A Magician with Super Powers

Chapter 319: The Reason for Arresting

After the birth of these destined crazy plans, Li Lekang started to implement them!

Now he has the country's most powerful intelligence system, the most powerful operational force, and Haili's determination to fight for the presidency. Who can he want to deal with in this special period?

Press the phone on the desk to call the secretary in.

"Mandy, help me sort out all the relevant target materials and hang them on the wall. I want to keep track of the progress of my plan to eradicate the country's traitors!"

Mandy is a little white girl with brown hair. She is not tall but has a full career line. She is basically a fresh graduate at the age of twenty-three or four. With his appearance, he became the deputy director's secretary, crowding out those capable veterans in their forties.

If you want to say that the deputy director values ​​the other party's ability to work, that's a joke! But the little girl is still idealistic when she just entered the society. She has a sense of professionalism, a fighting spirit, and a passion for serving the country. She is willing to work hard!

If you were the director, who would want to face an old woman all day long!

The youthful and energetic Mandy picked up the brochure and pasted it on the wall as he requested.

Li Lekang leaned back on the chair gracefully, crossed his legs, and glanced at the little girl. When she stood on tiptoe, her clothes shrank up, but she showed off her perfect figure unintentionally.

Seeing that it was a little difficult for the little cutie to do things, the enthusiastic deputy director stepped forward, stood behind and guided the female secretary's work, and told her what to do.

"You can't be gentle when dealing with these people. You must have the determination and strength to fight them. I will support you!"

Li Lekang supported her waist and enthusiastically helped her put things on.

This action made the little secretary blush immediately, she could already feel the dirty mind of the man behind her, the thing that worried the most beautiful women in the office happened!

"Mr. Buckley, please don't do this!" She refused aloud.

"Relax, I just want to help you, little girl."

Li Lekang didn't stop, and continued to take advantage of the other party in a dignified way, and even sniffed the scent of her hair, "Are you free for a drink tonight?"

"I already have an appointment, I have an appointment with a boyfriend! Sir!"

Mandy broke free and dodged.

Huarong ran to the side in dismay, firmly kept a distance from him, and stood where his colleagues could see him.

"Don't worry! I won't eat you again!"

Li Lekang made her laugh at the frightened little quail.

No wonder old Americans and officials like to play deviance games in the office. A certain president who can't control the zipper is honest and honest, he has to play like this if he has the power!

The point is that she resisted, it would be meaningless if she obeyed. As a global superstar, Li Lekang only needs to tickle his fingers if he wants that girl.

But to be honest, if you play this super-simple difficulty too much, it will become boring. Now change your face and develop this kind of plot with resistance, which is inexplicably exciting!

But the little secretary made him feel anxious. Thinking of the long days ahead and the meaningful care in his mouth, he suddenly felt like a little white rabbit who had fallen into a pack of wolves, unable to escape with his wings!

But what reassured her a little was that Li Lekang didn't use his power to force her to make any sacrifices, except that he liked to take advantage of some small things.

Because Li Lekang felt that cheating to pass the level was boring, what he enjoyed was the process, but what about him as a superstar? There is no difficulty at all!

After harassing the little secretary, Li Lekang continued to work in front of the computer.

He drew up a list of special operations teams and included all five of his nuns. They will be needed in many of his sabotage work.

Then look at the rich people who supported the Democratic Party before. There are many such people, and they happen to be located in the two richest states in the United States, California and New York!

These two states are typical blue states. It may be because of the developed economy and high income, so there are a lot of Madonnas who are full. Anyway, they like to do things that protect this and protect that, women's rights, Black Lives Matter, etc. .

Billionaires such as Zuckerberg and Bloomberg are listed on the list. They are like saints to Elena to Haili, and they are all hardcore financial supporters!

Naturally, it is the opponent of the old golden retriever, who publicly sprayed him in the media, and now started to spray Elena, condoning the slander from his own media channels, and even banned the other party's account from speaking out, etc.

In order to clear the obstacles to Yi Lianna's ascension, the first thing to do is to deal with these dark blue supporters, and need a reason to monitor and monitor them.

For example, Zuckerberg, Li Lekang has no feelings for him. He feels that he is a hypocritical villain. Name the head to monitor him!

Mandy, who was in charge of helping Li Lekang sort out these order documents, accidentally saw the reason for this ridiculous situation, her eyes widened!

An undercover agent sent by the Lizardmen?


What kind of lame excuse is that?

Li Lekang saw the doubts on her face, and said seriously: "You don't need to understand some things you shouldn't understand. Go back and read more about the secrecy regulations. It won't do you any harm!"

"Understood, sir!"

Mandy kept it in her heart silently, she told herself that this is the NSA, the country's mysterious intelligence agency, and there must be a set of codes or secrets behind it.

She kept in mind the confidentiality regulations of entry, and forgot what she shouldn't see in her heart, and didn't ask too much or talk too much!

In fact, these reports by Li Lekang are a backup for the president, and they are highly classified, and Hai Li doesn't have time to read them now. She is busy competing for the election, and has a secret meeting with the gold master!

Even if someone sees this ridiculous reason, it doesn't matter, because who is such a fatuous and brutal Orlando Barkley? It's not the gang of cookers!

So no matter what the result is, it is beneficial to Li Lekang, he doesn't care!

Now he can mess with whoever he wants, and there are plenty of people who are blamed!

So in the same way, he suspected that the former mayor of New York, the billionaire Bellenberg, was an undercover agent of the Hammer and Sickle organization, and he also arranged for agents to monitor and monitor him!

There was a congressman in California who once uttered nonsense about himself, so he just took this opportunity to get rid of him. This time, he didn't even make up the reason, and asked his subordinates to arrest him and interrogate him first. There must be something wrong!

Li Lekang is quite sure that these big shots must have something wrong! Whether it's about capital and taxation, or about law and order, it seems that no one is willing to dig deeper!

As the head of the intelligence agency, it was too easy for him to get this information. They even wiretapped Congress, so how could there be no evidence of traditional performing arts in this area!

Orlando Barkley is not a fool either, he does a lot of dirty work for big shots, and he is also afraid that he will be silenced and committed suicide one day! So over the years, I have used my authority to collect a lot of information on self-protection!

After reading it, Li Lekang realized that there were so many scandals, enough to kill a thousand Epsteins!

As long as he reveals a little casually, it will be a scandal that will cause a sensation in the society, from the speaker's special hobbies, the senator's enthusiasm for the world of lolita, or those shady collusion with money and power.

Even though he knew in advance that politicians must be very dark, when Li Lekang sat in this position and saw the information for himself, he still found that he still thought of them too cleanly!

However, such information affects the whole body, and the incumbent bosses will hardly think about it, because the balance of mutual restraint has been formed, and if it is destroyed, both sides will suffer!

Even Li Lekang has to be careful. Although he can't be involved in any way, it's not a good thing to implicate his own camp, so this trump card should be reserved for the critical moment!

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