It was an abandoned church there.

In the past, the congregation seats, which should have been beautifully arranged, had fallen sparsely or were dropped at the end.

In the deepest depths, the bronze statue of the goddess Astaire remained half-baked, and the moonlight lit spookily.

Beneath that bronze statue was a man whose face was hidden in the shadows, and more than a dozen had one knee and one hand on the ground in front of him.

"What do you mean!

The anger echoes.

The anger - it was addressed to a demonic group.

Pride, the Demons, who should be high in strength together, are leaning down as they are told. It is a sign that there can be no denial or disobedience.

It meant that the man who was yelling so much was different.

"I thought two or three fronts could be lost because Kensei or the Virgin moves... but that's all. Besides, you can't possibly accept the story that they broke all the frontlines!?

"... sorry"

That's what I apologized for was the Demonic Ruilde who beat two mercenary regiments on the battlefield. He was running away from Kensei.

But that confident appearance is getting worse.

"I'm not asking for an apology. There's garbage!


A man's kick hits Ruilde directly in the abdomen.

Ruilde is blown away. He was suppressing his belly to pain as he soiled dust in the corner of the church.

"Who is it, the man named Jeed!

"And the only thing I've looked into is that I was a member of the Knights of the Kingdom of Cuzella... Besides, the Knights had collapsed, and for more information..."

Asked, Luirde answers breathlessly as he corrects his posture.

"That's obviously a dummy! If there were as many of them in the Knights of a country as he was, they would have made more names for themselves!

"But before I joined the Alliance, my name was really..."

"I don't even need an excuse!

A man kicks me in the ass and Ruilde pushes me to shut up.

It is unlikely that the Demons would lose by 'pieces' to the people.

Yet even demonic groups have been defeated in the second and third regions.

Just one, an S-ranked adventurer named Jeed.

"Shit, is the man in some religion?

"No... I'm not involved anywhere"

"Fine then. You're not coming to the next Great Sacred Place of Prayer."

Great Sacred Place of Prayer.

It is a prayer ground with a giant statue of the goddess Astaire in the Holy Republic. It's like a square under a blue sky and about 50,000 people get in.

Open to rough years and so forth, the lead priest - now Soria - dedicates the words of prayer to the goddess Astaire, and the participants also offer their prayers.

This year is also to be opened because it has been added to the rough years.

And it's bigger than usual.

The Half Break of the Kingdom of Cuzella

Two crises that struck the Holy Republic.

Migration of the top of the Wayla Empire

Invasion of radical attacks by demons

Based on these in the main, it is expected that people will gather not only from the Holy Republic but also from various foreign countries.

People are not managing the number of people in order to enter as many as they want without asking internally or externally, but it was assumed that there were more than 100,000 people.

In the typical place of the people, the Demons.

There was also a lot of misplacement.

But when the moonlight illuminates the man under the bronze statue, the appearance is revealed.

"Carry out the Holocaust - kill the Virgin Soria, the symbol of Astaire - destroy the bronze statue of the goddess Astaire - there is no obstacle to that plan."

The Archpriest of Astaire - Zai Fonde.

He was the central figure of the people.

"Yes. No problem. Seven Demon Nobles - Dear Yusef"

Ruilde was there again.

Yusef. That was Zai Fonde's real name and his name as a demon tribe.

"It's been awhile since the Demon King was defeated by the Hate Brave. A while after a truce with an ugly, inferior tribe, etc. Finally. I can finally tell you the end of my days when I've been forced to give you bitter juice......! You can take this step that makes me king of demons!

Yusef mouthed his hands wide open to proclaim them exalted.

I was steadily moving on for the day.

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