is the trace left by that person.

He turned around and walked down the hill with his little daughter.

The little girl riding on his neck grabbed his head and laughed all the way.

"Tell a story, I want to hear a story."

she shouted happily.

"I want to hear the story about the little prince you often tell~~"


Holding his beloved little daughter steadily, Sal smiled and spoke.

"A long time ago, when everyone was having a hard time, a beautiful little prince appeared in front of everyone. He had sparkling blond hair..."



In Aaron Landis, the people of Fela, known as the guardians of the green land, have had a legend for thousands of years.

A long time ago, the people of Feira, abandoned by the gods, have been struggling in their desolate and chaotic homeland.

They kept praying to the gods for salvation.

At this time, a young prince appeared in front of them.

He brought light and order back to the land of Thrall, and brought green life back to the people of Fela.

This is the immortal legend of the people of Fira who have been guarding the green land of Sal for thousands of years.

The author has something to say: The first extra: The legend of the guardian of the green space [End]

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