1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 145: Talent

Chapter 148 Talent

Liang Yao picked up the Chinese translation of the Bible and said to Willis and Joseph.

"I hope that the students you teach in the future will be able to understand the English version of the Bible."

"You can rest assured that the educational level of the Fordham Society has always been very high. Rong Hong, the first American college student in the Qing Dynasty, and Huang Kuan, the first British university student in the British Empire, were outstanding students taught by our society.

This time I also selected 45 outstanding students from missionary schools in Shanghai, Fuzhou, Xiamen and Morrison School in Hong Kong. They have a good chance of being admitted to American universities. I hope you can sponsor them to finish college. "

Speaking of Rong Hong and Huang Kuan, Willis's pride comes to mind.

"I used to be Rong Hong and Huang Kuan's English teacher. These two outstanding students are the pride of my life. Like you, they are also from Xiangshan County. Xiangshan is really a place with outstanding people."

It is undeniable that the ability of Rong Hong and Huang Kuan to enter Yale University and the University of Edinburgh has a lot to do with the missionary schools founded by these missionaries.

But Wesley apparently selectively ignored the contribution of another person, Pastor Brown.

It was Pastor Brown who brought Rong Hong, Huang Kuan, and Huang Sheng to the United States and helped them complete their final high school courses.

As for Morrison School, it was the first formal church school established in China. Its predecessor was the Anglo-Chinese College established in Malacca (Singapore) by the British missionary Bert Morrison and his assistant Milian in the early 19th century. .

The academy moved to Hong Kong after the Opium War and was renamed Morrison Academy in memory of Bert Morrison. The local Chinese are accustomed to calling it Morrison School.

Soon after moving to Hong Kong, Morrison School was no longer a pure church school. The funder behind it was the British Jardine Matheson. The school also aimed to cultivate comprador talents in China for Jardine Matheson. To put it harshly, running dog.

The three of them, Rong Hong, completed their secondary education at Morrison School.

Liang Yao's eyes lit up with the 45 outstanding students who had completed their education in mission schools.

These talents are exactly what he currently lacks. Since Wesley said that they are smart and have the hope of getting into American universities, their knowledge level must not be any worse than Rong Hong when he first came to America.

At least part of their secondary education has been completed. Liang Yao can directly apply for universities in the United States as long as he sends them to a middle school in eastern America to complete their final middle school studies.

Calculating this, it will take these students up to six years to complete college.

In other words, after five or six years, he will have a pool of available talents.

“I am very happy to help poor students complete their studies. I will bring these students here later and arrange their daily meals.

But I want to know how their studies are going? I can find a suitable school for them. Liang Yao asked.

"There are 13 students who have completely studied all the secondary education courses and only need a little review before they can directly take the university examination. The remaining students have also completed at least some of the secondary education courses, but to varying degrees." Willis After a pause, he continued.

"I can hand over all these students to you, but I have two requirements."

"What request?" Liang Yao frowned slightly.

"I hope you can find a good school for them and try your best to let them finish college instead of just perfunctory. These students are all excellent and have the hope of going to college. However, in China, our educational resources are limited. It is impossible to provide them with better educational resources.

This is my personal request and a teacher’s request. "

Willis looked reluctant to give up. Many of these 45 students were taught by him personally, and he had some feelings for these students.

Morrison School is already a formal Western school with the best educational resources in China, but it can only teach these students middle school courses.

The cost of supporting a student through college is very high.

The investor behind Morrison, Jardine Matheson, only required these students to complete their secondary school studies, because Jardine Matheson only wanted a group of diligent and rule-abiding servants.

Jardine Matheson was unwilling to spend high tuition fees for these students to complete college, believing that it was not cost-effective. However, Willis believed that these outstanding and smart students should receive higher education from universities and embrace a brighter future. Education is not a transaction.

For this reason, Willis brought these students from Hong Kong to California despite the objections of Jardine Matheson. He was a pastor, a missionary, and the teacher of these students.

As for Rong Hong and Huang Kuan, Pastor Brown sponsored them to study in college. Liang Yao had exchanged letters with Rong Hong last year. When he was getting rich, he also sent some money to Rong Hong and Huang Kuan to help them complete their studies.

"I will provide them with the best conditions."

Liang Yao bowed slightly to Willis to show respect.

"With your words, I can safely leave these students in your hands." Willis said with relief, "The second request is that the Fordham Association hopes to open a branch in California. , this is Mr. Guo Shili, and it is also the request of the church."

"As long as you abide by the laws of California and preach legally."

Liang Yao also made his request.

Later, Liang Yao asked about the teaching materials used by Willis and Joseph Church School and whether they could work together to compile a Chinese-English dictionary.

Mission schools have been operating in China for more than ten years, and they must have a relatively complete set of teaching materials.

At the same time, Liang Yao can also have a general understanding of the knowledge received by these students through these teaching materials, and find out what they have learned in the church school.

He does not intend to directly copy the teaching materials of the missionary school. After all, the missionary school is a missionary school, and their teaching materials will inevitably contain a lot of private materials.

Moreover, the missionary school’s mission and Liang Yao’s mission are different.

However, the teaching materials of the church school can also provide him with an idea and reference for compiling teaching materials.

Wesley said he would send a set of Morrison's textbooks to Liang Yao.

Joseph also lost no time in telling Liang Yao that he had a number of translated works that he hoped to get Liang Yao's funding for publication.

Liang Yao did not agree immediately, but asked Ayose to send his manuscript and give him a reply after reading it.

"Kony, you ask people in the garment factory to measure the body measurements of these Chinese students and make two sets of spring clothes and two sets of summer clothes for each of them."

After the two priests left, Liang Yao told Kony.

"What Chinese student?"

Kony was confused by Liang Yao's order.

Only then did Liang Yao realize that Kony didn't know Chinese. He raised his forehead and said, "Kony, it's time for you to learn Chinese."

"Boss, leave this matter to me."

Hu Jinchen hurriedly stepped forward to relieve Kony and took over the matter.

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