Because of the assassination of the crown prince, the atmosphere in the entire royal city suddenly became tense.

There were twice as many guards patrolling the city as usual, keeping an eye on all kinds of suspicious people. The city guards simply used this to carry out a severe purge operation in the royal city, severely cracking down on the rogue criminals and arresting them. many people.

When winter has just entered, the atmosphere in the royal city has dropped.

The ordinary people in the royal city were extremely happy about this matter, but they couldn't help but be a little worried about the news that the crown prince had been assassinated and injured.

The popularity of Prince Gallan is almost divided into two extremes among the powerful. Some people firmly support him, while others regard him as a scourge. Because of the young prince's behavior of protecting the common people and his years of paying tribute to King Camos over the years. Various suggestions put forward to benefit the people have harmed the interests of many nobles.

However, among ordinary people, the reputation of this wise prince is second only to the Lion King Camos. Especially in the royal city, there are many people who benefit from the prince. They were happy from the bottom of their hearts that Garlan could be established as the crown prince.

Perhaps the heroic Prince Heimos was famous on the battlefield and admired by countless warriors, but for ordinary people, they would rather have a king who is wise and loves his people.

Therefore, when they heard that the crown prince was injured, the people became a little uneasy.

I don’t know whether the Crown Prince’s injury is minor or serious. What if...

I don’t know where the news came from, saying that Prince Gallan was seriously injured and could die at any time. In order to avoid an accident, it was best to quickly recall Prince Heimos from the North to the royal city.

For a time, an uneasy atmosphere spread in the royal city, and the people who did not know whether the rumors were true or false began to become uneasy.

Because of these rumors, the atmosphere in the royal city became increasingly tense.

"The Crown Prince needs to appear before the people."

The priest of Shamash said this while standing in front of Garlan who was lying in bed recovering from his injuries.

"This is too dangerous, Your Excellency Shermuel."

Kehos objected with a frown.

"The person behind the assassination of the prince has not yet been found. Now that he has appeared in public, those guys may take this opportunity to take action again."

"We cannot continue to let rumors spread."

Shermer said.

In today's court, many people have already proposed the matter of recalling Heimos to the royal city.

Although King Camos rejected the proposal without hesitation and forced those people back, it was obvious that this was just the beginning.

An undercurrent has been surging faintly in the palace.

"Perhaps this is the plan of those guys to use these rumors to force the prince to appear in front of everyone, and then take this opportunity to assassinate the prince again!"

Faced with the constant denial of the guardian knight, Shermer said nothing more and just turned his attention to Garlan.

Obviously, he was letting Garlan make the decision.

Sitting on the bed, Garlan's injured arm hung down by his side, and his other hand was placed on his leg.

He pondered for a moment, then looked at Shermer.

"You go ahead and make arrangements for me to come forward."


"Kayhos, I can't keep hiding in a turtle shell just because I'm afraid of those people. It would be too ugly."

The young man said, his expression very calm, and he smiled lightly at his knight.

"It was just an assassination, with a slight injury. If you are frightened like this, it will make those people even more proud."

"I'm not going to let the guys who hurt me get their way," he said.


Kehos lowered his head slightly.

"I understand, Prince, I will do a good job of vigilance."

Xie Mu'er on the side nodded. He was naturally satisfied with Gallan's decision.


A few days later, when all kinds of rumors were flying around - even rumors that 'the crown prince had actually been assassinated on the spot but the royal family covered up the matter and did not announce it' came out, King Camos Suddenly he ordered the crown prince to attend the winter festival on his behalf.

The so-called winter festival is a ceremony to worship the hunting god Yadimi.

In Aaron Landis, hunting is generally not allowed during the spring and early summer, while winter is the season when hunting is encouraged. When winter arrives, it's time for hunters to celebrate.

Legend has it that when the hunting god Yadimi was born, heavy snow fell for the first time on the warm land of Aaron Landis all year round.

Therefore, Yadimi is also called the God of Winter.

The day of her birth is considered the beginning of Aaron Landis' winter.

As the son of the gods, King Aaronlandis must shoot a prey in the ceremony on this day, and offer the prey as a sacrifice to the hunting god Yadimi, pray to her, and let the goddess protect Aaronland. Hunters in Dis have access to plentiful game during the winter.

The ceremony was held in the huge Hunting God Temple on the side of the royal city.

In front of the temple, a tall stone statue of the hunting god stands on the ground.

It is a young goddess with a strong figure and a beautiful face. Different from other goddesses with gorgeous clothes, her statue wears a sleeveless skirt and hunting boots, and wears a crown made of cypress leaves.

She stood on the ground with a heroic appearance, holding a snow-white bow and arrows, carrying golden arrows on her back, and powerful hounds following her.

Unlike the squares of other temples that are paved with white stones or bluestone slabs, the square of the Hunting God Temple is a vast grassland, covering an extremely large area. There are many animals in it. It is more like a square than a square. A small hunting ground in the city.

If the rich and powerful want to worship the hunting god, they must go into it to hunt in person, and then sacrifice the prey to the hunting god Yadimi.

In today's festival, Garlan, who replaced King Camos, will also enter.

At this moment, he was riding a horse and standing at the entrance of the hunting ground. The snow-white horse under him stood quietly, occasionally gently scratching the ground with his front hooves.

The climate in the royal city has always been warm, and it is only early winter now. Many people are still wearing short-sleeved robes, but Garlan is dressed in a smart outfit. He is usually wearing light-colored clothes. He is currently wearing a dark brown long-sleeved tunic. , even the cloak was replaced by a dark one.

The periphery of the hunting ground was already crowded with people who came to watch the winter festival. Many people saw the crown prince riding a horse at the entrance of the hunting ground, and they immediately let out excited cheers, shouts, and encouragement.

"The Crown Prince is obviously very good, but I don't know who is talking nonsense."

"Yes, from the look of the Crown Prince, it doesn't look like he was injured at all?"

"Probably just a small wound."

"Ha, that's true. King Camos loves the crown prince very much. Maybe he really goes to war just for a small injury."

"Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel, look, the Crown Prince has already entered the hunting ground——"

"Your Majesty Yadimi, the God of Hunting, please give my family enough prey in winter."

Amidst the cheers of the people watching from a distance, Garlan bowed slightly and galloped his horse into the hunting ground like a sharp arrow.

The cool wind blew past his cheek, causing the long golden hair behind him to fly in the air.

Even though it has entered winter, the sunshine in the royal city is still bright, shining brightly on the blond hair.

As the only divine horse in a million, the white horse runs very fast. In the blink of an eye, it has led its owner to the location of the prey group.

By the small stream in the distance, a group of antelopes and a group of spotted deer were drinking water.

Winter is about to enter, and each of them is already fat and strong.

The sudden running of the hounds broke their leisurely time. Amidst the barking of the hounds, the panicked animals started running, driven by the hounds, and ran in one direction.

Not far away, the white horses galloping towards them had slowed down.

The dark cloak was flying high behind him, and the blond boy on the horse raised his bow at the prey driven by the hounds.

With an arrow shot, a gray-white antelope fell down with blood splattering from its neck.

The cheers of the people outside suddenly increased.

At the same time, a sharp tingling sensation came from his left arm, making Garlan's hand holding the bow tremble.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in his left arm, took out the arrow from the quiver behind him again, and continued to set up the bow and shoot.

Sharp arrows shot away in the sunshine.

Amid the barking of hounds, the animals running in panic fell to the ground one after another.

After Garlan gritted his teeth and endured the pain, he shot out all the golden arrows in the quiver. Sweat was already forming on his forehead.

The left arm holding the bow was shaking slightly, and dark traces like water marks slowly spread on his sleeves, but he was wearing a dark brown long-sleeved coat and was blocked by a cloak, making it difficult to see clearly. That little trace.

Only ten arrows can be carried during the ceremony, which are special golden arrows with the hunting god's runes engraved on the arrow tails.

The more prey you shoot and offer to the God of Hunting, the more praise you will receive from the God of Hunting, thus protecting Aaron Landis's people during the winter hunting.

There are only ten arrows, which also means that the hunting god warns everyone not to hunt too much.

With a long whistle, the hounds stopped driving, and the surviving animals fled in all directions and soon disappeared without a trace.

The people outside the hunting ground counted the number of prey lying on the ground, counted to ten, and cheered again.

The crown prince's arrows will be flawless, and he will surely win the favor of the hunting god, so that the people of Aaron Landis will have a good harvest in the winter.

Soon the priests from the Hunting God Temple came over, lifted the prey and sent it to the statue in the temple.

After worshiping the idols for a night, they would cook the prey and share it with the people as a gift from the hunting god.

Garlan could finally leave. Amidst the cheers and shouts of the people outside the hunting ground, Garlan waved to them and then left the hunting ground on horseback.

The guardian knight, who was also waiting on horseback at the entrance to the hunting ground, rode towards him. His eyes fell upon the traces of water stains on Garlan's dark clothes on his left arm, and his eyes froze.

Noticing his gaze, Garlan raised his hand and touched his cloak, hiding his left shoulder under the cloak.

Garlan rode all the way towards the temple. Under the sun, he smiled brightly and behaved calmly.

Sweat broke out on his forehead, and the blond hair on his temples was almost wet and stuck to his cheeks. In other people's eyes, it should be sweat from the strenuous activity during the hunt just now.

The blond knight, who was only staring at the wet marks on his hair, tightened his fingers on the reins a little harder.

The ceremony of the priests offering sacrifices will continue for a long time, and the crown prince can go to the room inside the temple to rest for a while.

Garlan brought Caihos into the room, and the guards stood guard outside the room.

As soon as he entered the room, the seemingly relaxed and indifferent smile on the young man's face disappeared instantly.

He stood there, holding his left shoulder with his right hand, closing his eyes tightly, pursed his lips, and a look of pain on his face.

Kayhos stepped forward quickly and pulled off Garlan's cloak.

The dark brown clothes on Garlan's left arm near the shoulder have been stained red, and the blood stains are still spreading faintly.

Kehos gritted his teeth.

In the final analysis, the Winter Festival is just a ritual, and the requirements are not high, so it is actually very simple to shoot the domesticated prey in the hunting ground.

The difficult thing is to shoot ten arrows in a very short time.

Anyone who knows how to shoot arrows knows that continuous shooting is extremely exhausting. Generally speaking, when an ordinary person shoots the fifth or sixth arrow, the muscles in his arm will be sore. After the seventh or eighth arrow, it is difficult to lift the arm.

The further you go, the more perseverance you need.

As for Garlan, the injured part was his arm.

Kayhos quickly changed Garlan's dressing and re-bandaged the wound.

Based on the prince's injuries, the wound on his arm might have split open halfway through the shot.

The bandages were almost all stained blood red, which was frightening to see.

After putting away the blood-stained things, Kayhos looked at Garlan.

The young prince was sitting on a chair, wearing only the right half of his shirt, leaving his left shoulder exposed. The freshly bandaged snow-white bandage had already seeped a trace of blood.

The young man raised his head and leaned on the back of the chair, closing his eyes as if to rest his mind.

His mouth was slightly open and his breathing was a little rapid.

The slender eyelashes moved slightly, obviously enduring pain.

Caihos's eyes darkened.

He thought that he had to be prepared for what King Camos had mentioned to him a few days ago, about promoting him to cavalry commander and commanding a legion.

Military power is an indispensable part of controlling power.

The prince must have his own military power.



Large swaths of snowflakes fell from the gloomy sky and fell on the snow-white ground.

It was an endless expanse of frozen land.

The majestic and huge stone castle stands on this frozen land, becoming the only dark color in this dazzling white snow.

The cold wind blew violently, passing through the window of the stone castle and pouring into the castle.

Deep in the castle, in a spacious room, the four walls are made of black stone, with almost no decorations, not even a tapestry.

Rows of gleaming weapons hung on the stone wall, giving people an even colder feeling.

The flames in the huge fireplace on one side of the wall were burning, and the red firelight reflected on the weapons and the cheeks of the people in the room.

The silver hair is dyed with a little firelight, and the slightly slender red phoenix eyes are slightly drooped.

The faintly shining silver hair was scattered in the corners of his eyes that were slightly raised and became increasingly sharp. The young man with skin as white as snow stood in front of the fireplace.

The other two people knelt on one knee in front of him, their heads bowed deeply.

"Your Highness, there is a message from the royal city of Aaron Landis."

The young man raised his thick light eyelashes and looked at his subordinate kneeling in front of him.

"Following your instructions, those of us lurking there have succeeded in provoking a fight between the two princes of Aaron Landis."

People kneeling on the ground reported.

"Prince Heimos has been driven out of the royal city."

"The matter of provoking those Aaron Landis people to assassinate Crown Prince Gallan has also been successfully promoted."

"The crown prince is already ill in bed, and our people are still encouraging those people to continue to assassinate the crown prince."

After one person finished speaking, the other person continued.

"That crown prince disrupted your deployment several times, especially the time in Tozes City..."

The man had a look of regret on his face.

Their people have been lurking in that city for several years. If the prince's secret deployment in Tozes City is successful, and Tozes City, an important shipping port, falls into the hands of pirates, it will not only weaken Aaron Landis national power, causing panic, and also greatly damaging Aaron Landis's reputation on the mainland.

The silver-haired young man wearing a thick velvet cloak stood in front of the fireplace, with a reddish firelight reflecting on the edges of his pupils like lavender gems placed in the ice and snow.

The thin lips, with a flame-like color, gave people an extremely ruthless feeling.

"Crown Prince Garlan..."

He repeated the name in a low voice, coldly.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the wall on one side.

A huge map hangs on the stone wall.

The young man's handsome face was cold, as if without any emotion.

But as he stared at the map, the flame called ambition burned deep in his pupils, as if it could swallow up and burn everything he saw.

"The Kingdom of Karnar will be available soon."

He said,

"Next, it's Aaron Landis."

The author has something to say: Give~~the big boss you want~~~

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