A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 52: Super Nova.

Yuki and Neo kept attacking one by one, this move of the group infuriated the Shade, he blocked again and again but when it crossed he reached the limit of his patience; he roared and his body emitted the shock wave of spiritual energy pushing them all away. In the diameter of fifty meters, all the trees were uprooted.

The group stabilized themselves with great effort, and they all had a grave look on their faces. You Xi Wang spoke in a low voice, "Shit just got real. This prick will be a pain to deal with now."

Allan spoke, "I did not believe it will be easy from the start, but now it will be even harder. We won't be able to get close to him because of his so-called domain. What do we do now?"

Yuki spoke, "Tiring him out seems to be the only way, but how? He is a Core-formation expert."

You Xi Wang replied, "Kite. We run in the forest, he will chase, we switch and the game continues. I will be the second sniper with Fenny. Now disperse, I take the first turn and hide your spiritual pressure."

This discussion only took two breaths. They all dispersed in the forest being mindful of the distance between them and hiding their spiritual pressures to the minimal. You Xi Wang took out his sword and shouted to the Shade, "Hey, chump. Come get a piece of daddy if you have balls." his voice was reeking of disgust and mockery, which pissed the Shade even more.

Shade moved to swing his whip at You Xi Wang but the latter charged forward and just as the whip was about to land a blow on him, a bullet went past his ear and stuck the whip deflecting it. It was the second bullet Fenny shot, this delay allowed You Xi Wang to move with wind elemental spiritual energy, with his body bent slightly forward, he appeared in front of the shade and slashed his sword, a black glint flashed and You Xi Wang retreated vanishing into the forest.

The outcome of his slash was a wound was formed across Shade's chest. The wound was deep and blood poured out from it. Shade looked at the retreating shadow, filled with anger as his eyes turned blood red and he chased after You Xi Wang.

Fenny who was watching all this from a distance through her scope, called Yuki, Neo, and Allan via her Holo-phone and said, "He is on to Xi Wang, one of you come and guard the cubs I am following them. Others follow too, in case Xi Wang needs support."

Fenny was right now the strategist of the team as You Xi Wang was busy running, this was the chain of command if You Xi Wang is not there the team will follow her lead as she was the logistic head, and with the help of her drones, she could monitor the whole area and have even a better idea about the scenario.

They all heeded her words and moved into action, while Fenny picked up her sniper and left towards the direction You Xi Wang left in. Allan came to the cubs while Yuki and Neo converged with Fenny.

Meanwhile You Xi Wang was running restlessly and Shade was chasing him. He would occasionally exchange blows with him and then ran away again. Whenever he was in a tough spot Fenny would take a shot and give him a chance to getaway. Shade would use brute strength to counter all his attacks.

After half an hour Neo changed places with him and You Xi Wang relieved Fenny and became the sniper, Yuki was running ahead of the group and she set many traps and informed Neo to be careful and avoid them, the traps were set on You Xi Wang's instructions, they were all mildly poisonous, if one fell prey to them overtime they will slowly lose their power.

Shade fell prey to some traps over his reckless chase and one hour passed. Now Neo was switched with Yuki and the kiting continue. Shade regretted not ending these kids earlier. This group has made a complete mockery of his power.

They kept switching and attacking, while Shade was helpless against these kids. The group also kept sure that they run in either the outer section or the middle section of the first layer of the forest.

They again reached the spot which used to be their campsite, Shade was panting, wounds on his legs were now rotting, the wound on his chest was delivered by purgatory, it was slowly burning him from the inside. His breathing was ragged, his cloak was now torn at places, You Xi Wang handed the sniper rifle to Fenny and approached the group.

During the chase, Allan provided medical aid to all the members of his team and give them stamina recovering drinks and supplements. This kept the group in a good shape. Allan also moved together with You Xi Wang and approached Neo and Yuki, who were fighting Shade.

You Xi Wang spoke, "Allan, let's try to end this piece of shit before the sun comes up."

Allan said, "I thought you would not ask me at all."

You Xi Wang swung his spear and ran towards Shade. He was fearless. Shade was about to use a spiritual wave attack as he threw a palm towards the approaching but Allan took a shot at him just as he was about to launch the attack, this shot interrupted his energy release and his energy blasted in his own hand turning it into mush. This was an opportunity for You Xi Wang, and he used it very well too. A strand of lightning concentrated on the spearhead and just as he was near Shade he spoke in his mind, 'System, now.'

The system answered instantly, [Yes, master]

The system used the soul force to stun Shade for a bit and You Xi Wang moved his spearhead and stabbed it through Shade's forehead, the strand of lightning destroyed the spirit root of Shade. You Xi Wang retreated as he knew this was not enough to kill a dark dweller. They all had some cards up their sleeves.

There was only a surprise in his eyes as he felt life seeping out of his body. He spoke with a slow pace, "Dual spiritual root. I made a big mistake not ending your life the moment I saw you. But I will take you down with me."

[Master, this guy plans to explode his core, that will be devastating. Kill him before he can do it.] the system issued a warning.

You Xi Wang answered, 'My energy won't be enough.'

[How about you use the five elements altogether and your friends also use their strongest strike. Then you will take down this prick.] the system answered.

You Xi Wang asked all his friends to deliver their strongest attack as he focused all five elements in his body to fuse. You Xi Wang could only manipulate a small amount of five elements together. The whole energy was only as big as a grain of rice, but the amount of power in this grain was terrifying.

Allan and others gulped when they saw this, but they had bigger things to focus on, so they delivered their strongest attacks. Fenny fused her whole lightning energy in a bullet and shot. The bullet hit right on the chest and exploded, opening a hole. Neo followed and delivered a heavy punch filled with earth element this punch made the remaining of Shade's chest cave in, Yuki made a slash with her Katana using the surplus of her ice element and this slash froze half of the dark dweller's body, Allan used his rifle and delivered a heavy spray of fire bullets setting the remaining unharmed body of the dark dweller on fire.

These were the strongest moves they had, Lightening bullet, Brawler king's fist, Blizzard slash, and Fire rain, used by Fenny, Neo, Yuki, and Allan respectively.

You Xi Wang did not delay and blew the grain towards Shade's already inflicted body and when the grain landed on his body, a golden glow lit up the surrounding, causing them all to close their eyes, it was as if the sun has fallen right on the earth. When the glow resided, there was a crater left in shade's place.

The crater was fifty meters in diameter and at least ten meters in depth. You Xi Wang mumbled, "I will call this move, Super Nova."

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