1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 116: Sneak attack! (Fourth update!)

The fishermen of San Francisco cast nets into the sea and fished out the fallen American soldiers like fish from the sea. Google search reading

The U.S. soldiers had no regard for dignity at this time and wished they could get into the fishing nets so that the fishermen could pull them onto the boat.

In addition to the 28 American soldiers who were killed on the spot and drowned after falling into the water, 31 American soldiers who were still able to flop became Liang Yao's prisoners.

Unfortunately, Lieutenant Colonel Big Fish Lange had already been shot, and the highest ranking among these prisoners was only a lieutenant.

Captain Sherman, whom Liang Yao was most interested in, was not among these prisoners.

With more than half of the casualties and prisoners, it can be said that one of Colonel Mason's infantry companies has been disabled.

After the victory in the first battle, the whole city of San Francisco was excited. People took to the streets to tell each other and celebrate this victory.

Liang Yao ordered these prisoners to be paraded through the streets before being imprisoned.

The anger of the people of San Francisco was the best torture for these prisoners. He believed that after being paraded through the streets, these prisoners would be completely naked.

Liang Yao judged that Mason would definitely find a way to land elsewhere if he failed to land successfully at the Port of San Francisco.

The ships used by Colonel Mason's troops were all small boats, and it was not difficult to find a suitable landing place.

Liang Yao was also unable to fortify every part of the long California coastline. Next, he would prepare for a land war.

Land warfare was exactly what Colonel Mason was good at.

Liang Yao didn't have many cavalrymen under his command. He summoned Sheriff Flagg and Deputy Sheriff Cai Mingsheng and asked them to send mounted police to monitor the movements of Colonel Mason's troops and report them as soon as they learned where they landed.

As Liang Yao expected, Mason led his troops to land on a beach twenty miles south of the port of San Francisco.

After setting foot on land, Colonel Mason finally found a sense of security.

Not long after Mason sat down, the sentry sent out found clear horse hoof prints on the beach not far away and informed Mason of the news.

"Your Excellency, Colonel, there are scouts from the other side, and our camp has been exposed."

"Be alert, each company will take turns keeping watch for two hours tonight."

The exhausted Mason gave the order, and the accompanying black servant handed Mason the brewed coffee.

Although Mason and his men were very tired, he did not dare to let down his guard at this time.

Mason didn't drink coffee, but kept his hands on the hot coffee cup to keep warm.

Since entering the army, Mason's military career has been going smoothly, so smoothly that he has become a little carried away.

Whether the enemies Mason faced before were Indians or Mexicans, the troops he commanded were invincible and unstoppable, and they never tasted defeat.

Mason did not experience the second "independence" war that his fathers experienced, and he did not witness the humiliating scene of Canadian troops entering Washington and burning the White House.

He couldn't accept today's defeat.

The elite infantry regiment of the U.S. Army actually lost to a newly formed California infantry regiment?

If this matter were to reach the ears of his colleagues, Mason would probably become a laughing stock.

No matter who God spared, he was the one who made fun of others in the past, but he didn't expect that he, Mason, would one day become the butt of the joke.

Mason couldn't help but laugh at himself.

The gunners on the Jinshan Bay coastal defense battery fired very accurately, and their gunnery skills were no worse than those of the artillery regiment.

Mason suspected that Liang Yao had a professional artillery force.

Thinking of this, Mason became even more worried.

It was a long journey from the U.S.-Mexico border to San Francisco. He marched on foot along the way, carrying only light equipment with him.

Although he had an artillery battery, he did not take the slow-moving battery with him on this operation.

"Elvis, the time has come for you to avenge your shame. Colonel Mason and his troops have set up camp ashore. I will give you the best soldiers and weapons now. I hope you will not let me down."

Liang Yao summoned his Major Elvis to him.

After learning that Colonel Mason had landed and set up camp, Liang Yao decided to sneak attack their camp at night while the other party was trapped and exhausted.

Liang Yao would never choose an honest showdown with Colonel Mason when he could take advantage of someone's danger and solve the problem with a sneak attack.

As for the so-called gentlemanly behavior.

Damn your gentlemanly behavior!

If Congress and the Eastern Conglomerate were gentlemen and reasonable with him, they would not be willing to violate the constitution to take back the Mexican government land grant in California!

"Thank you, Colonel, for your trust! I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Elvis stood in a tall military posture, turned his palms out habitually, and saluted Liang Yao with a British military salute.

Elvis lost to Colonel Mason and Captain Sherman during the Mexican-American War. No, Sherman was still a lieutenant at that time.

This incident has always bothered Elvis. As a former British Army officer, he would not feel ashamed to lose to the French and Prussians.

But losing to the Yankees, whom he had always looked down upon, he felt extremely insulted.

Elvis had been looking for the reasons for the failure. He blamed the failure on the Mexican army that could not support the wall. He also found the reasons on himself and even questioned his commanding ability.

Now he finally has a chance to prove himself again.

"I will definitely capture Colonel Mason and Captain Sherman and deliver them to you."

Before leaving, Elvis assured Liang Yao.

"Go ahead, I'm waiting for your good news."

Liang Yao nodded and said.

In the open space outside Tingtao Garden, Deng Yan had already assembled an army. In addition to the 700 regular troops of the California Infantry Regiment, there were also 400 private armed forces provided by local gold mining companies and farmers.

Flagg also participated in this military operation with more than 130 mounted policemen to make up for the lack of cavalry.

An armed force of more than 1,200 people is a terrifying military force in any state in the United States.

With more than 1,200 people attacking less than half of Colonel Mason's regiment, Liang Yao was still very confident.

The gold thrown into the army cannot be in vain, and the bullets fed to these big-headed soldiers cannot be in vain.

It was already late at night when Elvis and Deng Yan reached Colonel Mason's headquarters.

Although Elvis and Deng Yan were very careful along the way, the noise caused by the march of more than a thousand people was still not able to escape the eyes and ears of the guards on duty.

Sherman's first company was responsible for guard duty. Sherman responded very quickly and immediately organized the first company to line up on the spot to fight back!

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. When Elvis saw that he had been discovered, he immediately ordered to fire back.

The powerful firepower of more than a thousand rifle volleys quickly suppressed the firepower of Sherman's company.

Sherman's shooting from a company was just a step away from a team of more than a thousand people.

But a salvo of more than a thousand rifles from Elvis and Deng Yan instantly destroyed the morale of Sherman's company.

The soldiers of Sherman's company fell in large pieces like wheat being harvested in autumn.

In just one round of shooting, Sherman's company had already suffered more than half of its casualties!

"Retreat! Withdraw to the camp!"

Sherman took a breath of cold air and hurriedly ordered a retreat into the camp.

Due to the cover of night, Sherman only discovered the enemy's sneak attack at the first time.

As for how many enemy troops came to attack, Sherman had no idea, so he dared to line up on the spot to fight back.

After the opponent opened fire, Sherman judged the number of incoming enemy troops!

There are more than a thousand people on the other side! More than one regiment of troops!

Using his mere company to block an attack by more than one regiment of the opponent's troops is undoubtedly a mantis' attempt to defeat the enemy!

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