Looking at the clearly visible scratches on the man's arm, his mind flashed to his subordinates who had their necks broken and died, and a surge of anger suddenly surged out of Sage's heart.

"Prince Garlan, is he the murderer?!"

Sage's angry shout made the man kneeling on the ground tremble even more. And his angry shouting voice was so loud that it was even louder in the silent square at this moment, allowing everyone who was retreating around to hear it clearly.

So, with a bang, the whole square exploded.

Almost everyone in the square looked at that man and started talking.

Garlan stood there, looking at the trembling man kneeling in front of him, deep in thought, not paying much attention to the situation around him for a while.

And Sage suddenly rushed over and shouted angrily, suddenly waking him up from his reverie.

He glanced sideways at Sage, with a bit of surprise on his face. He was probably a little surprised that Sage, who should have been on the high platform, suddenly ran to him.

He blinked, glanced at Sage, and then turned back to look at the kneeling man.

That was a squire.

This kind of person can be seen everywhere in the palace. In addition, this person has an ordinary face. After one glance, he will not leave much impression on others.

At this moment, the attendant was kneeling on the ground, his head bowed deeply, and he was trembling violently.

Before Gallan could speak, Sage, who was furious at the moment, couldn't bear it any longer. He stretched out his hand and lifted the man up.

Then, as soon as he turned around, he dragged the man away.

People forming a circle around him all moved out of the way, watching as Sage dragged the attendant along the steps to the high platform.

Just as Garlan stretched out his hand, before he could stop him, Sage was already dragging him up the steps.

He scratched his head.

A fluffy brain came close to him, the wet and warm nose touched his face, and the thick mane swept across his cheek. Obviously, Nerga had diverted his attention to someone else because of Garlan. , a little unhappy, and turned his attention to Garlan to return to himself.

Gallan quickly hugged the big head and rubbed, touched, and coaxed it. Only then was Niega satisfied. He shook his head, let out a low whimper, and then rubbed Gallan's head. , snorted arrogantly.

This mighty and terrifying lion behaved like a kitten towards the boy, leaving everyone around him stunned.

Everyone immediately felt that the noble and majestic image of the big lion had completely collapsed in their hearts.

However, that majestic image collapsed, and they still had a heartfelt fear of this beast.

So when Garlan and Nerga walked out, they squealed backwards even more.

Garlan and Nerga followed Sa Ge along the steps to the high platform, and the eyes of everyone in the square followed them and gathered at the high platform.

Captain Sage threw the attendant he had dragged up onto the high platform.

He said: "This guy is the murderer of my men!"

His words made the captain of the guard who came over and the noble ministers on the other side show expressions of astonishment. Their eyes were filled with disbelief as they looked at the attendant who was suddenly identified as the murderer by Sage. .

And the attendant not only showed no resistance when Sa Ge dragged him up the steps, but as soon as Sa Ge threw him to the ground, he collapsed on the ground like a ball of mud, curled up and not daring to move.

He was obviously frightened to the point of being stiff and unable to move. His face was pale and pale, and his whole body was trembling.

He looked so cowardly and cowardly, not only the noble ministers, but also the captain of the guard showed disbelief.

He looked at Sage, frowned and asked, "How did you identify him as the murderer?"

Why doesn't this trash look like he can kill people?

In order to save face for Sage, he did not ask directly about the above sentence.

Garlan was still walking up the steps with the big lion, and he hadn't come up yet.

And Sage felt that since the murderer had been found, there was no need to keep what Prince Gallan said to him that day a secret, and he could say it outright now.

"Look at his arms!"

He answered simply.

Everyone's eyes fell on the attendant's arm, which was lying on the ground in a soft puddle.

There were several deep wounds on the attendant's right arm, which looked like they had been scratched out by something.

"The resistance my men made before they died scratched the murderer's arm."

Sage is a straight-tempered person who is used to saying whatever he wants, but he can't do anything like taking credit from others.

Therefore, he frankly told the person who came up with this idea.

"Prince Garlan saw it. The nails of my subordinate's body still contained black lumps of flesh and blood that had been dug out and solidified." He stared at the real murderer sternly and said, "The scratches on his arms are proof of this! "

Scratches on arms?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they all reacted immediately.

I see.

Prince Garlan said that using lions to test liars was just a pretense to find people with scratches on their arms in the palace?

Perhaps because he was worried that the news would be leaked in advance, he simply hid it from everyone.

Well - this method is quite reliable.

Prince Gallan, well, he is still a little clever.

At first, those who thought Gallan's behavior was ridiculous thought so in their hearts. The nobleman who directly said that Prince Gallan's behavior was child's play coughed twice, a little embarrassed, but found that everyone was not paying attention. After it happened to me, I felt relieved.

Is this the true purpose of Prince Garlan?

The elderly Yousi Xiang thought to himself, looking at the attendant lying on the ground, and slowly frowned again.


he thinks.

Although Prince Gallan's method seemed to be effective, it was unsustainable in several aspects.

He frowned and glanced to the side from the corner of his eyes.

The old man looked at the Chief Secretary who was sitting not far away from him. The Chief Secretary, who frowned slightly at first and said nothing, suddenly started laughing, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to have relaxed a lot.

Obviously, the chief secretary must have seen something to show such a comfortable look.

"Are you saying that the man with the scratch on his arm is the murderer?"

The captain of the guard asked with a frown.

"...No, no...no!"

The attendant, who was lying on the ground tremblingly like a puddle of mud, after the initial panic passed, immediately struggled and shouted when he heard this.

"It's not me! I, I didn't...how dare I, no, I really didn't kill him!"

He was stammering and wanted to get up to defend himself, but probably because his hands and feet were weak, he flopped on the ground several times and couldn't sit up, so he could only howl at the top of his lungs.

"I, my injury, is, is, is that..."

He looked like he was about to cry.

"I, I serve the hounds in the palace. This, this injury was scratched by the hounds. Those of us who serve the hounds often have scars like this on our arms - no, it's not just me."

"Really! Adults will know if you go to our place and see that there are many people with scars on their hands and bodies because if they are not careful, they will be bitten or caught by hounds."

He said a lot of words like he was pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, and then he collapsed on the ground and really started crying.

"I really didn't do anything to kill people. How could I have the courage... And, besides, I am just a servant who serves hounds. How could I kill the Lord Knight!"

The attendant's words silenced all the noble ministers for a moment.

No matter how they looked at it, they didn't think that the frightened guy in front of them was a warrior who could kill the royal knight.

"Captain Sage, are you mistaken?"

The captain of the guard approached Sage and whispered.

"This guy doesn't look like he can kill anyone."

As a warrior, he did not feel the slightest threat from this attendant. He was an ordinary, even cowardly person.

After being stunned for a moment by what the attendant said, Sage frowned and his expression became colder when the captain of the guard said this.

He said coldly: "That's just a disguise!"

After saying that, he suddenly took a step forward, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and stabbed the servant who was still paralyzed on the ground in the throat with one sword——

No matter how good a person is at pretending, when faced with a life or death crisis, his body will react instinctively.

Sage stabbed this sword just to break this man's disguise.

However, seeing that the tip of the sword was about to penetrate the man's throat, the man still did not react at all.

With a thought in his mind, Sage suddenly turned his wrist.

The tip of the sword nearly passed by the edge of the man's throat, cutting a bloody gash.

With a clang, the long sword was half-submerged into the high platform.

The attendant who had been sitting on the ground dumbly didn't finally react until the sword pierced the ground, and screamed out.

While howling and trembling, in full view of everyone, a puddle of water appeared under his buttocks.

He was so trembling that he lost control.

The ugly and embarrassing appearance made the noble ministers next to him show contempt and disgust.

However, as a result, everyone felt that this guy could not be the murderer.

The captain of the guard knelt down, reached out and pinched the arm and shoulder of the still trembling attendant a few times, and then pressed his chest.

He shook his head.

He could clearly feel that this attendant's body did not have the strong muscles of martial arts practitioners. The flesh was all loose and there was even fat on his belly. Such a person would definitely not be a martial artist.

Sage stood there with a stunned look on his face, his mind a little confused.

He tried it out, this attendant was not pretending, he really had no force.

How could a squire without any force kill a royal knight?

But at this moment, the incontinent attendant was trembling and desperately reaching down to the square.

"S-Sir... Wuwu... It's really not me... Wuwu, look below, there is one of my companions there. He also has scratches similar to mine - there are others too... Wuwu, I'm not..."

The attendant cried heartbreakingly and miserably. Although he looked extremely ugly, it aroused the sympathy of many people.

They were all thinking secretly, could it be true that the rumor that Prince Gallan wanted to find a scapegoat to exonerate Prince Heimos was true?

At first, they thought that Prince Gallan, who had a reputation for justice, would not do such a thing, right?

But now that I saw it like this, I suddenly became suspicious.

At this moment, the Chief Secretary, who had been silent all this time, stood up.

Under the gaze of everyone, he walked towards Garlan who had arrived on the high platform.

As he walked, he shook his head and sighed.

"Prince Garlan, let's stop here."

He said, "If the scars on the arms are evidence, then this is not the only 'murderer' that can be found."

He looked at Garlan gently as he tolerated the child's naughty expression.

"No matter how much you want to help Prince Heimos, you can't just grab someone and say he is the murderer."

He said in a coaxing tone, "However, you are already very smart for discovering that there will be scratches on the murderer's arm, but you are just a little young and can't think too much about it."

"Even if the murderer has scratches on his arm, he can definitely cover it up with more injuries on his arm. He can even try to inflict some injuries on someone else's arm in order to fish in troubled waters and make that person his scapegoat."

He smiled.

"Don't you think so, Prince Gallan? Since you have a reputation as a wise man, you should have thought of this."

When the Chief Secretary seemed to say this casually, many people immediately thought of Prince Heimos.

You know, when Heimos came back, he had burns on his arms. Many people saw it, and both hands were still tightly wrapped in bandages.

From this point of view, maybe it was really to cover up the previous scratches...

Under the eyes of everyone who suddenly realized, the chief director stood steadily on the high platform with a smile.

Countless people began to whisper, and there was a buzz in the square. Many people began to cast suspicious eyes on Prince Garlan.

Prince Garlan's reputation has always been very good in the palace.

But now, they couldn't help but start to doubt.

How could a wise prince do such a thing as wronging an innocent person?

Moreover, from the beginning to now, everything this prince did felt ridiculous.

Just like what the Chief Secretary said, since he has a reputation as a wise man, why didn't he even think of the things the Chief Secretary said?

This prince doesn't feel as wise as the rumors say.

Feeling that everyone was beginning to look at Prince Gallan with suspicion, the Chief's mood suddenly became better, because things were developing as he thought.

He continued: "Prince, without certain evidence, you cannot just arbitrarily identify others as the murderer. Do you understand?"

Under the gazes of everyone with doubts, doubts, or other meanings, the young man gently stroking the mane of the big lion beside him looked very calm.

He looked at the Chief Secretary with a puzzled expression.

"Did you make a mistake somewhere, Chief?" he asked, "Did I say he was the murderer?"

The chief secretary, who was smiling gently, was choked by this and suddenly thought about it.

From the beginning to the end, it was Sage who said that this attendant was the murderer, while Garlan just stood still in front of this attendant.

He didn't even say that the attendant was the murderer.

It seems that he is planning to refuse to admit his guilt and preserve his reputation as much as possible.

The chief director sneered in his heart.

However, he still looked kind and asked, "You mean, this man is not a murderer?"


The young man tilted his head and pondered for a moment.

"It's a bit hard to say, and I can't completely say it's not, after all..."

His eyes rolled around and he stopped talking.

"Prince Garlan."

The chief director felt that Garlan was planning to use specious words to play rogue.

Therefore, he darkened his face slightly and began to speak in the tone of an elder lecturing an ignorant child.

"Everything must be done in moderation. So many people are here not to play games with you and your lion, but because you said you could find the murderer today, but now - ugh!!"

Probably aware of the chief director's malice towards Garlan, the big lion who had been staying quietly next to Garlan suddenly turned his head, staring at the chief director with his charcoal-like eyes, and bowed his huge body as if he was gathering momentum. As if he was about to attack, he let out a low roar at the Chief.

The sudden roar and the big lion's piercing and terrifying eyes made even the chief director startled. He barely controlled himself from shouting, but still subconsciously took a step back.

"Prince, what are you going to do?!"

Although his face looked calm, there was still a hint of panic in the Chief's voice.

There are very few people in this world who don't feel panic when faced with a ferocious and terrifying lion.

The young man who was one of them ignored the chief director and rubbed Nega's big head as a reward.

Nerga turned her head and whimpered a few times to Gallan, feeling satisfied.

Holding Nega's big plush head, Garlan turned his head.

"...That's almost it."

he said to himself.

"Prince Gallan, what exactly are you..."

The Chief Secretary calmed down and wanted to continue to press Garlan.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, and a heavy object hit his feet with a thud. His heart, which had just been frightened by the lion and had finally calmed down, trembled violently again, and almost stopped. .

He is not young yet, and he is always frightened like this, and it is easy for him to do something wrong.

What kind of reckless guy is acting like this?

He turned his head angrily, wanting to scold the guy who did such a thing.

But when he saw the person coming, he was a little surprised.

At the same time, the boy's clear voice with obvious joy came from behind him.

"Kayhos, the action is too slow, everyone is impatient to wait."

Wearing silver-white armor, the blond knight walked up from the steps step by step. His face that looked more and more handsome under the sun smiled at his prince.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, this guy took a long time to dare to take action. We can only wait for him to take action."

What's the meaning?

The Chief's mind is a little confused.

He turned back, lowered his head, and saw that the heavy object that hit him just now was actually a person - and he was also a royal knight wearing fiery red armor.

There was an uproar in the square.

The red-armored knight fell to the ground in embarrassment, his hands tied behind his back. He was just thrown up like a bag of heavy objects by Kayhos.


The leader of Sage on the side had already called out the name of his subordinates.

"What's going on? You should be on duty now. How could-"

He looked at Garlan in surprise and some displeasure.

"Prince, what is going on? How could you let your guardian knight treat my subordinates like this?"

At this point, Sage realized that it seemed that from the very beginning when Prince Garlan came to the square, Kehos was not seen following him.

Garlan looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, Captain Sage, I lied to you."


"I lied to you when I said that you could find the murderer by using an injured arm."


Seeing his subordinates being treated like this, and hearing Garlan say that he had been lied to, Sage showed a bit of anger on his face.

"I also told you at that time that there was another piece of evidence on the body that could allow us to find the murderer..."

Facing Sage's glare, Garlan smiled carelessly.

He glanced at the knight who was lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back.

"...This is also a lie to you."

The shoulders of the red-armored knight who he glanced at suddenly trembled violently.

"There is no such thing," Gallan said.

The red-armored knight's breathing suddenly became rapid and heavy with his head lowered.

Garlan continued to talk.

"But, Captain Sage, I have accomplished what I promised you to do to find the murderer."

Sage felt that his mind was in a mess at the moment, and he was a little confused.

Some kind of bad premonition made him not know what to say for a moment, so he could only look at Garlan and wait for him to continue.

Garlan took two steps forward and walked up to the red-armored knight who was lying on the ground without raising his head. He looked down at the man with cold eyes.

He said: "This royal knight killed two of his companions."

The author has something to say: Therefore, all the previous methods are deceptive.

The real way is actually... to lure the snake out of its hole.


ps: Look at my update so early today and so much. If you don’t give me nutritional solution, the baby will not be happy╭(╯^╰)╮

Finally, thank you everyone for the thunder, okay~~

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